8.3 Deployment Fails With "Fetching Ceph Keyrings … No JSON Object Could be Decoded"

If Ceph is enabled, a deployment can fail during the Fetching Ceph keyrings task with the error No JSON object could be decoded, for example:

Task: ceph : Fetching Ceph keyrings, Status: failed, Message: The conditional check 
'{{ (ceph_files_json.failed. The error was: No JSON object could be decoded

The error usually occurs after a failed deployment.

Perform the following steps on each Ceph node (usually controller and storage nodes):

  1. Remove the Ceph Docker containers.

    # docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq --filter name=ceph)
  2. Remove the Ceph data and configuration.

    # rm -rf /var/lib/kolla/var/lib/ceph /var/lib/kolla/etc/ceph
  3. If the node is a controller node (Ceph Monitor node), also remove the Ceph Monitor Docker volume.

    # docker volume rm ceph_mon_config

Once you have cleaned up the Ceph nodes, redeploy OpenStack services to the target nodes:

If you are using the Oracle Container Registry, you might need to sign in at https://container-registry.oracle.com and accept the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions for the Oracle software images before you can deploy.

$ kollacli deploy