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Oracle® Solaris 11.3 での Kerberos およびその他の認証サービスの管理


更新: 2017 年 3 月

Kerberos での DTrace 引数構造体

特定の状況では、一部の引数の値が 0 または空になることがあります。Kerberos 引数構造体は、RFC4120: The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5) (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4120.txt) と一般的に整合性があるように設計されています。

DTrace での Kerberos メッセージ情報

typedef struct krbinfo {
uint8_t krb_version;                /* protocol version number (5) */
string krb_message_type;            /* Message type (AS_REQ(10), ...) */
uint64_t krb_message_id;            /* message identifier */
uint32_t krb_message_length;        /* message length */
uintptr_t krb_message;              /* raw ASN.1 encoded message */
} krbinfo_t;

注 -  Kerberos プロトコルには、メッセージ識別子はありません。krb_message_id 識別子は Kerberos プロバイダに固有であり、make/readsend/recv プローブの間でメッセージをリンクするように設計されています。

DTrace での Kerberos 接続情報

typedef struct kconninfo {
string kconn_remote;                /* remote host address */
string kconn_local;                 /* local host address */
uint16_t kconn_localport;           /* local port */
uint16_t kconn_remoteport;          /* remote port */
string kconn_protocol;              /* protocol (ipv4, ipv6) */
string kconn_type;                  /* transport type (udp, tcp) */
} kconninfo_t;

DTrace での Kerberos オーセンティケータ情報

typedef struct kauthenticatorinfo {
string kauth_client;                /* client principal identifier */
string kauth_cksum_type;            /* type of checksum (des-cbc, ...) */
uint32_t kauth_cksum_length;        /* length of checksum */
uintptr_t kauth_cksum_value;        /* raw checksum data */
uint32_t kauth_cusec;               /* client time, microseconds */
uint32_t kauth_ctime;               /* client time in seconds */
string kauth_subkey_type;           /* sub-key type (des3-cbc-sha1, ...) */
uint32_t kauth_subkey_length;       /* sub-key length */
uintptr_t kauth_subkey_value;       /* sub-key data */
uint32_t kauth_seq_number;          /* sequence number */
string kauth_authorization_data;    /* top-level authorization types
(AD-IF-RELEVANT, ... ) */
} kauthenticatorinfo_t;

typedef struct kticketinfo_t {
string kticket_server;              /* service principal identifier */
uint32_t kticket_enc_part_kvno;     /* key version number */
string kticket_enc_part_etype;      /* enc type of encrypted ticket */
string kticket_enc_flags;           /* ticket flags (forwardable, ...) */
string kticket_enc_key_type;        /* key type (des3-cbc-sha1, ...) */
uint32_t kticket_enc_key_length;    /* key length */
uintptr_t kticket_enc_key_value;    /* key data */
string kticket_enc_client;          /* client principal identifier */
string kticket_enc_transited;       /* list of transited Kerberos realms */
string kticket_enc_transited_type;  /* encoding type */
uint32_t kticket_enc_authtime;      /* time of initial authentication */
uint32_t kticket_enc_starttime;     /* ticket start time in seconds */
uint32_t kticket_enc_endtime;       /* ticket end time in seconds */
uint32_t kticket_enc_renew_till;    /* ticket renewal time in seconds */
string kticket_enc_addresses;       /* addresses associated with ticket */
string kticket_enc_authorization_data;  /* list of top-level auth types */
} kticketinfo_t;

typedef struct kdcreqinfo {
string kdcreq_padata_types;         /* list of pre-auth types */
string kdcreq_kdc_options;          /* requested ticket flags */
string kdcreq_client;               /* client principal identifier */
string kdcreq_server;               /* server principal identifier */
uint32_t kdcreq_from;               /* requested start time in seconds */
uint32_t kdcreq_till;               /* requested end time in seconds */
uint32_t kdcreq_rtime;              /* requested renewal time in seconds */
uint32_t kdcreq_nonce;              /* nonce for replay detection */
string kdcreq_etype;                /* preferred encryption types */
string kdcreq_addresses;            /* list of requested ticket addresses */
string kdcreq_authorization_data;   /* list of top-level auth types */
uint32_t kdcreq_num_additional_tickets; /* number of additional tickets */
} kdcreqinfo_t;

