ATG Merchandising comes with seven views - Catalog, Catalog Orphans, Media, Price Lists, Price Lists and Folders, Coupons, and Promotions – that you can modify as needed. The way you modify views depends on whether they display assets in a tree, as the Catalog, Catalog Orphans, Price Lists, and Media views do, or in a list as the Promotions and Coupons views do. Refer to the following sections for information:

If you want to customize the views in the Search tab to, for example, accommodate a different set of asset types, see Creating and Defining a Task Configuration File section of the Tailoring the UI for Specific Workflows, Tasks, and Activities chapter in the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guidefor instructions.

Note: Customers who have ATG Search and ATG Merchandising have an additional view – Facets – which is not customizable.

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