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Migrating WebLogic Personalization Server From Version 2.0.1 to Version 3.1


This chapter describes the changes between WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0.1 and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1. It includes specific information for migrating existing code to WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1.

Note: Both the Commerce services and WebLogic Personalization Server functionality now reside in a unified Java package hierarchy located at com.beasys.commerce.

Note: This covers Personalization Server migration only. BEA is addressing a strategy for migrating WebLogic Commerce Server 2.01.

Note: You typically must migrate from one release to the next consecutive one. However, there is one exception. To migrate WebLogic Personalization Server from 2.0.1 to 3.2, see "2.0.1 to 3.2: WebLogic Personalization Server" on page 4-53, within "Migrating WebLogic Commerce Server From Version 3.1.1 to Version 3.2."

This section includes the following topics:


Migration Checklist for 2.0.1 to 3.1

Follow the steps in this section to migrate your system to the current release.

  1. Be sure you've already reviewed the information in Planning Your Migration, beginning on page 1-17.

  2. The bulk of the code migration consists of your reviewing the new and changed features, locating where in your code you use or depend on any of them, and making the appropriate changes. Review What's New in 3.1 so you know the main types of issues involved; the subsequent migration sections provide more detail and instructions.

  3. Follow the steps in Migrating Code From 2.0.1 to 3.1 to make the necessary changes to your code.

  4. Follow the steps in Migrating Data From 2.0.1 to 3.1 to migrate WebLogic Personalization Server database schemas from 2.0.1 to 3.1.1

Note: To upgrade from 2.0.1 to 3.2, see "Migrating Data" on page 5-85 of Migrating WebLogic Commerce Server From Version 3.1.1 to Version 3.2.

  1. Read New Custom Tags and Migrating Custom Tags to learn details about the new custom tags, and to make the necessary changes to tags that have been changed.

  2. Follow the steps in Verifying the Migration to 3.1 to ensure that your migration was completed successfully.

  3. Read What's Next: Getting Started With 3.1 for suggestions on next steps and additional information.


What's New in 3.1

Note: Be sure to also read the "What's New" page on the Web site for a preview of the new features in this release:

This section briefly lists the notable changes to this release. Instructions for migrating your system to accommodate these changes are in "Migrating Code" on page 5-71.

The information is organized as follows:

New Custom Tags

This topic includes the following changes; see "New Custom Tags and Migrating Custom Tags" on page 5-87 for details and migration information.

Five new tags were introduced in WebLogic Personalization Server Release 3.1.

Considerable changes have been made to the existing custom tags, as well. See "Migrating Existing JSP Tags" on page 5-89 for more information.

Navigating With Flow Manager

This topic includes the following changes; see "Migrating to Flow Manager" on page 5-71 for details and migration information.

The Flow Manager is a servlet implementation that allows the hot deployment of applications within the WebLogic Application Server. Flow Manager also adds flexibility to navigation through the system—it moves navigation information off the JSP page and into a single point of control. Using a destination determiner and a destination handler, the Flow Manager dynamically determines a destination for a given page request and dynamically handles it.

Changes to the Personalization Advisor

This topic includes the following changes; see "Migrating the Personalization Advisor" on page 5-77 for details and migration information.

For WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1, the Personalization Advisor has been renamed to Advisor and has undergone some API changes. However, its functionality remains the same. The Advisor has been improved to provide better error reporting and to make use of the unified logging facility provided by Commerce services 3.1.

Changes to the Rules Editor in Release 3.1

This topic includes the following changes; see "Migrating the Rules Editor" on page 5-80 for details and migration information.

The WebLogic Personalization Server provides rule sets that include a set of classifier and content selector rules. These rule sets act as containers for rules that match personalized content with users.

Changes to Content Management

This topic includes the following changes; see "Migrating Content Management" on page 5-81 for details and migration information.


