MySQL 5.6 Release Notes

47 Changes in MySQL 5.6.6 (2012-08-07, Milestone 9)


This is a milestone release, for use at your own risk. Upgrades between milestone releases (or from a milestone release to a GA release) are not supported. Significant development changes take place in milestone releases and you may encounter compatibility issues, such as data format changes that require attention in addition to the usual procedure of running mysql_upgrade. For example, you may find it necessary to dump your data with mysqldump before the upgrade and reload it afterward. (Making a backup before the upgrade is a prudent precaution in any case.)

Binary Logging

  • Performance: The server now implements group commit for the binary log: Multiple commits are grouped in memory, then written and flushed to disk as a group rather than individually. This reduces the number of writes and flushes, improving performance of binary logging. Group commit works for all storage engines. InnoDB implements some optimizations to take advantage of group commit capability.

    These system variables were added in conjunction with group commit:

Configuration Notes

Performance Schema Notes

  • The Performance Schema is now enabled by default (the performance_schema system variable is enabled by default). To disable it, set performance_schema=off at server startup.

    In addition, the Performance Schema now automatically sizes the values of several of its parameters at server startup if they are not set explicitly. For example, it sizes the parameters that control the sizes of the events waits tables this way. To see which parameters are sized under this policy, use mysqld --verbose --help and look for those with a default value of −1, or see Performance Schema System Variables.

    For each autosized parameter that is not set at server startup (or is set to −1), the Performance Schema determines how to set its value based on the value of the following system values, which are considered as hints about how you have configured your MySQL server:


    To override autosizing for a given parameter, set it a value other than −1 at startup. In this case, the Performance Schema assigns it the specified value.

    At runtime, SHOW VARIABLES displays the actual values that autosized parameters were set to.

    If the Performance Schema is disabled, its autosized parameters remain set to −1 and SHOW VARIABLES displays −1.

Security Notes

  • These security improvements were implemented:

    • MySQL now provides a method for storing authentication credentials encrypted in an option file named .mylogin.cnf. To create the file, use the mysql_config_editor utility. The file can be read later by MySQL client programs to obtain authentication credentials for connecting to a MySQL server. mysql_config_editor writes the .mylogin.cnf file using encryption so the credentials are not stored as clear text, and its contents when decrypted by client programs are used only in memory. In this way, passwords can be stored in a file in non-cleartext format and used later without ever needing to be exposed on the command line or in an environment variable. For more information, see mysql_config_editor — MySQL Configuration Utility.

      The .mylogin.cnf file can contain multiple sets of options, known as login paths. This makes it easy to set up multiple personalities for connecting to different MySQL servers. Any of these can be selected by name later using the --login-path option when you invoke a client program. See Command-Line Options that Affect Option-File Handling.

    • MySQL now supports stronger encryption for user account passwords, available through an authentication plugin named sha256_password that implements SHA-256 password hashing. This plugin is built in, so it is always available and need not be loaded explicitly. For more information, including instructions for creating accounts that use SHA-256 passwords, see SHA-256 Pluggable Authentication.

      Other changes associated with the introduction of the sha256_password plugin:

      • The old_passwords system variable previously permitted values of 1 or 0 to control whether old or new MySQL native password hashing was used by the CREATE USER and GRANT statements and the PASSWORD() function. Now old_passwords permits a value of 2 to select use of SHA-256 password hashing.


        Previously, old_passwords permitted values of OFF or ON as synonyms for 0 or 1. That is no longer true.

      • SHA-256 password hashing (old_passwords=2) uses a random salt value, which makes the result from PASSWORD() nondeterministic. Consequently, statements that use this function are no longer safe for statement-based replication and cannot be stored in the query cache.

      • If MySQL is built with OpenSSL, RSA encryption can be used to transmit passwords during the client connection process. The sha256_password_private_key_path and sha256_password_public_key_path system variables permit the private and public key files to be named on the server side. The Rsa_public_key status variable displays the public key value. The mysql and mysqltest clients support a --server-public-key option permitting the public key file to be specified explicitly when connecting to the server. (This option is implemented through a new MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY option to the mysql_options() C API function.)

      MySQL Connector support: Connectors that use the C client library should work with sha256_password with no changes. Connectors that implement the authentication process for themselves must be updated to account for changes in the client/server protocol.

    • The server now has a --default-authentication-plugin option to specify the default plugin to associate with new accounts for which no plugin is named explicitly. Permitted values are mysql_native_password (use MySQL native passwords; this is the default value) and sha256_password (use SHA-256 passwords). This option also changes the initial old_passwords value to be consistent with the password hashing method required by the default plugin, if necessary.


      If you use this option to change the default authentication method to a value other than mysql_native_password, clients older than MySQL 5.5.7 will no longer be able to connect because they will not understand the change to the authentication protocol.

    • The mysql.user table now has a password_expired column to enable DBAs to expire account passwords and require users to reset their password. The default password_expired value is 'N', but can be set to 'Y' with the new ALTER USER statement. After an account's password has been expired, all operations performed by the account in subsequent connections to the server result in an error until the user issues a SET PASSWORD statement to establish a new account password. For more information, see ALTER USER Statement, and Server Handling of Expired Passwords.

      If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the server) to incorporate this change into the mysql database.


      Update: ALTER USER also set the Password column to the empty string, so do not use this statement in 5.6.6. This problem has been fixed in MySQL 5.6.7.

    • MySQL now has provision for checking password security:

      • In statements that assign a password supplied as a cleartext value, the value is checked against the current password policy and rejected if it is weak (the statement returns an ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD error). This affects the CREATE USER, GRANT, and SET PASSWORD statements. Passwords given as arguments to the PASSWORD() and OLD_PASSWORD() functions are checked as well.

      • The strength of potential passwords can be assessed using the new VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH() SQL function, which takes a password argument and returns an integer from 0 (weak) to 100 (strong).

      Both capabilities are implemented by the validate_password plugin. If the plugin is not installed, the affected statements and PASSWORD() and OLD_PASSWORD() work as before (no password checking), and VALIDATE_PASSWORD_STRENGTH() always returns 0.

      The validate_password plugin also implements a set of system variables corresponding to the parameters that control password checking. If the plugin is installed, you can modify these variables to configure the password policy.

      The validate_password plugin is written using the MySQL plugin API, which has been extended to support writing password-validation plugins.

      For more information, see The Password Validation Plugin. For information about writing password-checking plugins, see Writing Password-Validation Plugins.

    • mysql_upgrade now produces a warning if it finds user accounts with passwords hashed with the older pre-4.1 hashing method. Such accounts should be updated to use more secure password hashing. See Password Hashing in MySQL

    (Bug #65461, Bug #14136939)

  • For the WITH_SSL CMake option, no is no longer a permitted value or the default value. The default is now bundled. Consequently, MySQL now is always built with SSL support.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Incompatible Change: It is now explicitly disallowed to assign the value DEFAULT to stored procedure or function parameters or stored program local variables (for example with a SET var_name = DEFAULT statement). This was not previously supported, or documented as permitted, but is flagged as an incompatible change in case existing code inadvertently used this construct. It remains permissible to assign DEFAULT to system variables, as before, but assigning DEFAULT to parameters or local variables now results in a syntax error.

