It’s a good idea to browse ATG Merchandising in read-only mode if you want to see ATG Merchandising and don’t need to use it to perform any tasks. Keep in mind that the actions available to you are limited to navigating to assets, viewing information about them, and search for them.

Note to Administrators: While you are setting up ATG Merchandising for evaluators, you should enter a project and populate ATG Merchandising with a variety of commerce assets so that evaluators can browse them in read-only mode. If you don’t provide content, there won’t be any items for evaluators to interact with.

To access the read-only view of ATG Merchandising:

A screen titled Merchandising opens, displaying the main UI used by ATG Merchandising. You can confirm that you are in the browse mode of ATG Merchandising because the Current Project and Current Task list below the Merchandising title, which would ordinarily name the project and task you are working with, inform you that neither has been selected. The ATG Merchandising UI is divided into two panes: a Navigation pane on the left and a Details pane on the right.

When ATG Merchandising opens, it displays in the Catalog view of the Browse tab. If there are any catalogs, categories, products or SKUs in your catalog, you can view them in hierarchical tree. See ATG Merchandising UI Basics for an overview of the UI elements available to you.

What You Don’t See In View-Only Mode

Keep in mind that when you use view-only mode, you are restricted to viewing certain displays and performing a limited number of actions. To begin with, you see the Browse and Search tabs, but you don’t see the Project tab, which is where you view the assets you have modified in the current project or the Multi Edit tab, which is where you can edit several assets at a time. Users who have ATG Search won’t be able to see the Facets view of the Browse tab. Because there isn’t an active project, you also won’t see controls for advancing from one task to another. The buttons that you would use to create assets, modify assets, organize your assets in a catalog, and delete assets are also not present.

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