Migrating Code From 2.0.1 to 3.1

Use the information in this section to migrate the code, including JSP tags. The information in this section is organized as follows:

Migrating to Flow Manager

This section covers the features in Flow Manager, and describes the steps you must take in order to use it. For more information, see "Flow Manager" in the Foundation chapter in the WebLogic Personalization Server Developer's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

The Flow Manager is a servlet implementation that allows the hot deployment of applications within the WebLogic Application Server. Flow Manager also adds flexibility to navigation through the system—it moves navigation information off the JSP page and into a single point of control. Using a destination determiner and a destination handler, the Flow Manager dynamically determines a destination for a given page request and dynamically handles it.

This topic includes the following sections:

About Flow Manager

This section covers features of Flow Manager.

Deprecated Service Managers

In WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1, all of the functionality of the JSP Service Manager and the Portal Service Manager has been ported to the new Flow Manager. The JSP Service Manager and the Portal Service Manager have been deprecated.

Hot Deployment

The Flow Manager is a servlet implementation that allows the hot deployment of applications within the WebLogic Application Server.

Registering a new portal or a new application no longer requires restarting the server, as it did in WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0.1. Instead of registering servlets in the file, the Flow Manager relies on a property set to obtain information about a specific application or portal. You simply create a new instance of a property set to hold the equivalent parameters that were in the properties file. Default values are supplied during property set creation. Any changes become visible according to a configurable refresh setting in the property set.

Note: In Release 3.5, the direction of the product will be to deploy one portal per Web application and use the application deployment features enabled through the WLS console, instead of the hot deployment portal model. For more information, see "All Pages Must Be in a Web Application" in Chapter 1, "Migrating WebLogic Commerce Server to Version 3.5."

Dynamic Flow Determination and Handling

Flow Manager also provides the basic infrastructure to support the new Webflow functionality. Webflow dynamically determines a destination for a given page request and dynamically handles it. Using a destination determiner and a destination handler, the Flow Manager moves navigation information off the JSP page and into a single point of control.

The old service managers relied on a hidden form field in the current page to determine where an HTTP request should be routed:

<input type="hidden" name="<%=DESTINATION_TAG%>"


This scheme required destination (or routing) information to be distributed across the JSP/HTML pages. While this works fine, it can be cumbersome to modify if destination values need to change.

The Flow Manager, on the other hand, allows the determination of page routing to be centralized on the server based on an application's needs.

Backward Compatibility

For backward compatibility, default implementations of the destination determiner and the destination handler are provided which support destination information being passed via the DESTINATION_TAG mentioned above. These implementations are:


Also, for non-portal-based personalized applications, the following default implementations may be used:

Property Set Usage

A new class of property sets, "Application Initialization Property Sets" has been added to the Property Set Management Administration Tools. These are the property sets used by the Flow Manager in support of portal (_DEFAULT_PORTAL_INIT) and non-portal-based (_DEFAULT_APP_INIT) personalized applications.

Three new properties have been added to support the Flow Manager:

Note: To force immediate reloading of the property set, append the "flowReset" argument to your URL, like this: http://localhost:7001/application/exampleportal?flowReset=true

Migrating to the Flow Manager

To migrate your portal or non-portal application to use the Flow Manager, do the following:

To create a new property set:

  1. Open the Administration Tools Home page. Click the Property Set Management icon to open the Property Set Management screen.

  2. From the main Property Set Management screen, click Create.

  3. Name the new property set you are creating (100 character maximum). The name of the property set should be the same as the name you used to create the portal, or the name you will use to access the application.

  4. Enter a description of the property set (255 character maximum).

  5. From the Copy Properties From drop-down list, select APPLICATION_INIT._DEFAULT_PORTAL_INIT (for a portal)
    APPLICATION_INIT._DEFAULT_APP_INIT (for a non-portal application).

  6. From the Property Set Type drop-down list, select Application Init.

  7. Click the Create button.

  8. At the top of the page, in red, you will see the message "Property Set creation was successful." (Or, you will see an error message indicating why the property set was not created.)