    After an upgrade to MySQL 5.6.6 or later, existing stored programs that use this construct produce a syntax error when invoked. If a mysqldump file from 5.6.5 or earlier is loaded into 5.6.6 or later, the load operation fails and affected stored program definitions must be changed.

  • Incompatible Change: The --safe-mode server option has been removed.

  • Important Change; Partitioning: MySQL nows supports partition lock pruning, which allows for many DDL and DML statements against partitioned tables using MyISAM (or another storage engine that employs table-level locking) to lock only those partitions directly affected by the statement. These statements include (but are not limited to) many SELECT, SELECT ... PARTITION, UPDATE, REPLACE, INSERT, and other statements. This enhancement improves especially the performance of many such statements when used with tables having many (32 or more) partitions. For a complete list of affected statements with particulars, and other information, see Partitioning and Locking. (Bug #37252, Bug #11748732)

  • Important Change; Replication: It is now possible, in the event that a multithreaded slave fails while running with the --relay-log-recovery option, to switch it safely to single-threaded mode despite the presence of any gaps with unprocessed transactions in the relay log. To accomplish this, you can now use START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] UNTIL SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS to cause the slave SQL threads to run until no more such gaps are found in the relay log. Once this statement has completed, you can change the slave_parallel_workers system variable, and (if necessary) issue a CHANGE MASTER TO statement before restarting the slave. (Bug #13893363)

    References: See also: Bug #13893310.

  • Important Change; Replication: INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is now marked as unsafe for statement-based replication if the target table has more than one primary or unique key. For more information, see Determination of Safe and Unsafe Statements in Binary Logging. (Bug #58637, Bug #11765650, Bug #13038678)

  • Important Change; Replication: The SHOW BINARY LOGS statement (and its equivalent SHOW MASTER LOGS) may now be executed by a user with the REPLICATION CLIENT privilege. (Formerly, the SUPER privilege was necessary to use either form of this statement.)

  • Important Change: INSERT DELAYED is now deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Use INSERT (without DELAYED) instead. (Bug #13985071)

  • Important Change: In MySQL, the TIMESTAMP data type differs in nonstandard ways from other data types:

    • TIMESTAMP columns not explicitly declared with the NULL attribute are assigned the NOT NULL attribute. (Columns of other data types permit NULL values if not explicitly declared with the NOT NULL attribute.) Setting such a column to NULL sets it to the current timestamp.

    • The first TIMESTAMP column in a table, if not declared with the NULL attribute or an explicit DEFAULT or ON UPDATE attribute, is automatically assigned the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP attributes.

    • TIMESTAMP columns following the first one, if not declared with the NULL attribute or an explicit DEFAULT attribute, are automatically assigned DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' (the zero timestamp). For inserted rows that specify no explicit value for such a column, the column is assigned '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and no warning occurs.

    Those nonstandard behaviors remain the default for TIMESTAMP but now are deprecated and this warning appears at startup:

    [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated.
    Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see
    documentation for more details).

    As indicated by the warning, to turn off the nonstandard behaviors, enable the new explicit_defaults_for_timestamp system variable at server startup. With this variable enabled, the server handles TIMESTAMP as follows instead:

    • TIMESTAMP columns permit NULL values if not explicitly declared with the NOT NULL attribute. Setting such a column to NULL sets it to NULL, not the current timestamp.

    • No TIMESTAMP column is assigned the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP attributes automatically. Those attributes must be explicitly specified.

    • TIMESTAMP columns declared as NOT NULL and without an explicit DEFAULT attribute are treated as having no default value. For inserted rows that specify no explicit value for such a column, the result depends on the SQL mode. If strict SQL mode is enabled, an error occurs. If strict SQL mode is not enabled, the column is assigned the implicit default of '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and a warning occurs. This is similar to how MySQL treats other temporal types such as DATETIME.

    To upgrade servers used for replication, upgrade the slaves first, then the master. Replication between the master and its slaves should work provided that all use the same value of explicit_defaults_for_timestamp:

    1. Bring down the slaves, upgrade them, configure them with the desired value of explicit_defaults_for_timestamp, and bring them back up.

      The slaves will recognize from the format of the binary logs received from the master that the master is older (predates the introduction of explicit_defaults_for_timestamp) and that operations on TIMESTAMP columns coming from the master use the old TIMESTAMP behavior.

    2. Bring down the master, upgrade it, and configure it with the same explicit_defaults_for_timestamp value used on the slaves, and bring it back up.

    (Bug #63034, Bug #13344629, Bug #55131, Bug #11762529)

  • Important Change: The YEAR(2) data type is now deprecated because it is problematic. YEAR(2) columns in existing tables are treated as before, but YEAR(2) in new or altered tables are converted to YEAR(4). Support for YEAR(2) will be removed entirely in a future MySQL release. For more information, see 2-Digit YEAR(2) Limitations and Migrating to 4-Digit YEAR.

  • Performance; InnoDB: Many DDL operations on InnoDB tables can now be performed online, without making the tables unavailable for queries. Some operations, such as creating or dropping indexes, even allow DML statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) on the table while the operation is in progress. A single online DDL operation can also take the place of a sequence of statements, such as several DROP INDEX statements, ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN, and then several CREATE INDEX statements. See InnoDB and Online DDL for full details.

    An additional effect of this change occurs for consistent-read transactions that try to reread data from a table which was changed by ALTER TABLE in another session. Instead of receiving an empty set, the transaction will receive an error (ER_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED, Table definition has changed, please retry transaction). (Bug #58368, Bug #11765404, Bug #11872643, Bug #12325508, Bug #11765266, Bug #60689)

  • Performance; InnoDB: The persistent statistics feature for InnoDB tables is now enabled by default, and can be controlled at the level of individual tables. This feature involves the configuration options innodb_stats_persistent, innodb_stats_auto_recalc, and innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages, and the clauses STATS_PERSISTENT, STATS_AUTO_RECALC, and STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES of the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. See Configuring Persistent Optimizer Statistics Parameters for usage details.

  • Performance; InnoDB: The MySQL server now includes the widely used memcached in-memory caching system, and a plugin that allows fast NoSQL-style access to InnoDB tables through the memcached protocol. This access method avoids the overhead of SQL parsing and constructing a query optimization plan. You can store the underlying data in a single InnoDB table, or spread it across multiple tables. You can read and write data through both memcached and SQL. For example, you can do fast single-key lookups through memcached get calls, and do statistical reports across all the data through SQL.

    Several configuration options let you fine-tune this system, in particular to balance raw performance against durability and consistency of data. The main new configuration options are daemon_memcached_option, daemon_memcached_r_batch_size, daemon_memcached_w_batch_size, innodb_api_trx_level, innodb_api_enable_mdl, and innodb_api_enable_binlog.

