5.6 Rolling Back From an Upgrade

In this section we describe some of the steps that you may need to perform to rollback from an upgrade. Provision is made for a rollback from an upgrade of Oracle VM Manager if something goes wrong during the upgrade process. Rollback of Oracle VM Server upgrades is not catered for, and in this instance you must reinstall the version of Oracle VM Server that you wish to roll back to, and then rediscover the server in Oracle VM Manager.

The Oracle VM Manager automatically performs a full data backup of the database, if you are currently using the bundled MySQL database, when you run the installer with the upgrade option. This backup is stored in /u01/app/oracle/mysql/dbbackup. The name of the backup is printed to the screen during the upgrade process and is named similarly to 3.2.1_preUpgradeBackup-YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.

If your Oracle VM Manager was using the bundled MySQL database, you must first uninstall the Oracle VM Manager Release 3.3 software, then install the previous version of the software, and finally restore the database from this backup.

If your Oracle VM Manager was using a remote Oracle Database, and you have left this database intact through the upgrade process, rolling back simply requires that you uninstall the Oracle VM Manager Release 3.3 software, then install the previous version of the software, taking care to provide the details for the existing Oracle Database tablespace during the installation process.

Instructions for both of these scenarios follow.

Rolling Back Oracle VM Manager to a previous release using MySQL:

  1. Uninstall Oracle VM Manager Release 3.3 software using the instructions provided at Section 3.4, “Uninstalling Oracle VM Manager”.


    Do not remove the database backup directory after you have completed the uninstall process, The database backup generated during the upgrade process is required to restore your previous environment.

  2. Install the previous Oracle VM Manager version, following the installation instructions provided in the documentation for that version.

  3. Stop the ovmm, and ovmm_mysql services respectively.

  4. Run the database restore utility with the database backup that was created during the beginning of the upgrade. To do this issue the following command:

    # cd /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_tools/bin
    # su oracle -c "sh ./RestoreDatabase.sh 3.2.1_preUpgradeBackup-YYYYMMDD_hhmmss"

    Substitute 3.2.1_preUpgradeBackup-YYYYMMDD_hhmmss with the name of the backup that you wish to restore to. This is typically the name of the pre-upgrade backup that is printed in the output of the upgrade process.

  5. Start the ovmm_mysql and ovmm services respectively.

  6. Log into the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface and check that the configuration matches what was in place prior to the upgrade process. Use the Refresh All option within the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface to refresh all of your server pools to ensure that all of your virtual machine resources are available.

Rolling Back Oracle VM Manager to a previous release using an Oracle Database:

  1. If you have not left the Oracle Database OVM tablespace (ovs) intact since your upgrade, you must restore the data from a backup before attempting to rollback.

  2. Uninstall the Oracle VM Manager Release 3.3 software using the instructions provided at Section 3.4, “Uninstalling Oracle VM Manager”.

  3. Install the previous Oracle VM Manager version, following the installation instructions provided in the documentation for that version. During the installation, the installer detects the presence of the old database table space (ovs) and provides an option to use the old database table space. Select this option to restore Oracle VM Manager to the state that it was in when the database was last backed up.

  4. Log into the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface and check that the configuration matches what was in place prior to the upgrade process.