AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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About ALUI Development

About the ALUI Development Environment

Setting Up a Custom Java IDK Project in Eclipse with WTP

Deploying a Custom Java IDK Project in Eclipse with WTP

Debugging a Custom IDK Project - Java

Setting Up a Custom Java IDK Project in Eclipse Stand-Alone (without WTP)

Deploying a Custom Java IDK Project in Eclipse Stand-Alone (without WTP)

Debugging a Custom IDK Project - Java

Setting Up a Custom .NET IDK Project

Deploying a Custom .NET IDK Project in IIS

About ALI Logging Utilities

About the IDK Logging API

Using IDK Logging in Java

Using IDK Logging in .NET

Using IDK Logging from the Command Line

Configuring IDK Logging

Configuring Java IDK Logging (web.xml)

Configuring .NET IDK Logging (Web.config)

IDK Logging Levels

IDK Logging API Web Application Variables

About HTTP and CSP

ALI Headers

About SOAP

About Server Communication and the Gateway

About Pagelets and the Gateway

About Pagelets and Portlets

About Cross-Platform Pagelet Development

About the IDK Proxy API

Creating a Custom Pagelet with the Java IDK Proxy API

Creating a Custom Pagelet with the .NET IDK Proxy API

About Programmable Remote Client (PRC) Remote APIs

About the PRC Session Object

Initiating a PRC Session to Use IDK Remote APIs

IDK PRC Remote API Development Tips

About Remote ALI APIs

About Remote ALI Object Management

Retrieving ALI Object Managers Using IDK Remote APIs
Querying ALI Objects Using IDK Remote APIs
ALI Object Type Class IDs and Modes
Querying ALI Object Properties Using IDK Remote APIs
Managing Object Security (ACLs) Using IDK Remote APIs
Access Control List (ACL) Privileges

About Remote Portlet Operations

Creating Portlets and Portlet Templates Using IDK Remote APIs
Editing Portlets and Portlet Templates Using IDK Remote APIs

About Remote Knowledge Directory Operations

Querying Documents in the Knowledge Directory Using IDK Remote APIs
Creating Documents in the Knowledge Directory Using IDK Remote APIs
Editing Document Properties in the Knowledge Directory Using IDK Remote APIs

About Remote User Operations

Querying Users Using IDK Remote APIs
Creating Groups and Adding Users Using IDK Remote APIs

About Remote Search Operations

Querying ALI Objects Using the IDK Remote Search API
Using Query Constraints with the IDK Remote Search API
Managing Search Results Using the IDK Remote Search API

Starting Portal Jobs Using IDK Remote APIs

About Remote Collaboration APIs

About Remote Collaboration Project Operations

Querying Existing Collaboration Projects Using IDK Remote APIs
Creating Collaboration Projects Using IDK Remote APIs
Editing Collaboration Project Properties Using IDK Remote APIs
Managing Collaboration Project Roles Using the IDK Remote API
Managing Collaboration Subscriptions Using the IDK Remote API

About Remote Collaboration Discussion Operations

Querying Existing Collaboration Discussions Using IDK Remote APIs
Creating Collaboration Discussions Using IDK Remote APIs
Creating Collaboration Discussion Messages Using IDK Remote APIs
Editing Collaboration Discussion Properties Using IDK Remote APIs

About Remote Collaboration Document and Folder Operations

Querying Collaboration Folders and Documents Using IDK Remote APIs
Managing Collaboration Documents Using IDK Remote APIs
Creating Collaboration Folders and Documents Using IDK Remote APIs
Editing Collaboration Folder and Document Properties Using IDK Remote APIs

About Remote Collaboration Task Operations

Querying Collaboration Tasks and Task Lists Using IDK Remote APIs
Creating Collaboration Tasks and Task Lists Using IDK Remote APIs
Editing Collaboration Task and Task List Properties Using IDK Remote APIs
Managing Collaboration Task Workflow Using IDK Remote APIs

Collaboration Access Levels

About Remote Publisher APIs

About Remote Publisher Folder Operations

Creating Publisher Folders Using IDK Remote APIs
Managing Publisher Folders Using IDK Remote APIs

About Remote Publisher Content Item Operations

Creating Publisher Content Items Using IDK Remote APIs
Editing Publisher Content Items Using IDK Remote APIs
Publishing Publisher Content Items Using IDK Remote APIs