    See InnoDB memcached Plugin for full details.

  • InnoDB: For systems with constant heavy workloads, or workloads that fluctuate widely, several new configuration options let you fine-tune the flushing behavior for InnoDB tables: innodb_adaptive_flushing_lwm, innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm, innodb_max_io_capacity (changed in subsequent point releases to innodb_io_capacity_max), and innodb_flushing_avg_loops. These options feed into an improved formula used by the innodb_adaptive_flushing option. See Configuring Buffer Pool Flushing.

  • InnoDB: InnoDB tables now support the notion of transportable tablespaces, allowing .ibd files to be exported from a running MySQL instance and imported into another running instance. The FOR EXPORT clause of the FLUSH TABLES statement writes any unsaved changes from InnoDB memory buffers to the .ibd file. After copying the .ibd file and a separate metadata file to the other server, you can use the DISCARD TABLESPACE and IMPORT TABLESPACE clauses of the ALTER TABLE statement to bring the table data into a different MySQL instance.

    For more information, see Importing InnoDB Tables.

  • InnoDB: InnoDB now supports the DATA DIRECTORY='directory' clause of the CREATE TABLE statement, which permits creating tables outside the data directory. For more information, see Creating Tables Externally.

  • Replication: The STOP SLAVE option SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS did not function correctly, and the SQL_AFTER_GTIDS option for the same statement did not function at all. (Bug #13810456)

  • Replication: Added the slave_rows_search_algorithms system variable for mysqld, which determines the search algorithms used for finding matches for slave updates when slave_allow_batching is enabled, including whether or not table or index hashing is used with searches employing a primary or unique key, some other key, or no key.

  • The Performance Schema has a new system variable, performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_size, and new status variable, Performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_lost. The system variable is the amount of preallocated memory per thread reserved to hold connection attribute key/value pairs. If the aggregate size of connection attribute data sent by a client is larger than this amount, the Performance Schema truncates the attribute data and increments the status variable. See Performance Schema Connection Attribute Tables. (Bug #14076427)

  • yaSSL was upgraded from version 1.7.2 to 2.1.4. (Bug #13713205)

    References: See also: Bug #13706828.

  • The optimizer's cost model for disk-sweep Multi-Read Range (DS-MRR) has been improved. The improved cost model makes it more likely that DSMRR will be used for queries that read much data from disk.

  • Previously, the default value for the bind_address system variable was, which causes the server to accept TCP/IP connections on all server host IPv4 interfaces. To make it easier to use IPv6 connections without special configuration, the default bind_address value now is *. This is similar to, but causes the server to also accept TCP/IP connections on all IPv6 interfaces if the server host supports IPv6. (Another way to accept IPv4 and IPv6 connections is by using bind_address=::, but in this case an error occurs if the server host does not support IPv6.)

  • It is now possible for client programs to pass connection attributes to the server in the form of key/value pairs. Attributes are manipulated using the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET and MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE options for the mysql_options() C API function, and the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD option for the new mysql_options4() function. Connection attributes are exposed through the session_connect_attrs and session_account_connect_attrs Performance Schema tables.

    If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the server) to incorporate these changes into the performance_schema database.

    For more information, see C API Function Descriptions, and MySQL Performance Schema.

  • Previously, for semijoin processing the outer query specification was limited to simple table scans or inner joins using comma syntax, and view references were not possible. Now outer join and inner join syntax is permitted in the outer query specification, and the restriction that table references must be base tables has been lifted.

  • To improve scalability by reducing contention among sessions for the global lock on the open tables cache, the cache now can be partitioned into several smaller cache instances. A session now need lock only one instance to access it for DML statements. This segments cache access among instances, permitting higher performance for operations that need to use the cache when many there are many sessions accessing tables. (DDL statements still require a lock on the entire cache, but such statements are much less frequent than DML statements.)

    A new system variable, table_open_cache_instances, permits control over the number of cache instances. Each instance has a size of table_open_cache / table_open_cache_instances. By default, the number of instances is 1.

    Three new status variables provide information about the operation of the open tables cache. Table_open_cache_hits and Table_open_cache_misses indicate the number of hits and misses or lookups in the cache. Table_open_cache_overflows indicates how many times, after a table is opened or closed, an instance has an unused entry and the size of the instance is larger than table_open_cache / table_open_cache_instances.

  • The generic procedure API has been removed from the server. This was formerly present as a means of writing server procedures, but went unused except for PROCEDURE ANALYSE(). Removing the interface simplifies aspects of the internal procedure representation that were related to code no longer in the server but had a negative effect on its operation, in the sense that these aspects hindered the ability of the optimizer to perform better on more common query types. In addition, this code hindered future optimizer development and its removal will have benefit that development.

    PROCEDURE ANALYSE() remains available, but is no longer implemented using a public interface. (For information, see Using PROCEDURE ANALYSE.) One consequence of removing the procedure interface is that EXPLAIN SELECT ... PROCEDURE ANALYSE() now works where previously it produced an error.

Bugs Fixed

  • Incompatible Change: Metadata was handled incorrectly for objects such as tables or views that were used in a stored program. Metadata for each such object was gathered at the beginning of program execution, but not updated if DDL statements modified the object during program execution (or modified it between executions of the program if the program remained in the stored program cache). This resulted in mismatches between the actual object structure and the structure the stored program believed the object to have during execution, and caused problems such as data errors or server crashes.

    Now metadata changes to objects used in a stored program are detected during execution and affected statements within the program are reparsed so that they use the updated metadata.

    Example: Suppose that a stored program executes this statement in a loop and that the columns in the table t1 are altered during loop execution:

    SELECT * FROM t1;

    Previously, errors occurred because program execution did not detect that SELECT * evaluates to a different set of columns after the change. Now the table change is detected and the SELECT is reparsed to determine the new set of columns.

    Reparsing occurs for other cases as well, such as t1 being changed from a base table to a view or a TEMPORARY table. For more information, see Caching of Prepared Statements and Stored Programs.

    There is a possible incompatibility regarding the new behavior: Application code that assumed the previous behavior and implemented a workaround may need to be changed.

    Other instances of corrected problems:

    • SELECT * within a stored program could fail for TEMPORARY tables created within the program using prepared statements.

    • Unknown column errors or bad data could result from changing the set of columns in a table used within a stored program between executions of the program or while the table was used within a program loop. Errors could also occur under similar circumstances for a view if the view definition was changed, for a TEMPORARY table if the table was dropped.

    • Failure of triggers to notice metadata changes in objects accessed within the program could cause trigger malfunction.

    • Failure of a stored program to notice metadata changes in objects accessed within the program could cause replication to fail.

    (Bug #61434, Bug #12652835, Bug #55678, Bug #11763018, Bug #64574, Bug #13840615, Bug #33843, Bug #11747732, Bug #33289, Bug #11747626, Bug #33255, Bug #11747619, Bug #33000, Bug #11747566, Bug #27011, Bug #11746530, Bug #33083, Bug #11747581, Bug #32868, Bug #11747537, Bug #12257, Bug #11745236)

  • Important Change; NDB Cluster: mysqld_safe now traps Signal 13 (SIGPIPE) so that this signal no longer kills the MySQL server process. (Bug #33984)

  • Performance; InnoDB; Partitioning: The statistics used by the optimizer for queries against partitioned InnoDB tables were based only on the first partition of each such table, leading to use of the wrong execution plan. (Bug #13694811)

    References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #11756867.

  • Performance; InnoDB: Improved the efficiency of InnoDB code with regard to CPU cache coherency. (Bug #14034087)

  • Performance; InnoDB: Improved the efficiency of the system calls to get the system time to record the start time for a transaction. This fix reduces potential cache coherency issues that affected performance. (Bug #13993661)

  • Performance; InnoDB: Improved the algorithm related to adaptive flushing. This fix increases the rate of flushing in cases where compression is used and the data set is larger than the buffer pool, leading to eviction. (Bug #13990648, Bug #65061)

  • Performance; InnoDB: Improved the efficiency of the COMMIT operation for InnoDB tables, by reducing the potential for context switching and acquiring/re-acquiring mutexes while the operation is in progress. (Bug #13989037)

  • Performance; InnoDB: The order in which flushes are performed when the innodb_flush_neighbors configuration option is enabled was improved. The algorithm makes the neighbor-flushing technique faster on HDD storage, while reducing the performance overhead on SSD storage. (innodb_flush_neighbors typically is not needed for SSD hardware.) (Bug #13798956)

  • Performance; InnoDB: This fix improves the speed of DROP TABLE for InnoDB tables by removing a scan of the buffer pool to remove entries for the adaptive hash index. This improvement is most noticeable on systems with very large buffer pools and the innodb_adaptive_hash_index option enabled. (Bug #13704145, Bug #64284)

  • Performance; Replication: All changes made as part of a given transaction are cached; when the transaction is committed, the contents of this cache are written to the binary log. When using global transaction identifiers, the GTID identifying this transaction must be the first event among all events in the cache belonging to the transaction.

    Previously, a portion of the cache was preallocated as a buffer when the transaction began; upon commit it was completed with a valid GTID. However, because it was not possible to perform a seek in the cache, it was necessary to flush it to a temporary file, and then seek within this file. When the cache buffer is not big enough to accommodate all changes comprising a given transaction, it swapped the data to disk, then reinitialized the cache to have the buffer properly filled with the correct data again. The buffer was actually flushed and the cache reinitialized every time a GTID event was written, even in those cases in which all events making up a given transaction fit within the cache buffer, which could negatively impact the performance of binary logging (and thus replication) when using GTIDs.

    Now the cache is reinitialized only when it is actually necessary—in other words, only when the cache is in fact swapped to disk.

    In addition, the fix for this issue addresses a missing unlock operation when the server failed to write an empty transaction group and reduces the amount of code needed for prepending the GTID to the contents of the cache before flushing the cache to disk. (Bug #13877432)

    References: See also: Bug #13738296.

  • Performance: Within stored programs, the overhead of making statements log friendly was incurred even when the corresponding log was not enabled. (Bug #12884336)

  • Performance: The MD5() and SHA1() functions had excessive overhead for short strings. (Bug #49491, Bug #11757443, Bug #60227, Bug #14134662)

  • InnoDB; Replication: When binary log statements were replayed on the slave, the Com_insert, Com_update, and Com_delete counters were incremented by BEGIN statements initiating transactions affecting InnoDB tables but not by COMMIT statements ending such transactions. This affected these statements whether they were replicated or they were run using mysqlbinlog. (Bug #12662190)

  • InnoDB: Dropping an InnoDB temporary table could leave behind the .ibd file if the table was created with the innodb_file_per_table setting enabled. On Windows systems, this could cause an additional problem: repeated attempts to drop the file for 2000 seconds. In addition to resolving the incorrect path name used to drop the file, this fix also limits the retry loop to 10 seconds, for example if the file cannot be removed because it is locked by a backup process. (Bug #14169459)

  • InnoDB: When importing an InnoDB tablespace representing a compressed table, unnecessary checksum calculations were being performed. (Bug #14161424)

  • InnoDB: If MySQL crashed during an ALTER TABLE t DISCARD TABLESPACE operation, it could leave InnoDB in a state where it crashes at the next startup. The error message was:

    InnoDB: Error: a record lock wait happens in a dictionary operation!

    (Bug #14146981)

  • InnoDB: A race condition could cause a crash during an online CREATE INDEX statement for an InnoDB table. This bug only affected very small tables. It required a DML operation to be in progress for the table, affecting the primary key columns, at the same time the CREATE INDEX statement was issued. (Bug #14117641)

  • InnoDB: An assertion error could occur if an XA transaction was created within a session designated as read-only. (Bug #14108709)

  • InnoDB: If a row was deleted from an InnoDB table, then another row was re-inserted with the same primary key value, an attempt by a concurrent transaction to lock the row could succeed when it should have waited. This issue occurred if the locking select used a WHERE clause that performed an index scan using a secondary index. (Bug #14100254, Bug #65389)

  • InnoDB: This fix improves the accuracy of the data in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table innodb_metrics for systems with innodb_buffer_pool_instances set to greater than 1. The improved information applies to the number of pages flushed from the buffer pool, specifically these entries in the table:


    (Bug #14037167)

  • InnoDB: In a transaction using the REPEATABLE READ isolation level, an UPDATE or DELETE statement for an InnoDB table could sometimes overlook rows recently committed by other transactions. As explained in Consistent Nonlocking Reads, DML statements within a REPEATABLE READ transaction apply to rows committed by other transactions, even if a query could not see those rows. (Bug #14007649, Bug #65111)

  • InnoDB: During an ANALYZE TABLE statement for an InnoDB table, the server could hang (in non-debug builds), or an assertion error could occur, indicating recursive acquisition of a lock (in debug builds). (Bug #14007109)

  • InnoDB: An assertion could be raised if an InnoDB table was moved to a different database using ALTER TABLE ... RENAME while the database was being dropped by DROP DATABASE. (Bug #13982017)

  • InnoDB: Querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX or related tables while the server was running a heavy InnoDB workload could cause a crash, with messages in the error log referring to the function fetch_data_into_cache_low. This issue arose during new feature work and only affected MySQL 5.6. (Bug #13966453)

  • InnoDB: Fixes a recently introduced issue with InnoDB persistent statistics, that could cause a crash (non-debug builds) or assertion error (debug builds). (Bug #13946118)

  • InnoDB: Including a % character in a query using an InnoDB FULLTEXT index could cause a crash. (FULLTEXT indexes for InnoDB tables are a new feature, still under development.) (Bug #13940669, Bug #64901)

