The ShoppingCartModifier component handles claiming gift certificates and placing them into the purchase information for an order. It relies on two key pieces: having the property giftCertificateNumbers be populated with a String that represents white space separated gift certificate claim numbers and calling the moveToConfirmation method of the ShoppingCartModifier on form submission. This is how we set up the use of gift certificates in the Pioneer Cycling store:

In the two pages that deal with payment in the Pioneer Cycling store, PaymentInfo.jsp and PaymentInfo2.jsp, we generated an input field where customers can type in the claim codes for their gift certificates. Then, the submit value of the form gets set to moveToConfirmation. This is what the JSP looks like:

If you have gift certificates, type their codes below<br>
<dsp:input bean="ShoppingCartModifier.giftCertificateNumbers" size="50"
           type="text" value=""/><br>
<%/* submition handle */%>
<dsp:input bean="ShoppingCartModifier.MoveToConfirmation" type="submit"
           value="   Continue -->   "/>
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