The Excel 2000 format can be viewed with versions of Excel 2000 and later. It supports up to 65,536 rows and multiple sheets.

Excel 2000 single sheet format offers improved security. Excel 2000 may have cookies in the URLs to spreadsheets, which could be used to illegally impersonate a user. Excel 2000 single sheet format does not use outgoing URLs. However, there is a limit of 65,536 rows, and page breaks for multiple-author pages are ignored.

Excel 2002 format and Excel 2000 single sheet format also offer the following benefits:

The full date format does not always appear correctly in Microsoft Excel 2000 if it is on a system with a regional setting other than English. This does not occur with Microsoft Excel 2002 or 2003 versions. To fix this, reapply the proper format in Excel.

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