  • InnoDB: Using the KILL statement to terminate a query could cause an unnecessary message in the error log:

    [ERROR] Got error -1 when reading table table_name

    (Bug #13933132)

  • InnoDB: When a table was renamed, the InnoDB persistent statistics were not associated with the new table name. (Bug #13920437)

  • InnoDB: If the server crashed while dropping an InnoDB temporary table or an index on a temporary table, further errors could occur during crash recovery, preventing the server from restarting. (Bug #13913670)

  • InnoDB: A FULLTEXT query for an InnoDB table could filter the search terms incorrectly if a term using the minus operator was followed by another term using the plus operator. (Bug #13907075)

  • InnoDB: The performance_schema counters for InnoDB RW-locks did not record some cases where mini-transactions acquired locks. (Bug #13860722)

  • InnoDB: Deleting a huge amount of data from InnoDB tables within a short time could cause the purge operation that removes delete-marked records to stall. This issue could result in unnecessary disk space use, but does not cause any problems with data integrity. If this issue causes a disk space shortage, restart the server to work around it. This issue is only likely to occur on 32-bit platforms. (Bug #13847885)

  • InnoDB: A slave server in a replication configuration could exit while creating an InnoDB temporary table. (Bug #13838761)

  • InnoDB: The server could crash when using the SAVEPOINT statement in conjunction with InnoDB tables containing FULLTEXT indexes. (Bug #13831840)

  • InnoDB: With the innodb_force_recovery configuration option set to 2 or greater, a shutdown could hang after the message:

    InnoDB: Waiting for purge thread to be suspended

    This issue was introduced during recent changes within the MySQL 5.6 development cycle. (Bug #13830371)

  • InnoDB: Running concurrent bulk inserts on a server with auto_increment_offset=1, auto_increment_increment greater than 1, and innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=1 could result in intermittent errors like the following, even with the primary key set to auto_increment and omitted from the INSERT statement:

    Duplicate entry 'value' for key 'PRIMARY'

    The workaround was to set auto_increment_offset=1 or innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=0 (traditional). (Bug #13817703, Bug #61209)

  • InnoDB: The server could halt with an assertion error when DDL and DML operations were run on the same InnoDB table simultaneously:

    InnoDB: Error: a record lock wait happens in a dictionary operation!

    This fix stems from the online DDL feature in MySQL 5.6. (Bug #13641926)

  • InnoDB: During an ALTER TABLE statement to create a primary key for an InnoDB table, some column characteristics could be set incorrectly, leading to errors during subsequent queries. The incorrect data could be the maximum length for a column prefix, or the state of the NOT NULL flag.

    In MySQL 5.1, this fix applies to the InnoDB Plugin, but not the built-in InnoDB storage engine. (Bug #13641275)

  • InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE statement for an InnoDB table that dropped one index and create another could fail with an error code 1280, and displaying the wrong index name in the message. (Bug #13029445, Bug #62544)

  • InnoDB: If the innodb_undo_tablespaces and innodb_undo_logs configuration options were specified to refer to separate undo tablespaces, and the associated tablespaces did not exist, that error condition was not being correctly detected during startup. (Bug #13016100)

  • InnoDB: The error handling and message was improved for attempting to create a foreign key with a column referencing itself. The message suggested a potential problem with the data dictionary, when no such problem existed. (Bug #12902967)

  • InnoDB: For an InnoDB table with a trigger, under the setting innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=1, sometimes auto-increment values could be interleaved when inserting into the table from two sessions concurrently. The sequence of auto-increment values could vary depending on timing, leading to data inconsistency in systems using replication. (Bug #12752572, Bug #61579)

  • InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE with both IGNORE and ADD UNIQUE KEY clauses produced an error if duplicates were found, rather than removing all duplicate rows after the first one. With this fix, the ALTER TABLE IGNORE syntax automatically enables the ALGORITHM=COPY clause if the ALTER TABLE statement creates an index. (Bug #12622150)

  • InnoDB: When data was removed from an InnoDB table, newly inserted data might not reuse the freed disk blocks, leading to an unexpected size increase for the system tablespace or .ibd file (depending on the setting of innodb_file_per_table. The OPTIMIZE TABLE could compact a .ibd file in some cases but not others. The freed disk blocks would eventually be reused as additional data was inserted. (Bug #11766634, Bug #59783)

  • InnoDB: The CHECK TABLE statement could fail for a large InnoDB table due to a timeout value of 2 hours. For typical storage devices, the issue could occur for tables that exceeded approximately 200 or 350 GB, depending on I/O speed. The fix relaxes the locking performed on the table being checked, which makes the timeout less likely. It also makes InnoDB recognize the syntax CHECK TABLE QUICK, which avoids the possibility of the timeout entirely. (Bug #11758510, Bug #50723)

  • InnoDB: Full-text search in InnoDB tried to follow foreign key references without keeping track of which ones it had already seen. With circular and other complex setups, this could loop forever or a very long time, leading to the appearance of the query thread hanging. (Bug #64274, Bug #13701973)

  • Partitioning: If a partitioned table t1 was created using the ROW_FORMAT option, attempting to perform ALTER TABLE t1 EXCHANGE PARTITION ... WITH TABLE t2 failed with the error Tables have different definitions even if the definition for table t2 was identical to that for t1. This occurred because a check was made for an explicit ROW_FORMAT setting in the table definition, and if this was set, the operation was rejected.

    Now in such cases the row format actually used for each table is checked explicitly and the EXCHANGE PARTITION operation is permitted to execute if both row formats are the same. (Bug #11894100)

  • Partitioning: The PARTITION_COMMENT column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS table truncated partition comments, displaying only the first 80 characters.

    As part of the fix for this issue, the maximum length for a partition comment is now set at 1024 characters, and this width is honored by INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS.PARTITION_COMMENT. (Bug #11748924, Bug #37728)

  • Replication: When a complete global transaction spanned relay logs such that only its GTID appeared in a given relay log while the body of the transaction (including BEGIN and COMMIT statements) appeared in the next relay log, the GTID was interpreted incorrectly as belonging to an empty group. (Bug #14136654)

  • Replication: It was possible in some cases when using semisynchronous replication for log rotation to take place before an ongoing transaction was committed or rolled back. (Bug #14123372)

  • Replication: If the relay logs were removed after the server was stopped, without stopping replication first, the server could not be started correctly. (Bug #14029212, Bug #65152)

    References: See also: Bug #13971348.

  • Replication: The --bootstrap option for mysqld is used by mysql_install_db when it initializes the system tables. Now, whenever this option is used, GTIDs (see Replication with Global Transaction Identifiers) and replication are automatically disabled. (Bug #13992602)

  • Replication: It was theoretically possible for concurrent execution of more than one instance of SHOW BINLOG EVENTS to crash the MySQL Server. (Bug #13979418)

  • Replication: If errors were encountered while trying to initialize the mysql.slave_master_info or mysql.slave_relay_log_info tables, the server refused to start. Now in such cases, the warning message Error while checking replication metadata. This might also happen when doing a live upgrade from a version that did not make use of the replication metadata tables is issued to advise the user that this has happened, but the server is permitted to continue starting. (Bug #13893363)

  • Replication: The text for the error ER_AUTO_POSITION_REQUIRES_GTID_MODE_ON referred to AUTO_POSITION = 1 although this should be MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1. The text has been corrected. (Bug #13868465)

  • Replication: A CHANGE MASTER TO statement could alter the effective value of relay_log_purge. In addition, the relay_log_recovery system variable is now read-only, and can be changed only by starting the server with --relay-log-recovery. (Bug #13840948)

  • Replication: When binlog_rows_query_log_events = 1 and a statement is written to the binary log using the row-based logging format, the server generates a an additional log event containing the text of the original statement. If mysqlbinlog is executed on this log using the --verbose --verbose, the original statement is printed. To prevent the statement from being executed in addition to the row event (which would in effect cause the statement to be excuted twice), it is commented out with a leading # character.

    This was implemented with the assumption that such a statement would consist of a single line, which meant that a statement covering multiple lines was handled incorrectly, in that only the first line of the statement actually commented out. Now in such cases, every line of the statement is commented out with a leading #. (Bug #13799555)

  • Replication: Queries that were more than 255 characters in length were truncated when viewed in the output of SHOW BINLOG EVENTS or mysqlbinlog. This was due to the length of the query being stored in Rows_query_log_events using a single byte. (Bug #13799489)

  • Replication: Replication locks and some of the protocols controlling the use of these locks were not well implemented or enforced. In particular, this fix improves lock handling for statements such as CHANGE MASTER TO, SHOW SLAVE STATUS, and FLUSH LOGS. (Bug #13779291)

  • Replication: When logging transactions that affected both transactional and nontransactional tables, the following statements could sometimes be written into the binary log in the wrong order or on the wrong side of a transaction boundary:

    (Bug #13627921)

  • Replication: Setting binlog_checksum on the master to a value that was unknown on the slave caused replication to fail. Now in such cases, replication checksums are disabled on the slave and replication stops with an appropriate error message. (Bug #13553750, Bug #61096)

  • Replication: To provide a crash-safe slave, it was previously necessary to change the storage engine for the slave_master_info, slave_relay_log_info, and slave_worker_info tables from MyISAM to InnoDB manually, by issuing ALTER TABLE. To simplify the setup of replication using these slave log tables, they are now created using the InnoDB storage engine. (Bug #13538891)

  • Replication: When the slave had been set using CHANGE MASTER TO with the MASTER_DELAY option equal to any permitted value greater than zero, then stopped using STOP SLAVE, pointed at the current relay log position (as shown by SHOW SLAVE STATUS), and started again, START SLAVE failed with the error Could not initialize master info structure. (Bug #12995174)

  • Replication: The --relay-log-space-limit option was sometimes ignored.

    More specifically, when the SQL thread went to sleep, it allowed the I/O thread to queue additional events in such a way that the relay log space limit was bypassed, and the number of events in the queue could grow well past the point where the relay logs needed to be rotated. Now in such cases, the SQL thread checks to see whether the I/O thread should rotate and provide the SQL thread a chance to purge the logs (thus freeing space).

    Note that, when the SQL thread is in the middle of a transaction, it cannot purge the logs; it can only ask for more events until the transaction is complete. Once the transaction is finished, the SQL thread can immediately instruct the I/O thread to rotate. (Bug #12400313, Bug #64503)

    References: See also: Bug #13806492.

  • Replication: An event whose length exceeded the size of the master dump thread's max_allowed_packet caused replication to fail. This could occur when updating many large rows and using row-based replication.

    As part of this fix, a new slave_max_allowed_packet system variable is added, which permits max_allowed_packet to be exceeded by the slave SQL and I/O threads. Now the size of a packet transmitted from the master to the slave is checked only against this value, and not against the value of max_allowed_packet. (Bug #12400221, Bug #60926)

  • Replication: Statements using AUTO_INCREMENT, LAST_INSERT_ID(), RAND(), or user variables could be applied in the wrong context on the slave when using statement-based replication and replication filtering server options (see How Servers Evaluate Replication Filtering Rules). (Bug #11761686, Bug #54201)

    References: See also: Bug #11754117, Bug #45670, Bug #11746146, Bug #23894.

  • Replication: An INSERT into a table that has a composite primary key that includes an AUTO_INCREMENT column that is not the first column of this composite key is not safe for statement-based binary logging or replication. Such statements are now marked as unsafe and fail with an error when using the STATEMENT binary logging format. For more information, see Determination of Safe and Unsafe Statements in Binary Logging, as well as Replication and AUTO_INCREMENT.


    This issue does not affect tables using the InnoDB storage engine, since an InnoDB table with an AUTO_INCREMENT column requires at least one key where the auto-increment column is the only or leftmost column.

    (Bug #11754117, Bug #45670)

    References: See also: Bug #11761686, Bug #54201, Bug #11746146, Bug #23894.

  • Replication: After upgrading a replication slave to MySQL 5.6.2 or later, enabling the query cache eventually caused the slave to fail. (Bug #64624, Bug #14005409)

  • Microsoft Windows: On Windows, mysqlslap crashed for attempts to connect using shared memory. (Bug #31173, Bug #11747181, Bug #59107, Bug #11766072)

  • Microsoft Windows: For Microsoft Windows, the deprecated MySQL Configuration Wizard is no longer distributed, and instead the newer MySQL Installer is available and preferred.

  • After running ALTER TABLE tbl DISCARD TABLESPACE for an InnoDB table, certain other ALTER TABLE operations such as renaming the table or rebuilding the primary key could cause a crash. (Bug #14213568)

  • For conditions of the form WHERE p1 AND (p2 OR p3), the optimizer now uses the index merge access method on (p2,p3) if it is more efficient than a range scan on p1. Previously, index merge was not considered when a range scan was possible. (Bug #14208922)

  • Error messages that should have said "YEAR(2)" said "YEAR(0)" instead. (Bug #14167585)

  • For debug builds, INSERT IGNORE INTO ... SELECT that selected more than max_join_size rows could raise an assertion. (Bug #14145442)

  • With logging of the general query log to a table, logging was disabled within a read-only transaction because write lock acquisition on the log table was blocked. (Bug #14136866)

  • The ARCHIVE storage engine could not be built unless the Performance Schema was also built. (Bug #14116252)

  • If a nonexistent page was requested to be loaded into the InnoDB buffer pool by the innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup configuration option, a subsequent shutdown operation could hang. (Bug #14106082)

  • In debug builds, the server failed to check for error status from the storage engine and raised an assertion. (Bug #14101852)

  • In debug builds, warnings occurring during creation of an InnoDB table with ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC and innodb_file_per_table disabled could raise an assertion. (Bug #14101563)