  9. Click Back to return to the main Property Set Management screen.

To set parameters for your portal or application:

  1. From the Property Set Management Home page, under the Application Initialization Property Sets heading, click the name of the property set you just created.

  2. A Property Set page comes up, allowing you to set parameters.

  3. (Note: For non-portal applications, skip this step.) To edit the portal name, click the Edit button to the right of the "portal name" property. Change the default value from UNKNOWN to the name of your portal, as you created it in Portal Management.

  4. Edit the destinationdeterminer property. Either accept the default, or edit to provide your own implementation of these classes.

  5. Edit the destinationhandler property. Either accept the default, or edit to provide your own implementation of these classes.

  6. Customize any other properties you choose. For information about customizing properties in portals, see Creating and Managing Portals in the WebLogic Personalization Server User's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set) and Building a Custom Portal Step-by-Step in theWebLogic Personalization Server Developer's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

  7. When you have finished setting properties, click the Finished button at the bottom of the page.

Note: In WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0.1, you registered servlets in the file. This is not required for WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1. You have the option to remove them, but it is not required. The WebLogic Personalization Server will ignore them.

Accessing Your Application via the Flow Manager

The exact URL you use depends upon whether or not you have deployed your application as a Web application. WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1 includes sample configurations for both a Web application/Web archive deployment and a non-Web application configuration. For more information, see the chapter "Using the Catalog Application in a Portal" in the WebLogic Personalization Server Developer's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

Migrating the Personalization Advisor

For WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1, the Personalization Advisor has been renamed to Advisor and has undergone some API changes. However, its functionality remains the same. The Advisor has been improved to provide better error reporting and to make use of the unified logging facility provided by Commerce services 3.1.

Update your implementation as appropriate based on the following changes.

This topic includes the following sections:

JSP Tags Ported to Use the New Advisor

The three pz library tags (pz:div, pz:contentQuery, and pz:contentSelector) have been changed to use the new Advisor Session Bean. However, the tag usage remains the same. For more information, see the JSP Tag Library Reference in the WebLogic Personalization Server Developer's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

To use the <pz:div> and <pz:contentSelector> tags, you are no longer required to insert the following JSP directive into your JSP code:
<%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.axiom.p13n.jsp.P13NJspBase" %>
However if it is already in your code, you do not need to remove it.

Deprecated Personalization Advisor Classes

All of the Java classes for the Personalization Advisor released in WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0.1 have been deprecated. This includes all of the Java classes in the following Java packages:

In WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1, these deprecated classes are replaced by new Advisor Java packages. They include:

The Personalization Advisor Bean has been replaced by the new Advisor Bean.

This change only affects the case when the Advisor API is used directly and is transparent to JSP tag users.

Changes in Advisor APIs

The changes made while porting the WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0.1 Personalization Advisor interface to the new Advisor interface are as follows:

The following example shows the difference in the createRequestTemplate method between the Personalization Advisor and the Advisor.

Personalization Advisor Interface

public AdviceRequest createRequestTemplate(
String adviceRequestClassName,
String pzTechnique)
throws IllegalArgumentException,

Advisor Interface

public AdviceRequest createRequestTemplate(
String theKindOfRequest)
throws IllegalArgumentException,

Terminology Change: Agents Changed to Advislets

The three WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0.1 Personalization Agents have been renamed and repackaged to advislets. The following table defines the mapping between the WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0.1 Agent Java classes to the WebLogic Personalization Server 3.0 advislet Java classes.


2.0 Agent class


3.1 Advislet class


2.0 Agent class

com.beasys.commerce.axiom.p13n.agents. ContentSelectorAgentImpl

3.1 Advislet class


2.0 Agent class

com.beasys.commerce.axiom.p13n.agents. ContentQueryAgentImpl

3.1 Advislet class



Migrating the Rules Editor

The WebLogic Personalization Server provides rule sets that include a set of classifier and content selector rules. These rule sets act as containers for rules that match personalized content with users.

Update your system as appropriate based on the information in the following sections:

For more information, see "Creating and Managing Rules in the WebLogic Personalization Server User's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

Relationship Between Rules and Property Sets

In previous releases, the rule sets (also called rule sheets) were associated with property sets that defined the attributes available for user and group profiles. Once defined, this relationship between rules and property sets could not be undone.

In the current WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1 release, there is no longer an association between a rule set and a property set. Rules within a rule set may refer to any properties.

The Use of AND or OR to Connect Expressions

The Rules Editor now allows the use of "and" or "or" to connect expressions that contain comparators.

Change the Word `Rule Sheet' to `Rule Set'

For consistency, an effort has been made to change the word "rule sheet" to "rule set" or ruleSet in all cases. However, the following legacy code continues to use Rulesheet:

Migrating Content Management

Make changes to your system as appropriate based on the information in the following sections:

New Features in <cm:select> and <cm:selectById> Tags

To retrieve Content or Documents, use a ContentManager or DocumentManager with <cm:select> or <cm:selectById>. The default DocumentManager is deployed at com.beasys.commerce.axiom.document.DocumentManager. For more information, see "Configuring WebLogic Commerce Properties"in the chapter Creating and Managing Content in the WebLogic Personalization Server User's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

The <cm:select> and <cm:selectById> tags now support a session-based, per-user Content cache for content searches. For more information, see "Content Cache"in the chapter Creating and Managing Content in the WebLogic Personalization Server User's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

The Content Manager now supports non-EJB context objects. The <cm:select> and <cm:selectById> tags support an optional readOnly parameter. For more information, see "readOnly Content Tag"in the chapter Creating and Managing Content in the WebLogic Personalization Server User's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

Changes to EJB Deployment Descriptors

Deployment descriptors handle the configuration for the Content Manager. This section describes the changes to the deployment descriptors:

Document Schema EJB Deployment Descriptor

Two EJB variables have been removed:

Five EJB variables have been added:

One EJB variable remains the same:

For more information, see "Configuring the Document Schema EJB Deployment Descriptor"in the chapter Creating and Managing Content in the WebLogic Personalization Server User's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

DocumentManager EJB Deployment Descriptor

All the EJB variables have been removed:

Six EJB variables have been added:

For more information, see "Configuring the DocumentManager EJB Deployment Descriptor"in the chapter Creating and Managing Content in the WebLogic Personalization Server User's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

Document EJB Deployment Descriptor (Deprecated)

Note: The Document EJB has been deprecated and should not be used. Use the DocumentManager EJB instead.

To support legacy code, the Document EJB has been upgraded as follows:

Two EJB variables have been removed:

Four EJB variables have been added:

Two EJB variables remain the same:

Other SmartBMP classes for other document management systems will possibly require more and/or different EJB environment variables.

Changes to Object Interfaces

The ConfigurableEntity, Content, Document, User and Group interfaces no longer extend EJBObject. Instead, those interfaces are code-identical to the original 2.0.1 versions (same method signatures).

The interfaces ConfigurableEntityRemote, ContentRemote, DocumentRemote, UserRemote and GroupRemote extend both EJBObject and their respective non-EJBObject interfaces.

For more information, see "Object Interfaces"in the chapter "Creating and Managing Content" in the WebLogic Personalization Server User's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

Changes to the BulkLoader

The BulkLoader now accepts a -encoding <enc> and -schemaName option. For more information, see "Command Line Usage"in the chapter Creating and Managing Content in the WebLogic Personalization Server User's Guide (in the release 3.1 documentation set).

New Custom Tags and Migrating Custom Tags

This section covers the new JSP tags in this release, as well as the changes to JSP tags and what you need to migrate your system to accommodate those changes.

Migrating Existing JSP Tags

This section covers the changed tags in this release; see New JSP Tags in Release 3.1 for new tags and migration information.

Update your use of these tags as indicated by the changes described in this section, and review code that references these tags to be sure you have addressed all dependencies.