About Remote Publisher Data Entry Template Operations

Creating Publisher Data Entry Templates Using IDK Remote APIs

About Remote Publisher Presentation Template Operations

Creating Publisher Presentation Templates Using IDK Remote APIs

About Publisher Properties and Remote Property Operations

Creating Publisher Properties Using IDK Remote APIs
Creating Publisher Selection Lists Using IDK Remote APIs
Publisher Property Types

Publisher Remote API Exceptions

Publisher Roles

About Adaptive Pagelets

About Adaptive Pagelet Design Patterns

Adaptive Pagelet Development Tips

About Adaptive Tags

About ALI Adaptive Tag Libraries

About Cross-Platform Adaptive Tag Libraries

Adaptive Tag Development Tips

Using Internationalized Strings in Adaptive Tags

Using Variables in Adaptive Tags

Common Adaptive Tag Library (pt:common)

Accessing User Information Using Adaptive Tags
Adding Header Content Using Adaptive Tags
Defining a Unique Namespace Token Using Adaptive Tags
Displaying Errors Using Adaptive Tags
Transforming URLs Using Adaptive Tags

Standard Adaptive Tag Library (pt:standard)

Accessing ALI Objects Using Adaptive Tags
Building Gatewayed URLs Using Adaptive Tags
Creating Tree Controls Using Adaptive Tags
Securing Content Based on User Permissions Using Adaptive Tags

Logic Adaptive Tag Library (pt:logic)

Evaluating Expressions Using Adaptive Tags
Looping Over Data Collections Using Adaptive Tags
Using Shared Variables in Adaptive Tags

Navigation Adaptive Tag Library (pt:plugnav)

Implementing Custom Navigation Using Adaptive Tags

UI Adaptive Tag Library (pt:ptui)

Implementing Custom UI Elements Using Adaptive Tags

Data Adaptive Tag Library (pt:ptdata)

Ensemble Adaptive Tag Library (pt:ensemble)

Accessing Authentication Data Using Ensemble Adaptive Tags
Accessing the Login URL Using Ensemble Adaptive Tags
Accessing Resource Data Using Ensemble Adaptive Tags
Accessing User Roles Using Ensemble Adaptive Tags
Inserting Pagelets Using Ensemble Adaptive Tags

Pages Adaptive Tag Library (pt:pages)

Adding Links to Pages LiveSpaces and DataSpaces Using Adaptive Tags

Pathways Search Adaptive Tag Library (pt:pathways)

Adding Pathways Search Using Adaptive Tags

About Adaptive Tag Control Flow

Creating Custom Adaptive Tags

Accessing Browser Session Information in Custom Adaptive Tags
Accessing Attributes in Custom Adaptive Tags
Storing and Accessing Custom Data in Custom Adaptive Tags
Including JavaScript in Custom Adaptive Tags
Using Nested Tags in Custom Adaptive Tags
Implementing Non-Standard Custom Adaptive Tag Types
Deploying Custom Adaptive Tags

