Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide >

What's New in This Release

What's New in Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide, Version 7.7

Table 1 lists changes described in this version of the documentation to support version 7.7 of the software. For default values and usage comments for each of the predefined assignment object properties, see Object Types Reference.

Table 1.  New Product Features in Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide, Version 7.7

Delegated administration of assignment rules

See Delegated Assignment and Assignment Rule Administration for Delegated Assignment.

This new feature allows organizations to create a hierarchy of assignment rules so that partner organizations can receive leads or service requests and then apply their own assignment logic to the assignment rules.

Dynamic candidates

See Dynamic Candidates and Configuring Assignment Objects for Dynamic Candidates.

This new feature allows administrators to dynamically bind candidates to assignment rules. Prior to version 7.7, candidates were statically assigned.

Expanded rule group support

See About Different Modes of Running Assignment Manager.

This enhancement provides the ability to configure Assignment Manager to load rules associated with a rule group without specifying a server key map. Assignment Manager can process a set of rules within a given rule set as opposed to all rules in a default set.

Better integration with Siebel Workflow

See Assignment Manager Integration.

This new feature provides Assignment Manager the ability to return results as a property set and allows Assignment Manager and Siebel Workflow to share inputs and outputs (supports rerouting of objects).

Ability to exclude a set of candidates from assignment

See About Excluding Candidates from Assignment.

This enhancement allows configuration so Assignment Manager can exclude (ignore) a particular candidate or candidates using the ExcludePersonList and ExcludeOrgList request-level server parameters.

Ability to exclude expired (terminated) employees from assignment

See About Excluding Expired (Terminated) Person Candidates from Assignment.

This enhancement allows configuration so Assignment Manager can exclude (ignore) certain employees—such as inactive employees or employees on a leave of absence—for rule evaluation using a component-level server parameter. After assignment rules are released, the employees are ignored even if they are explicitly added to an assignment rule as candidates.

Changes to the logging events and subevents used by Assignment Manager

See Configuring Assignment Manager Event Logs.

Assignment Manager uses four events, with four subevents for each event, for logging messages during startup and assignment of object rules. This enhancement allows more control of what Assignment Manager logs.

Prior to version 7.7, there were only two events with one subevent for each event.

Improved cache file management

See About Assignment Manager Rule Cache Files.

Assignment Manager uses several cache files (by server and rule group) and re-creates (updates) these cache files only if the rules are released.

Prior to version 7.7, there was only one cache file that often re-created itself even though none of the rules had changed.

Siebel ARM and FDR instrumentation

See System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications.

The Assignment Manager server component is enabled for Siebel Application Response Measurement (Siebel ARM) and Siebel Flight Data Recorder (FDR). Siebel ARM captures timing data useful for monitoring the performance of the Siebel application, and records this information to binary files. Siebel FDR is a feature of the Siebel application infrastructure that records system and server component data at run time.

Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide