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BEA WebLogic Commerce Server, BEA WebLogic Personalization Server, and BEA Campaign Manager for WebLogic, Release 3.5

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What's New


What's New in Campaign Manager for WebLogic 1.1, WebLogic Commerce Server 3.5, and WebLogic Personalization Server with Portal Framework 3.5?

Security Guide

The Security Guide was addd to E-docs after the 3.5 release was first published in April 2001. The Security Guide is designed to help you leverage the security features of the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition specification and the J2EE-compliant security features of the WebLogic Server platform, Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server with Portal Framework.

Additional Platform Certifications

Since the initial 3.5 release in April 2001, a number of operating systems and databases have been added to the certified platforms list. For details, please see the "Supported Platforms and DDL Files" chapter of the Installation Guide.

New Product Bundles

The BEA Campaign Manager for WebLogic, the BEA WebLogic Commerce Server, and the BEA WebLogic Personalization Server comprise a family of products that enable you to efficiently build, launch, and maintain high-performance e-commerce sites.

The Campaign Manager for WebLogic helps you create campaigns for promoting products and services. It includes both the WebLogic Commerce Server and the WebLogic Personalization Server.

The WebLogic Commerce Server blends ready-to-run, out-of-the box commerce functionality with the scalability and flexibility you need for your e-business operations. It includes the WebLogic Personalization Server.

The WebLogic Personalization Server customizes and personalizes the content of your e-commerce site, and tracks visitor interactions for e-marketing analysis.

Introduction of the E-Business Control Center

The E-Business Control Center is a tool designed to simplify the way business professionals manage their online customer relationships. This 100% Java client is an extremely powerful desktop application that is easy to use and makes sense to business users by interacting with them in their own terms. Specialized versions of the E-Business Control Center are packaged with the BEA WebLogic Commerce Server and the BEA WebLogic Personalization Server products that may already support your e-business. Or, you may choose to license the new Campaign Manager for WebLogic product, which includes the most comprehensive version of the E-Business Control Center currently available.

Support for WebLogic Server 6.0

The Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, and WebLogic Personalization Server products now support WebLogic Server 6.0. The support for this new version of WebLogic Server includes a WebLogic Server domain, which contains the WebLogic Server Administration Console and the sample Web applications. A utility to migrate properties from the weblogic.commerce file to the new WebLogic Server Administration Console is provided, and the sample Web applications are reorganized and deployed in a single Enterprise Application.

What's New in WebLogic Commerce Server 3.5?

Enhanced Order Management

The Order Status page, which provides detailed information about a customer's order, including confirmation number, date submitted, shipping preferences, special instructions, shipping address, and a comprehensive breakdown of the individual items contained within that order, now provides you with the ability to manually change the status of an order. Based on a state machine you customize to reflect your organization's ordering process, different status options such as Authorized, Shipped, Pending, and so on become available for selection.

Flexible Discounts and Pricing Services

Discounts and pricing can be applied in a variety of ways including percentage off, fixed amount off, and fixed price. Discounts may be applied to product items, whole orders, or shipping. Cross-sell and up-sell scenarios can be combined with discounts to create strong incentives.

New Sample Application

This release of the WebLogic Commerce Server includes a redesigned sample application, based on a hierarchical categorization of hardware from a sample Sears catalog.

 Enhanced Customer Profile Management

Users have more flexibility to manage and update their own user profiles, including multiple shipping addresses and multiple credit cards. Additionally, the user profile now contains a demographic section. The demographic information is accessed by the WebLogic Campaign Manager and helps the business analyst manage and create accurate advertising campaigns tailored to each customer that visits your e-commerce site.

What's New in WebLogic Personalization Server 3.5?

New Personalization Rules Manager

The new Personalization Rules Manager allows business users to fine-tune user-system interactions using plain-English commands within easy-to-use rule editing templates. The Personalization Rules Manager drives BEA's embedded rules engine and eliminates the need to master complex Boolean logic to create and edit rules.

Event and Behavior Tracking Service

The Event and Behavior Tracking Service identifies how customers are interacting with your e-commerce site and records this information to a database. Event data can be evaluated offline by leading e-analytics and e-marketing systems to enhance personalization, customize product offers, and optimize interactive marketing campaigns.

Placeholders for Display of Promotional Content

Placeholders provide an easy way for business users to specify where promotional content should appear on a Web site. Once a Commerce Business Engineer (CBE) or other technical staff member inserts JSP tags into the pages, placeholders eliminate the need to call on a programmer every time the content on the pages needs to change. Users simply point and click to choose content and place it on pages using the E-Business Control Center.

Easier Definition of Content Selectors

Content selectors are now defined in the E-Business Control Center. In addition, content selectors can now be triggered by events as well as by other rules, such as membership in customer segments.

New E-mail Service

A new e-mail service facilitates sending personalized e-mail messages, triggered by user-initiated events. This service uses JavaServer Pages (JSPs) to generate e-mails, which a Commerce Business Engineer (CBE) then sends in batches using a simple command.