8.1 Debugging a Deployment

When you deploy OpenStack services, log output is displayed in the console and also output to the log files in /var/log/kolla on the master node. There are two log levels, either INFO or DEBUG. The default is INFO.

If you experience errors when you perform a deployment, changing the log level to DEBUG can help with troubleshooting.

To turn on debug logging for the console, you use the -v (--verbose) option for the kollacli command when you deploy OpenStack services. You can also use the --log-file option to capture output to a log file, appending content if the file already exists.

To turn on debug logging in the log files, you must set the KOLLA_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to DEBUG before you deploy OpenStack services.

Before you redeploy OpenStack, it is cleaner to remove services from the target nodes before attempting a redeployment. See Section 5.3, “Removing Services”.

If you are unable to resolve the issue, you might need to gather the log files (see Section 8.4, “Collecting the Log Files”) and contact Oracle Support.