(BRA) Understanding Country-Specific Functionality for Brazil

This chapter provides an overview of tax information for address book records for Brazil and discusses the Brazil-specific setup and processes that you use in addition to the standard setup and processes provided in the base software.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Information for Address Book Records for Brazil

To process business transactions accurately in Brazil, the government requires companies to maintain detailed tax information and specifications for all customers, suppliers, and tax authorities. To maintain this information, you access the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil program (P01012BR) when you add a new address book record or when you change the information for an existing record.

The system uses the value in the Person/Corporation Code field of an address book record to determine the tabs to activate on the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil form. The Person/Corporation Code field must contain one of the following hard-coded values from UDC table H00/TA:

State Tax ID Numbers

The Address Book Additional Information - Brazil program validates state tax ID numbers if you set the processing options accordingly.

If you set the processing options accordingly, the system runs the validation routine when you click OK on the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil form. The system validates the data in the State Tax ID field (TX2) when all of the following conditions are met:

The validation routine does the following:

See Also

How to Validate Tax IDs in Latin American Countries

Click to jump to parent topicBrazil-Specific Setup and Processes

This table describes the country-specific setup and functionality for Brazil:

Setup or Process


User-defined codes (UDCs)

Set up base-software UDCs with Brazil-specific values, and set up Brazil-specific UDCs for:

  • Supplier tax processing.

  • Fiscal books and electronic GIA.

  • Tax processing.

  • Procurement processing.

  • IN86 and IN89 reporting.

  • Electronic tax reporting.

  • Electronic notas fiscais.

See Setting Up UDCs for Brazil.

Automatic accounting instructions (AAIs)

Set up these AAIs to work with Brazilian transactions:

  • Brazilian localization uses AAIs 4220 and 4240 in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system and AAIs 4385 and 4390 in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system to account for Brazilian taxes, freights, expenses, insurance, and discounts.

  • You must set up these AAIs for ICMS, ICMS Substitution, and IPI tax calculations: 4210, 4220, 4240, 4285, 4290, 4310, 4385, and 4390.

  • For sales transactions, the system uses AAI 4220 to generate a debit to the posting account and AAI 4240 to generate a credit to the posting account when you update the general ledger with PIS/PASEP and COFINS tax credits.

  • For procurement transactions, the system uses AAI 4385 to generate a debit to the posting account and AAI 4390 to generate a credit to the posting account when you update the general ledger with PIS/PASEP and COFINS tax credits.

  • Set up the Cost/Expense Adjustments AAI (4385) and the Cost/Liability Adjustments AAI (4390) prior to closing notas fiscais.

See Setting Up AAIs for Tax Processing for Brazil.

Next numbers

In addition to the base software next numbering requirements, set up next numbering schemes for:

  • Notas fiscais.

  • Electronic GIAs (Guia de Informação e Apuração).

  • Fiscal books.

  • Remessa.

See Setting Up Next Numbers for Brazil.


In addition to the base software setup for companies, for Brazil:

  • Set up corresponding versions of the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil (P01012BR) and Address Book Revisions (P01012) programs.

  • Set the processing options for the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil program.

  • Set up cross-references between companies and branch/plants to assure that each business unit is associated with only one fiscal company.

    See Setting Up Company and Branch/Plant Cross-References for Brazil.


In addition to the base software setup for customers, for Brazil:

  • Set up corresponding versions of the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil (P01012BR) and Address Book Revisions (P01012) programs.

  • Set the processing options for the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil program.

See Setting Up Company and Branch/Plant Cross-References for Brazil.

Suppliers (setup)

In addition to the base software setup for suppliers, for Brazil:

  • Set up corresponding versions of the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil (P01012BR) and Address Book Revisions (P01012) programs.

  • Set the processing options for the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil program.

See Setting Up Company and Branch/Plant Cross-References for Brazil.

Supplier withholding (setup)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne supplier withholding for Brazil includes calculations for Imposto de Renda (IR), Imposto sobre Serviços (ISS), Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS), (Fundo de Assistência e Previdência do Trabalhador Rural) (FUNRURAL), Programa de Integração Social/Programa de Formação do Patrimônio do Servidor Público (PIS/PASEP), Contribuição para Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS), and Contribuição Social sobre o Lucro Líquido (CSLL).

To set up to work with supplier withholding for Brazil:

Supplier withholding setup (continued)

To set up to work with supplier withholding for Brazil:

  • Complete the appropriate fields for every vendor for which you calculate supplier withholding taxes on the Tax Information tab on the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil form in the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil program (P01012BR).

    See (BRA) Entering Tax Information for Address Book Records.

  • For INSS taxes, enter the Código Brasileiro de Operações (CBO) code for the supplier in the Complementary ID field on the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil form in the Address Book Additional Information - Brazil program.

  • Complete these fields in the Item Master program for every item for which you will calculate supplier withholding taxes:

    • Retention of IR

    • Reduction IR

  • Complete these fields in the Branch/Plant Master program for every item for which you will calculate supplier withholding taxes:

    • Retention of IR

    • Reduction IR

  • For INSS taxes, enter in the Service Taxes Paid Externally program (P76B0403) the INSS contribution amounts that are held by others.

    See Working with Service Taxes Paid Externally for Brazil.

Supplier withholding (processes)

To work with supplier withholding for Brazil:

  • Update the general ledger with PIS/PASEP and COFINS tax credits.

  • Run the programs to calculate the taxes.

  • Print INSS withholding certificates.