The tag libraries have been updated in WebLogic Personalization Server version 3.1 to comply with the JSP 1.1 Specification. If you are upgrading from WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0.1, you can continue to use your existing code with WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1. However, future releases will no longer be backward compatible, so you will need to migrate to the new tags if you intend to continue to use your legacy code with the latest WebLogic Personalization Server releases.

The WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1 documentation has been revised to reflect the changes to the tag libraries. Until you migrate to the new tags, you can continue to use the WebLogic Personalization Server 2.0 JSP Tag Reference located at

New JSP 1.1 Naming Conventions

Beginning with WebLogic Personalization Server version 3.1, all tags use the JSP 1.1 naming conventions. Old style tags that were used in previous WebLogic Personalization Server releases have been changed to reflect the new camel case naming conventions.

For example, the old-style tag <um:getgroupnamesforusers> is now <um:getGroupNamesForUsers>.

Old tag names can still be used in the WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1 release. However, old style tag names will not be supported in future releases of WebLogic Personalization Server.

Note: Each time you use a deprecated tag, a message is logged to WebLogic Server. To turn off the deprecation messages, add the following property to commerce.log.display.deprecated=false

For consistency, the Portal Management tags <pt:*> have a new esp: prefix. For example, the old-style tag <pt:eval> is now called <esp:eval>, and the old <pt:portalmanager> is now <esp:portalManager>. When you change to the new prefix, you will need to update each Portal Management tag invocation in the page to use the new prefix.

Note: The es: prefix stands for e-commerce services.
The esp: prefix stands for e-commerce services portal.
The pz: prefix stands for personalization.

Changes to Tag Attributes

Tag Attributes Require Camel Casing

All of the tag attributes used in previous WebLogic Personalization Server releases already use the camel-case convention, with a few exceptions. The tags that do not already use camel-cased attributes are the three Advisor tags (formerly called Personalization Advisor) <pz:*>, and the single WebLogic utility <wl:process>.

Table 5-1 lists the attributes that you will need to camel case. Note that all of these attributes are optional, so it is possible that you did not use them in your existing code.

Table 5-1 Camel-Cased Attributes
















New Library Descriptors

Any JSP migrating from old-style tags to new-style tags will need to point to new library descriptors.

For example:

In the JSP page, <%@ taglib uri="lib/um_tags.jar" prefix="um" %>
would change to <%@ taglib uri="um.tld" prefix="um" %>.

Note: The Personalization Advisor is now simply called the Advisor.
The Advisor <pz:*> tags already use taglib uri="pz.tld", so these do not need to be changed.

The Content Management <cm:*> tags already use taglib uri="cm.tld", so these do not need to be changed.

Global Changes

Tags no longer return primitive types, they only return objects. For example, <es:counter> used to return an int, and now it returns an Integer object.

Any tags (es, um, wl, etc.) with a <jsp:include page=.../> in their body must be replaced with their scriptlet equivalent. (See Section 5.4.5 of the JSP 1.1 Specification.)

Old Usage:

<es:notNull item="renderer">
<jsp:include page="<%=reconcileFile(request, renderer)%>"/>

New Usage:

<% if (renderer != null) { %>
<jsp:include page="<%=reconcileFile(request, renderer)%>"/>
<% } %>

Tag Migration Roadmap

Table 5-2 maps the old tag names to the new JSP 1.1 camel-cased tag names. In addition, changes made to the tags in the WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1 release are noted in the Change column.

Table 5-2 Tag Changes for WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1


Old Style Tag Name


New JSP 1.1 Tag



Camel case

Attribute sortby = sortBy

Attribute contenthome = contentHome

It is no longer necessary to extend the JSP. See below - Note 1: <pz:> tags.



Camel case

Attribute ruleset = ruleSet

Attribute sortby = sortBy

Attribute contenthome = contentHome



ruleset = ruleSet

It is no longer necessary to extend the JSP. See below - Note 1: <pz:> tags.







Camel case



Camel case

New attribute: baseHref



No change



Camel case








































taglib uri="esp.tld"

Change preface pt: to esp:



taglib uri="esp.tld"

Change preface pt: to esp:



Camel case

Change preface pt: to esp:

taglib uri="esp.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="esp.tld"

Change preface pt: to esp:



Camel case

taglib uri="esp.tld"

Change preface pt: to esp:



Camel case

taglib uri="esp.tld"

Change preface pt: to esp:



taglib uri="esp.tld"

Change preface pt: to esp:




Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tldv"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"




Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result



(previously undocumented)

Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result



(previously undocumented)

Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result



Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result



(previously undocumented)

Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

attribute resultId = result


User /


Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result






Camel case

taglib uri="um.tld"

Attribute resultId = result




Tag no longer supported. Requires manual replacement. See below - Note 2: <es:condition>.


taglib uri="es.tld"

Attribute id returns an Integer or Long object.

You can no longer change the value of the counter variable "id". See below - Note 3: <es:counter>.

Optional attribute type can be long or Long or Integer or if not specified is assumed to be Integer.



taglib uri="es.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="es.tld"

Attribute array must be a run-time expression (<%=expression%>).

Attribute counterId returns an Integer object (use id.intValue()).



Camel case

taglib uri="es.tld"

Attribute id = item

Attribute item must be a run-time expression.

An empty string is now treated as a value. (An empty string is not null.)



Camel case

taglib uri="es.tld"



Camel case

taglib uri="es.tld"

Attribute id = item

Attribute item must be a run-time expression.

An empty string is now treated as a value. (An empty string is not null.)



Camel case

taglib uri="es.tld"

Add two new scriptlets.
See below - Note 4: <es:preparedStatement>.

Attribute pool no longer supported.
See below - Note 4: <es:preparedStatement>.



Camel case

taglib uri="es.tld"

Attribute resultSet must be a run-time expression.



Camel case

taglib uri="es.tld"

Attribute array must be a run-time expression.



Tag no longer supported. Replace with new scriptlets. See below - Note 5: <es:usertransaction>.


Camel case

taglib uri="es.tld"




taglib uri="weblogic.tld"

notname = notName

notvalue = notValue






Additional Notes About Existing JSP Tags

Note 1: <pz:> Tags

To use the <pz:div> and <pz:contentSelector> tags, you no longer need to have the JSP extended. You are no longer required to insert the following directive into your code:

 <%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.axiom.p13n.jsp.P13NJspBase" %>.

(If you have already added this code, it does no harm to leave it.)

Note 2: <es:condition>

The <es:condition> tag is no longer supported. Replace it manually with a scriptlet, creating your own if statement.

Old Usage

<es:condition test="schemaPortletNames.length>0"> </es:condition> 

New Usage

<% if (schemaPortletNames.length>0) { %>
<% } %>

Note 3: <es:counter>

If you were manipulating the counter variable within the <es:counter> tag, you will now need to use a scriptlet instead.

Old Usage

<es:counter id="colIter" minCount="0"

New Usage

for (int colIter = 0; colIter<numOfCols; colIter++) {

Note 4: <es:preparedStatement>

The new <es: preparedStatement> tag includes two new scriptlets. In addition, this tag no longer supports the "pool" attribute. (The pool defined in as "" is used for connections.)

Old Usage

<es:preparedstatement id="ps" sql"<%=bookmarkBean.QUERY%>" pool="commercePool">
bookmarkBean.createQuery(ps, owner);
java.sql.ResultSet resultSet = ps.executeQuery();

New Usage

<es:preparedStatement id="ps" sql="<%=bookmarkBean.QUERY%>">
<%@ include file="" %>
bookmarkBean.createQuery(ps, owner);
java.sql.ResultSet resultSet = ps.executeQuery();
<%@ include file="" %>

Note 5: <es:usertransaction>

The old <es:usertransaction> tag is no longer supported. The following code illustrates how to create equivalent functionality.