About the ALI Scripting Framework

ALI Scripting Framework Development Tips

Using ALI Scripting Framework Event Notification

Page-Level Events for Use with the ALI Scripting Framework

Using In-Place Refresh

Using Session Preferences

About Pagelet Caching

About Pagelet Caching Strategies

Pagelet/Portlet Cache Key

Setting HTTP Caching Headers - Cache-Control

Setting HTTP Caching Headers - Expires

Setting HTTP Caching Headers - Last-Modified and ETag

About Pagelets and the Gateway

About Pagelet Internationalization

About ALI Portlet Development

About the IDK ALI Portlet API

Creating a Custom ALI Portlet with the Java IDK Portlet API

Creating a Custom ALI Portlet with the .NET IDK Portlet API

About ALI Portlet Alignment

About CSS Customization for ALI Portlets

About ALI Portlet Settings

Portlet Settings Development Tips

ALI Portlet Setting Types

About Administrative Preferences and Portlet Template Preferences Pages

Creating an Administrative Preferences Page

About Community Preferences Pages

Creating a Community Preferences Page

About Portlet Preferences Pages

Creating a Portlet Preferences Page

Using Session Preferences

Accessing User Information

About ALI Portlet Security

Using the ALI Credential Vault

Using IDK Encryption

About Pagelet Internationalization

Modifying the Portlet Title Bar

About Pagelet Caching

About Pagelet Caching Strategies

Pagelet/Portlet Cache Key

Implementing Portlet Caching

Setting HTTP Caching Headers - Cache-Control

Setting HTTP Caching Headers - Expires

Setting HTTP Caching Headers - Last-Modified and ETag

Configuring ALI Portlet Caching Settings

About Ensemble Pagelet Development

About the IDK Proxy API

Creating a Custom Pagelet with the Java IDK Proxy API

Creating a Custom Pagelet with the .NET IDK Proxy API

About Ensemble Security

Using Ensemble Roles in Pagelets and Proxied Applications

Customizing the Ensemble Login Process

Creating a Custom Ensemble Pre-Login Page

Creating a Custom Ensemble Login Page

Creating a Custom Ensemble Error Page

Creating a Custom Ensemble Post-Login Page

Creating a Custom Ensemble Post-Logout Page

Configuring Custom Ensemble Login Pages

Ensemble Login Headers

About Content Service Development

About Content Crawlers

IDK Interfaces for Content Crawler Development

SCI Variables for Content Crawler Properties

Content Crawler Development Tips

About Content Crawler Security Options

About Content Crawler Indexing

Indexing Streaming Content

Creating Temporary Files for Indexing

About Content Crawler DocFetch

Implementing Content Crawler DocFetch

Creating Temporary Files for Indexing

About Content Crawler Click-Through

Implementing Content Crawler Click-Through

Handling Exceptions in Custom Content Crawlers

Deploying a Custom Content Crawler (Java)

Web Service Class Names (*Impl)

Deploying a Custom Content Crawler (.NET)

Web Service Class Names (*Impl)

Testing Custom Content Crawlers

Debugging Custom Content Crawlers

Configuring Content Crawlers

Creating Service Configuration Pages for Content Crawlers

Customizing ALI Search

About ALI Federated Search Services

Creating a Federated Search Service

IDK Interfaces for Federated Search Service Development

Deploying a Federated Search Service (Java)

Deploying a Federated Search Service (.NET)

About Identity Services (IDS)

About Authentication Services (AWS)

Authentication Service Internals

Implementing an Authentication Service

Deploying a Java Authentication Service

Web Service Class Names (*Impl)

Deploying a .NET Authentication Service

Web Service Class Names (*Impl)

Configuring an Authentication Service

About Profile Services (PWS)

Profile Service Internals

Implementing a Profile Service

Deploying a Java Profile Service

Web Service Class Names (*Impl)

Deploying a .NET Profile Service

Web Service Class Names (*Impl)

Configuring an Profile Service

About AquaLogic Interaction 6.5 UI Customization

About Adaptive Page Layouts (ALI 6.5)

Creating a Base Page Adaptive Page Layout

Creating a Portlet Adaptive Page Layout

Creating a Knowledge Directory Adaptive Page Layout

Creating a Search Results Adaptive Page Layout

About ALI 6.5 Adaptive Styles (CSS Customization)

Using Adaptive Styles to Customize Page Layout

Using Adaptive Styles to Customize Portlet Style and Layout

ALI 6.5 Adaptive Styles Base Page Elements

ALI 6.5 Adaptive Styles Navigation Elements

ALI 6.5 Adaptive Styles Search Elements

ALI 6.5 Adaptive Styles Editing Elements

ALI 6.5 Adaptive Styles Directory Elements

ALI 6.5 Adaptive Styles Portlet Elements

ALI 6.5 Adaptive Styles User Elements

Implementing Localized Stylesheets for Adaptive Page Layouts

About the ALI Activity Stream API

Using the ALI Activity Stream API

Configuring Web Services that Use the ALI Activity Stream API

About the Pathways API

Pathways API Interfaces

Pathways API Search Query Parameters

Executing Searches Using the Pathways API

Retrieving Data Using the Pathways API

Creating and Managing Tags Using the Pathways API

Creating and Managing Saved Searches Using the Pathways API

Creating and Managing Views Using the Pathways API

Configuring Web Services that Use the Pathways API

API Libraries

Additional Development References

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