User Guide

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CollabraSuite, BEA Edition

Toolbar Options

Virtual Rooms

Campus Navigator

To access the Navigator:

To enter a room:

To modify a room:

To Delete a Floor:

To Add a Building:

Room Location

To enter a room using the Room Location component:

Room Occupants

To access the additional features of the Room Occupants component:

Online Users

Online Users Component

Details provided by the Online Users component include:

To access the Online Users component:

To sort the online users list:

To filter the online users list:


To set or update the associates list:

Skill Search

To access the Skill Search window:

To search for users with a particular skill set:

Text Chat

Access the Public Chat window

To access the Public Chat window if it does not display upon entry:

Initiate a Public Chat Session

To initiate a public chat session:

Chat Priorities

To assign a priority to a message:

Chat Session Information

To assign detailed session information:

Recall Chat Session Information

To recall a closed chat session:

Locking and Unlocking Rooms

To lock a room:

To unlock a room:


To change status to idle:

To change status to active:

Directed Chat

To send a directed chat:

Sidebar Session

To initiate a Sidebar Chat:

To exit a Sidebar Chat:


View a Page

To access the Page Viewer window:

To filter pages by search word or category:

Sending a Page

To send a page:

To reply to a page:

To reply to the sender and all recipients of a page:

To forward a page to another user or group:


To access the whiteboard:

Whiteboard Backgrounds

To add or change your background:

To clear the existing background:

Whiteboard Annotations

Whiteboard Tabs

To add a new tab:

To clear a tab:

To remove a tab from a session:

View Whiteboard Users

Save Whiteboard Session Information

To assign more detailed session information:

Clear a Whiteboard Session

To clear the contents of the whiteboard:

Save a Whiteboard as an Image

To save and export a whiteboard as an image:

Recall Whiteboard Session Information

To recall a closed Whiteboard session:

Document Management

Document Storage

Briefcase Documents

File Cabinet

To create a new folder or subfolder:

Import Documents

To import a document into a file cabinet or briefcase:

Bulk Import Documents

To bulk import documents and folders into a file cabinet or briefcase:

Viewing Documents

To view the current version of a file cabinet or briefcase document:

To select a custom application to view a document:

Editing Documents

To edit a file cabinet or briefcase document:

To save an edited document to the file cabinet or briefcase:

To cancel an edit session for a document:

Creating Other Document Types

To create a link in a file cabinet or briefcase:

Moving and Copying Documents

To move documents and folders between a file cabinet and your briefcase:

To copy documents and folders to a file cabinet or your briefcase:

Document Permissions

To modify the read permissions for a file or document:

To modify the write permissions for a file or document:

Document Subscribers

To add subscribers to a document or folder:

To page the owner of a document or folder:

Document History

To view the change log for a document or folder:

To view the access history for a document or folder:

User Preferences

To access the User Information dialog:

The User Information dialog contains the following information:

To retrieve information on another user account:

To change the Icon:

To change home room:

To change contact information:

To receive page notifications while off line:

To add skills to the Skill Set:

To remove skills from the Skill Set:

Preferences Editor

To launch the Preferences Editor:

General Preferences

To customize the user icons displayed throughout the application:

To customize the dates and timestamps:

To change the idle comment in the chat monitor:

To display only chat messages:

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