  • Derived tables and tables created with CREATE TABLE ... SELECT using the output from single-row queries with NULL in the first column could change the value to 0. (Bug #14069831)

  • Incorrect assessment of column nullability for a subquery result within a trigger could cause column cannot be null errors. (Bug #14069810, Bug #14005353)

  • The Performance Schema did not generate consistent digest values for CALL statements. (Bug #14069132)

  • The LooseScan semijoin strategy could fail to remove duplicates from the result set. (Bug #14053325)

  • Certain arguments to RPAD() could lead to uninitialized variable warnings. (Bug #14039955)

  • For debug builds compiled with gcov, tests that used DBUG_SUICIDE lost gcov data. (Bug #14028421)

  • When the index enforcing a foreign key constraint was dropped while foreign_key_checks=0, further operations involving the foreign key column could cause a serious error after the foreign_key_checks option was re-enabled. (Bug #14025221)

  • Mishandling of failed internal commits in administrative statements such as ANALYZE TABLE could cause an assertion to be raised. (Bug #14001091)

  • Improper calculation of decimals for TIME values given as arguments to IF() or IFNULL() could cause a server crash. (Bug #13988413, Bug #14042545)

  • Some arguments to MAKETIME() could cause a buffer overflow. (Bug #13982125)

  • For debug builds, conversion of a double-precision value to the lldiv_t type could raise an assertion. (Bug #13976233)

  • Mishandling of failure during multiple-table UPDATE IGNORE statements could cause an assertion to be raised. (Bug #13974815)

  • Queries that grouped by an outer BLOB column in a subquery caused a server crash. (Bug #13966809)

  • Selecting MIN() or MAX() from a left or right join involving an INFORMATION_SCHEMA table could cause a server crash. (Bug #13966514)

  • Queries containing references to user variables were not written to the general query log with some rewriting, not as received. (Bug #13958454)

  • For debug builds, the optimizer could change the query plan when checking sort order and return incorrect results. (Bug #13949068)

  • An infinite thread loop could develop within Performance Schema, causing the server to become unresponsive. (Bug #13898343)

  • Overhead for Performance Schema table aggregation operations was excessive. (Bug #13862186)

  • The version_compile_machine system variable sometimes did not include the value 64 for server binaries compiled on a 64-bit system. (Bug #13859866)

  • With subquery materialization enabled, some queries with a subquery in the HAVING clause caused a server crash. (Bug #13848789)

  • When the InnoDB persistent statistics feature was turned on, an ALTER TABLE statement on an InnoDB table with delete-marked records could cause a crash (non-debug builds) or assertion error (debug builds). (Bug #13838962, Bug #13867915)

  • In bootstrap mode, the server signal handler thread did not shut down if the server aborted early. (Bug #13837221)

  • Some errors in MySQL 5.6 had different numbers than in MySQL 5.5. (Bug #13833438)

  • If KILL QUERY interrupted an INSERT or UPDATE that had the IGNORE modifier, OK was incorrectly returned to the client rather than an error code. Now an error (Query execution was interrupted) is returned instead. (Bug #13822652)

  • If KILL QUERY interrupted a statement during derived table materialization, the server crashed later trying to read the nonexistent materialized table. (Bug #13820776)

  • Incorrect cost calculations for two-table joins could lead to incorrect join order. (Bug #13810048)

    References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #26106.

  • The Performance Schema stored identifiers in digest tables as utf8 without converting them from the original character set first. (Bug #13809293)

  • Incorrect stored program caching could cause statements within a stored program that included a GROUP BY clause to return different results across multiple program invocations. (Bug #13805127)

  • For comparison of a temporal value to and indexed character column, the optimizer could apply the range access method and thus perform an indexed search that found only literal matches. This is incorrect because MySQL permits a variety of delimiters in temporal values represented as strings. (Bug #13803810)

  • Several clarifications were made to optimizer trace output. (Bug #13799348)

  • viosslfactories did not compile on Oracle Linux 6.0 with CMake options -DWITH_SSL=system and -DWITH_DEBUG=1. (Bug #13799126)

  • In debug builds, a race condition in a signal handler during shutdown caused a server crash. (Bug #13793813)

  • A prepared statement that referenced views and were executed using semijoin transformation could return different results for different executions. (Bug #13773979)

    References: See also: Bug #14641759.

  • Outer join queries with ALL could return incorrect results because the optimizer incorrectly rewrote them to use inner join. (Bug #13735712)

  • (a,b) IN (SELECT c,d FROM t1 WHERE ...) could produce incorrect results if t1 had an index on (c, d) and c or d contained NULL values. (Bug #13731417)

  • For open ranges that effectively resulted in a full index scan, the optimizer did not discard the range predicate as unneeded. (Bug #13731380)

  • The range optimizer sometimes did not treat equivalent expressions the same, depending on the order of the operands. For example, it could treat a <= b and b >= a differently. (Bug #13701206)

  • With semijoin optimization enabled, an assertion was raised for queries for which the number of tables was greater than the search depth. (Bug #13685026)

  • Truncating a table partition did not invalidate queries in the query cache that used the table. (Bug #13485448)

  • Setting max_sort_length to small values could cause a server crash. (Bug #13485416)

  • A query executed with literal values in the WHERE clause could return results different from the same query written to select the same literal values from a separate table using a SELECT statement in the WHERE clause. (Bug #13468414)

  • Condition handler code could assume that after handler execution, control would pass up a single level to the parent, sometimes leading to a server crash. (Bug #13431226)

  • If a GROUP_CONCAT() result was calculated using intermediate results (for example, if ORDER BY or DISTINCT was present), individual intermediate results were each truncated to a maximum of 64K, even if the group_concat_max_len system variable was set to a larger value. Now the length of any intermediate result and the final result are controlled by the group_concat_max_len value. (Bug #13387020)

  • Queries with ALL subquery predicates could return incorrect results due to a faulty query transformation. (Bug #13330886)

  • Switching between index scans and random scans using the HANDLER interface could result in failure of the interface to properly reinitialize scans. (Bug #13008220)

  • The presence of a file named .empty in the test database prevented that database from being dropped. (Bug #12845091)

  • For queries with ORDER BY COUNT(*) and LIMIT, the optimizer could choose an execution plan that produced incorrect results. (Bug #12713907)

  • For some subqueries that should be executed using a range scan on a nonprimary index and required use of filesort, only the first execution of the subquery was done as a range scan. All following executions were done as full table scans, resulting in poor performance. In addition, if index condition pushdown was used, incorrect results could be returned. (Bug #12667154)

  • IPv6 functions such as IS_IPV6() produced Valgrind warnings with arguments that used a multibyte character set. (Bug #12635232, Bug #14040277)

  • Queries that used STRAIGHT_JOIN and were executed using Multi-Range Read optimization could result in a memory leak. (Bug #12365385)

  • Overhead for the Performance Schema was reduced. (Bug #12346211)

  • IN subqueries that used a variance or standard deviation aggregate function could return a different result depending on whether the optimizer_switch materialization flag was enabled.