Old Usage

---- body of page --------

New Usage

USER_TRANS_TIMEOUT, "500",request);
// tx timeout defaults to 600 sec. without above line
<%@ include file="" %>
---- body of page --------
<%@ include file="" %>

New JSP Tags in Release 3.1

This section covers the new tags in this release; see "Migrating Existing JSP Tags" on page 5-89 for changed tags and migration information.

New Property Set Management Tags in Release 3.1

Two new Property Set Management JSP extension tags provide the following services:

The two new Property Set tags are:

New Internationalization Tags in Release 3.1

In earlier releases of WebLogic Personalization Server, Internationalization (I18N) was applied from JSP beans that supported sample portal pages, and administration tools pages. The JSP beans employed a simple MessageBundle Java class that allowed access to localized text labels and messages.

For this release, this basic MessageBundle has been extended using a simple framework that is accessible from JSPs via a small I18N extension tag library. The JSP extension tag library provides the following services:

The following new tags are included in the I18N framework:

New WebLogic Utility Tag in Release 3.1


Migrating Data From 2.0.1 to 3.1

This section covers upgrading WebLogic Personalization Server database schemas from 2.0.1 to 3.1.1

Note: To upgrade from 2.0.1 to 3.2, see "Migrating Data" on page 5-85 of Migrating WebLogic Commerce Server From Version 3.1.1 to Version 3.2.

In WebLogic Personalization Server Release 3.1, a new column called PROFILE_TYPE was added to the WLCS_USER table. This column contains the name of the Unified Profile Type of which the User is an instance. (For more information about Unified Profile Types, see the chapter "Creating and Managing Users"in the Guide to Building Personalized Applications)

The PROFILE_TYPE column can be added to existing WLCS_USER tables with the following statement:


For User objects that are of the standard type, this should be left as null. If the User is an extended User type, such as the 'Unified Profile Example', the column should be set to that type name. The example user for the Unified Profile Example should be updated with the following statement:

UPDATE WLCS_USER SET PROFILE_TYPE = 'Unified Profile Example' WHERE IDENTIFIER = 'unifieduser_bob';

Note: In this document, $WL_COMMERCE_HOME refers to the directory into which you installed Commerce services and/or WebLogic Personalization Server and database-type refers to the type and version of RDBMS that you installed.

To upgrade a WebLogic Personalization Server database from release 2.0.1 to release 3.1, follow these steps:

  1. Make a backup copy of the following file: $WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/database-type/staging /upgrade-to-310.sql

  2. Open upgrade-to-310.sql in a text editor.

  3. Move the cursor immediately below the following statement:


  4. For each user that is of an extended User type, add the following statement on a single line:

    UPDATE WLCS_USER SET PROFILE_TYPE = '<profile-type>' WHERE IDENTIFIER = '<user-name>';

    For example:

    UPDATE WLCS_USER SET PROFILE_TYPE = 'Unified Profile Example' WHERE IDENTIFIER = 'unifieduser_bob';

  5. Save your modifications and close update-to-310.sql.

  6. Run the following SQL command:
    @ $WL_COMMERCE_HOME/db/database-type/update-to-310.sql

    For example, if you installed Commerce services in ~/WebLogicCommerceServer3.2, enter the following from SQL*Plus:
    @ ~/WebLogicCommerceServer3.2/db/database-type/update-to-310.sql

When the command successfully completes upgrading the database, it prints the following message:

************ SCRIPT HAS FINISHED EXECUTING *************



Verifying the Migration to 3.1

In a test environment, run a typical selection of common user and administrator tasks to be sure your system was migrated correctly. Suggested tasks include the following:

Refer to the appropriate section of the referenced documentation and this guide if you encounter errors.


What's Next: Getting Started With 3.1

Use the online documentation site to locate the documentation you need for additional learning.

For an overview of how the products work together, see the Product Family Overview at


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