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   WebLogic Portal Documentation   |   Installation Guide   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents   |   Index

Preparing to Install


BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 and the BEA E-Business Control Center 4.0 client tool are sophisticated software products. They should not be installed without proper planning.


About the Product Suite Name

Throughout the product documentation, WebLogic Portal is used as a product suite name that refers to all portal, campaign, commerce, and personalization features. If you purchased the full WebLogic Portal license, you can use all the features of the product suite. If you purchased the WebLogic Personalization Server license, you can use only the personalization features. The common installation procedure installs all the product software. The license determines at run-time which features you may use.

In this document, text that refers to WebLogic Portal also applies to WebLogic Personalization Server.


Check e-docs for the Latest Documentation

If you are reading a local, online copy of the documentation, or a printed version of the Installation Guide, note that more recent versions of these documents might exist on the BEA e-docs Web site. When you are looking for the most recent information about system requirements and supported platforms, it is important that you check the E-docs site instead of a local version of the documentation:


Temporary Disk Space for the Installers

The separate installers for WebLogic Portal and the E-Business Control Center need a large amount of temporary disk space, sometimes beyond what is available. If the InstallAnywhere program runs out of disk space in the default temporary directory, it might exit without installing the product or providing an error message.

If you encounter this problem you can manually set the IATEMPDIR variable from the command line to another location that has more free space, and then try the installer again. This issue with installers and insufficient temporary space generally occurs on UNIX systems that do not have large /tmp directories. The installer checks to see if the IATEMPDIR value is set. If it is not set, the default (temp or /tmp) will be used.

As a general rule, installers require three times the amount of space the files require. Therefore a 64 MB installer would need approximately 192 MB of space in /tmp to install.


Required Order of the Installations

Warning: Before you install any part of Service Pack 3, see ALERT: Migrating Your Enterprise and Web Applications from Previous Releases of WebLogic Portal 4.0.

Install the software in the following order:

  1. The WebLogic Server 6.1 software kit with Service Pack 4

    The required service pack number may change. If you are reading a printed or local copy of this document, please check for possible updates.

    When installing WebLogic Server, you must install the samples as well. The samples include the required Cloudscape database. If you do not install the samples (the Cloudscape database), WebLogic Portal 4.0 will not start.

    See the BEA WebLogic Server Installation Guide at for complete instructions on installing WebLogic Server.Sw

    The WebLogic Server 6.1 installation includes a Java 2 SDK 1.3.1 installation. This is the Java 2 SDK used by the WebLogic Portal 4.0 software. By default, the Java 2 SDK is installed in BEA_HOME\jdk131.

    Note: Installation of WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 2 with Rolling Patch 1 is required to run WebLogic Server 6.1 with Service Pack 3.

  2. The WebLogic Portal server software kit

    These server kits are described in Installing the Server on Windows Systems for the GA and in Installing the Server on UNIX Systems for the GA.

  3. The E-Business Control Center client kit

    This kit is described in Installing the E-Business Control Center for the GA Although the E-Business Control Center has its own installation procedure, it is not a separate product. The E-Business Control Center is a client tool used by all the product packages in WebLogic Portal.

    The E-Business Control Center can be installed either standalone, or on the same machine as the server software if the platform supports both. The E-Business Control Center must be able to access the machine that the server will be running on.

  4. The documentation files for WebLogic Portal

    This kit is described in Installing the Documentation Files for All Releases You can extract documentation files standalone (in a directory of your choice) or integrated with a specific subdirectory in the WebLogic Portal directory structure. In the case of a standalone documentation installation, it is not required that you have the product software installed on the target system.

    For the convenience of people reading the documentation locally or on the BEA E-docs Web site, the documentation kit also includes a copy of the E-Business Control Center online Help. That is, you do not necessarily have to be running the E-Business Control Center to read about its features.


About Licensing

The licensing requirements for WebLogic Portal are outlined in the section Licensing the Product Package(s). Do not apply a pre-4.0 license file to the centralized, XML-format license.bea file. Instead, you must first upgrade any existing pre-4.0 license. For more information, please see Licensing the Product Package(s).


Where to Find Migration Information

Warning: Before you install any part of Service Pack 2, see ALERT: Migrating Your Enterprise and Web Applications from WebLogic Portal 4.0 GA and Service Pack 1 to Service Pack 2.

Migration information from versions preceding WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service pack 2 is available:


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