    Those aggregate functions may now return a result with a different number of decimals from previously.

    (Bug #11766758)

  • On Windows, initial database creation failed during bootstrapping. (Bug #11766342)

  • A regression bug in the optimizer could cause excessive disk usage for UPDATE statements on InnoDB tables. For tables created with innodb_file_per_table enabled, OPTIMIZE TABLE can be used to recover excessive space used. For tables created in the InnoDB system tablespace,it is necessary to perform a dump and restore into a new instance of the system tablespace. (Bug #65745, Bug #14248833)

  • Parse errors that occurred while loading UCA or LDML collation descriptions were not written to the error log. (Bug #65593, Bug #14197426)

  • Incorrect metadata could be produced for columns returned from some views. (Bug #65379, Bug #14096619)

  • If an account had a nonzero MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS value, that value was not always respected. (Bug #65104, Bug #14003080)

  • When an ALTER TABLE operation was performed with an invalid foreign key constraint, the error reported was ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE rather than ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN. (Bug #64617, Bug #13840553)

  • SAVEPOINT statements were incorrectly disallowed within XA transactions. (Bug #64374, Bug #13737343)

    References: See also: Bug #11766752.

  • The server crashed at shutdown if the slow query log file was a named pipe. (Bug #64345, Bug #13733221)

  • Some Czech error messages contained invalid characters. (Bug #64310, Bug #13726075)

  • With lower_case_table_names=2 on systems with case-insensitive file systems such as Windows or OS X, CREATE TABLE ... LIKE did not preserve lettercase of the destination table name as given in the statement. (Bug #64211, Bug #13702397)

  • File access by the ARCHIVE storage engine was not instrumented and thus not shown in Performance Schema tables. (Bug #63340, Bug #13417440)

  • The Performance Schema incorrectly displayed some backslashes in Windows file names (by doubling them). (Bug #63339, Bug #13417446)

  • An inappropriate mutex was used to protect random number generation, causing contention during connect operations. (Bug #62282, Bug #12951609)

  • mysql_store_result() and mysql_use_result() are not for use with prepared statements and are not intended to be called following mysql_stmt_execute(), but failed to return an error when invoked that way in libmysqld. (Bug #62136, Bug #13738989)

    References: See also: Bug #47485.

  • Under some conditions, the effect of RENAME USER was not recognized until FLUSH PRIVILEGES was used (which should not be necessary). (Bug #61865, Bug #12766319)

  • If the bind_address system variable was given a host name value and the host name resolved to more than one IP address, the server failed to start. For example, with bind_address=localhost, if localhost resolved to both and ::1, startup failed. Now the server prefers the IPv4 address in such cases. (Bug #61713, Bug #12762885)

  • SHOW TABLES was very slow unless the required information was already in the disk cache. (Bug #60961, Bug #12427262)

  • On Windows, the mysql client crashed when invoked using its full path name. (Bug #60858, Bug #12402882)

  • Sessions could end up deadlocked when executing a combination of SELECT, DROP TABLE, KILL, and SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. (Bug #60682, Bug #12636001)

  • For debug builds, errors occurring during processing of INSERT DELAYED statements could crash the server. (Bug #60114, Bug #11827404)

  • Using CONCAT() to construct a pattern for a LIKE pattern match could result in memory corrupting and match failure. (Bug #59140, Bug #11766101)

  • Due to a race condition, it was possible for two threads to end up with the same query ID for different queries. (Bug #58785, Bug #11765785)

  • For queries with range predicates, the optimizer could miscalculate the number of key parts used, possibly leading to a server crash. (Bug #58731, Bug #11765737)

  • SHOW statements treated stored procedure, stored function, and event names as case sensitive. (Bug #56224, Bug #11763507)

  • mysqlbinlog exited with no error code if file write errors occurred. (Bug #55289, Bug #11762667)

  • yaSSL rejected valid SSL certificates that OpenSSL accepts. (Bug #54348, Bug #11761822)

  • If the server held a global mutex while doing network I/O, client disconnections could be slow. (Bug #53096, Bug #11760669)

  • A multiple-table UPDATE with the IGNORE keyword resulted in an inappropriate and not meaningful Got error 0 from storage engine message. (Bug #49539, Bug #11757486)

  • When dumping the mysql database, mysqldump did not include the general_log and slow_query_log tables because they cannot be locked. This caused a problem after reloading the dump file if that file contained a DROP DATABASE statement for the mysql database: The database no longer contained the log tables and attempts to log to them failed. Now mysqldump includes statements to re-create the general_log and slow_query_log tables so that they exist after loading the dump file. Log table contents still are not dumped. (Bug #45740, Bug #11754178)

  • When a query was killed, the error code was not always properly propagated up through the server code. (Bug #43353, Bug #11752226)

  • The optimizer could chose a worse execution plan for a condition that used a quoted number compared to the unquoted number. (Bug #43319, Bug #11752201)

  • Queries that used WHERE (col1, col2) IN ((const, const)) were optimized for SELECT, but not for DELETE or UPDATE. (Bug #43187, Bug #11752097)

  • For ALTER TABLE with the IGNORE keyword, IGNORE is now part of the information provided to the storage engine. It is up to the storage engine whether to use this when choosing between the in-place or copy algorithm for altering the table. For InnoDB index operations, IGNORE is not used if the index is unique, so the copy algorithm is used. (Bug #40344, Bug #11750045)

  • LEFT JOIN on derived tables was very slow. This is now addressed through the use of subquery materialization. (Bug #34364, Bug #11747876)

  • MySQL was overly agressive in enforcing the NO_ZERO_DATE and NO_ZERO_IN_DATE SQL modes for default values in column definitions for CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. Previously, default dates that were invalid with those SQL modes enabled produced an error, even when strict mode was not enabled. Now with NO_ZERO_DATE or NO_ZERO_IN_DATE enabled, invalid default dates produce a warning if strict SQL mode is not enabled, and an error if strict mode is enabled. (Bug #34280, Bug #11747847)

  • Redundant Specified key was too long messages could be produced by index-creation operations. (Bug #31149, Bug #11747177)

  • Code for the storage engine API did not check the return value from the ha_rnd_init(), ha_index_init(), and index_init() functions. (Bug #26040, Bug #11746399, Bug #54166, Bug #11761652)

  • For table or database names that are longer than 64 characters, the error Incorrect table name was returned rather than Identifier too long. (Bug #25168, Bug #11746295)

  • During the startup process, mysqld could incorrectly remove the PID file of an already running mysqld. (Bug #23790, Bug #11746142)

    References: See also: Bug #14726272.

  • Using ALTER TABLE to add a TIMESTAMP column containing DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in the definition resulted in a column containing '0000-00-00 00:00:00', not the current timestamp. (Bug #17392, Bug #11745578)