typedef struct kdcrepinfo {
string kdcrep_padata_types;         /* list of pre-auth types */
string kdcrep_client;               /* client principal identifier */
uint32_t kdcrep_enc_part_kvno;      /* key version number */
string kdcrep_enc_part_etype;       /* enc type of encrypted KDC reply */
string kdcrep_enc_key_type;         /* key type (des3-cbc-sha1, ...) */
uint32_t kdcrep_enc_key_length;     /* key length */
uintptr_t kdcrep_enc_key_value;     /* key data */
string kdcrep_enc_last_req;         /* times of last request of principal */
uint32_t kdcrep_enc_nonce;          /* nonce for replay detection */
uint32_t kdcrep_enc_key_expiration; /* expiration time of client's key */
string kdcrep_enc_flags;            /* ticket flags */
uint32_t kdcrep_enc_authtime;       /* time of authentication of ticket */
uint32_t kdcrep_enc_starttime;      /* ticket start time in seconds */
uint32_t kdcrep_enc_endtime;        /* ticket end time in seconds */
uint32_t kdcrep_enc_renew_till;       /* ticket renewal time in seconds*/
string kdcrep_enc_server;           /* server principal identifier */
string kdcrep_enc_caddr;            /* zero or more client addresses */
} kdcrepinfo_t;

typedef struct kapreqinfo {
string kapreq_ap_options;           /* options (use-session-key,... ) */
uint32_t kapreq_authenticator_kvno; /* key version number */
string kapreq_authenticator_etype;  /* enc type of authenticator */
} kapreqinfo_t;

typedef struct kaprepinfo {
uint32_t kaprep_enc_part_kvno;      /* key version number */
string kaprep_enc_part_etype;       /* enc type of encrypted AP reply */
uint32_t kaprep_enc_ctime;          /* client time in seconds */
uint32_t kaprep_enc_cusec;          /* client time, microseconds portion */
string kaprep_enc_subkey_type;      /* sub-key type */
uint32_t kaprep_enc_subkey_length;  /* sub-key length */
uintptr_t kaprep_enc_subkey_value;  /* sub-key data */
uint32_t kaprep_enc_seq_number;     /* sequence number */
} kaprepinfo_t;

typedef struct kerrorinfo {
uint32_t kerror_ctime;              /* client time in seconds */
uint32_t kerror_cusec;              /* client time, microseconds */
uint32_t kerror_stime;              /* server time in seconds */
uint32_t kerror_susec;              /* server time, microseconds */
string kerror_error_code;           /* error code (KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW, ...) */
string kerror_client;               /* client principal identifier */
string kerror_server;               /* server principal identifier */
string kerror_e_text;               /* additional error text */
string kerror_e_data;               /* additional error data */
} kerrorinfo_t;

typedef struct ksafeinfo {
uintptr_t ksafe_user_data;          /* raw application specific data */
uint32_t ksafe_timestamp;           /* time of sender in seconds */
uint32_t ksafe_usec;                /* time of sender, microseconds */
uint32_t ksafe_seq_number;          /* sequence number */
string ksafe_s_address;             /* sender's address */
string ksafe_r_address;             /* recipient's address */
string ksafe_cksum_type;            /* checksum type (des-cbc, ...) */
uint32_t ksafe_cksum_length;        /* length of checksum */
uintptr_t ksafe_cksum_value;        /* raw checksum data */
} ksafeinfo_t;

typedef struct kprivinfo {
uint32_t kpriv_enc_part_kvno;       /* key version number */
string kpriv_enc_part_etype;        /* enc type of encrypted message */
uintptr_t kpriv_enc_user_data;      /* raw application specific data */
uint32_t kpriv_enc_timestamp;       /* time of sender in seconds */
uint32_t kpriv_enc_usec;            /* time of sender, microseconds */
uint32_t kpriv_enc_seq_number;      /* sequence number */
string kpriv_enc_s_address;         /* sender's address */
string kpriv_enc_r_address;         /* recipient's address */
} kprivinfo_t;

typedef struct kcredinfo {
uint32_t kcred_enc_part_kvno;       /* key version number */
string kcred_enc_part_etype;        /* enc type of encrypted message */
uint32_t kcred_tickets;             /* number of tickets */
uint32_t kcred_enc_nonce;           /* nonce for replay detection */
uint32_t kcred_enc_timestamp;       /* time of sender in seconds */
uint32_t kcred_enc_usec;            /* time of sender, microseconds */
string kcred_enc_s_address;         /* sender's address */
string kcred_enc_r_address;         /* recipient's address */
} kcredinfo_t;