  • Maintain ISS and INSS tax records.

  • Generate the text file for taxes.

  • Generate withholding tax reports.

See (BRA) Processing Supplier Withholding.

Electronic banking

You set up electronic banking so that you can work with automatic payments and automatic receipts. To set up your system for electronic banking:

Voucher processing

In addition to the base software process for vouchers, for Brazil:

Payment processing

In addition to the base software functionality, to work with payment processing in Brazil:

Invoice processing

In addition to the standard processes for working with invoices, purge the A/R Additional Information – Brazil table (F7603B1) after you run the Invoice Transaction Purge program (R03B800).

See Understanding Invoice Processing for Brazil.

See Purging Invoice Transactions for Brazil.

Automatic receipt processing

In addition to the base software processes for automatic receipt processing, you can use a Brazil-specific outbound automatic receipts process to send files to banks so that the bank collects payments from your customers, and use a Brazil-specific inbound automatic receipts process to import files from your bank to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables.

To work with automatic receipt processing for Brazil:

Fiscal books

Fiscal books are required by the Brazilian government to report information about taxable transactions and the taxes due on those transactions. To set up your system to work with fiscal books:

To process fiscal books:

  • Generate the fiscal books workfiles.

  • Maintain nota fiscal and tax records.

  • Maintain GNRE information.

  • Generate the ICMS magnetic files.

  • Purge incomplete fiscal books.

  • Print reports and generate the fiscal books.

See (BRA) Processing Fiscal Books.

Electronic GIA reporting

GIA is the ICMS Assessment and Information form. Taxpayers use the GIA to report their economic activities, such as the selling and purchasing of goods within a state and between states.

To work with electronic reporting using the GIA:

Electronic tax reporting

ACT COTEPE 70 refers to a legal reporting requirement in Brazil. Companies subject to the reporting requirement must report using magnetic media all of their business transactions that occurred over a period of time.

To set up your system to work with electronic tax reporting:

  • Set up UDCs.

    See Setting Up UDCs for Electronic Tax Reporting.

  • Set up constants.

  • Set up the fiscal city code.

  • Set processing options for Fiscal Note - Block A (R76B0530).

  • Set processing options for Fiscal Note – Block C (R76B0550).

  • Set processing options for Fiscal Books Initial Process (R76B570).

  • Set processing options for Electronic Reporting - Industrialization Return/Send (R76B0583).

See (BRA) Setting Up Your System for Electronic Tax Reporting.

To use the electronic reporting process, set up blocks, extract the data, and join the data into flat files.

See (BRA) Understanding Electronic Tax Reporting for Brazil.

See (BRA) Understanding Blocks, Registers, and Records for Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006.

See (BRA) Working with Blocks, Registers, and Records for Electronic Tax Reporting for Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006.

Inventory management

In addition to the standard item and branch/plant setup, for Brazil, set up information about:

  • Fiscal classification.

  • Tax code (IPI or ICMS).

  • Whether the item is subject to tax substitution markup.

  • Item origin.

  • Purchase use.

  • Messages to print.

  • Retention of IR.

  • Reduction of IR.

  • Whether the item is a part of retention or reduction of INSS.

See (BRA) Working With Inventory Management for Brazil.

Sales order processing (setup)

In addition to the standard setup for sales order processing, for Brazilian transactions:

Sales order processing (processes)

In addition to the standard processes for sales order processing, Brazil-specific processes exist to:

Tax processing for IPI, ICMS, and PIS/COFINS

You can set up the system to perform calculations for these taxes:

  • IPI (Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados).

  • ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços).

  • ICMS Substitution.

  • ISS (Imposto sobre Serviços).

  • PIS/PASEP (Programa de Integração Social/Programa de Formação do Patrimônio do Servidor Público).

  • COFINS (Contribuição para Financiamento da Seguridade Social).

In addition to the base setup for tax processing, for Brazil:

Tax processing for IPI, ICMS, and PIS/COFINS (continued)

In addition to the base setup for tax processing, for Brazil:

Procurement processing

In addition to the standard setup for procurement processing, for Brazil:

In addition to the standard functionality for procurement processing, Brazil-specific processes exist to:

  • Enter purchase orders for Brazil.

  • Enter and review receipts.

  • Enter reversing receipts.

  • Work with errors on notas fiscais.

  • Close inbound notas fiscais.

  • Generate a correction letter for notas fiscais.

  • Enter landed costs and freight notes.

  • Process purchase order returns for Brazil.

  • Generate the nota fiscal for a purchase return.

  • Print the nota fiscal for purchase returns.

See (BRA) Working With Procurement Processes for Brazil.

Address book records

When working with address book records in Brazil:

Reports for Brazil

To work with fiscal reports for Brazil:

  • Set up transaction nature code cross-references.

    See Setting Up a Cross-Reference for Transaction Nature Codes for Brazil.

  • Use the Transaction Journal program (R76321B) to generate a report that lists the totals of all the journal entries in the Journal Entry Book by company, day, and accounting period.

  • Use the Four Columns Trial Balance program (R76B09410) to print a trial balance report that shows total debits and credits for each account.

  • Use the General Ledger program (R76B420) to generate a list of all transactions by company and general ledger account for a specific accounting period.

See (BRA) Reports for Brazil.

IN86/IN89 tax reporting

IN86 and IN89 refer to legal reporting requirements that require businesses to report using magnetic media all of their business transactions that occur over a period of time.

To work with IN86/IN89 tax reporting for Brazil: