
  1096 Form link
  1099 Electronic Media Report link
  1099 Forms Report link
  1099 Invoice Exceptions Report link
  1099 Payments Report link
  1099 Supplier Exceptions Report link
  adjusting amounts link
  golden parachute payments link
  overview link
  recording payments made outside of Payables link
  recording refunds link
  suppliers link
  Tax Information Verification Letter link
  updating 1099 invoices and payments link

810 inbound link


Account Generator
  building charge accounts on project-related invoices link

account holds link
  creating accounting entries link
  creating accounting entries from transaction windows link
  overview link
    overview link
  Payables accounting events link
  Unaccounted Transactions Report link
  Unaccounted Transactions Sweep Program link

accounting and reconciliation reports
  reports and listings link

accounting entries
  creating link
  detail examples link
  drilling down to Payables from GL link
  summary examples link
  transfer to GL in detail link
  transfer to GL in summary link
  viewing link

  Account Default Hierarchy Chart link
  defining accrual and variance accounts link
  suspense link

Accounts Payable Trial Balance Report link
  reconciliation with Trial Balance link

  receipt accrual link

accrual accounts
  defining link

Accrual Write-Offs window link
Actual Value Date link
  changing addresses on manual payments link
  on 1099 forms link
  printing labels in Japanese address format link link

Adjustment invoice link
  accounting dates with the Unaccounted Transactions Sweep Program link
  accounting entries link
  charge accounts on project-related invoices link
  GL Dates on invoices link
  Invoice Adjustment Chart link
  invoice amounts link
  invoice batches link
  Invoice Distribution Adjustment Chart link
  invoice distributions link link
  invoice exchange rates link
  invoices link
  payments link
  prepayments link
  project-related information on invoices link
  scheduled payments link
  supplier's tax status link
  suppliers link

advances link link
Allocate window link
  allocation during Invoice Validation link

allocation of charges link
  within a single invoice link

Allocations window link link
Allow Interest Invoices supplier default link
amount corrections link link
Anticipated Value Date link
AP Procurement Card Employee Verification Workflow link
AP Procurement Card Manager Approval Transaction Workflow link
AP: Notification Recipient E-mail profile option link
APERAK outbound link
Apply Prepayments window link
Apply/Unapply Prepayments window link
Apply/Unapply Prepayments window reference link
applying holds link
  invoices link

asset invoices link
  Mass Additions Create Program link

  AuditTrail program link
  Invoice Audit Listing link
  Invoice Audit Report link
  Supplier Audit Report link

  overview link

Automatic Interest
  interest invoice reporting link
  overview link
  payments link
  restrictions link
  stopping payments link
  voiding payments link

automatic interest
  manual payments link

Automatic Offsets
  applying prepayments link
  automatic withholding tax accounts and entries link
  entering invoices link
  fund accounting with link
  invoice adjustments link
  invoice processing link
  offsetting cash accounts link
  offsetting discount accounts and entries link
  offsetting liability accounts link
  overview link
  payment processing link
  pooled and non-pooled bank accounts link
  prorating tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges link

Automatically Create Employee as Supplier Payables option link link
AutoRate program
  initiating link

Avery brand mailing labels link
Award Number
  entering link


  calculating for a supplier or supplier site link
  Open Items Revaluation report link

Bank Account Listing link
bank accounts
  supplier remit-to bank account link

bank charges
  restriction on discounts if using link

Bank Charges Accounting Upon Notification Report link
Bank Charges Accounting Upon Payment Report link
  assigning bank accounts to suppliers link
  assigning to suppliers link

base matched invoice number link
base-matched invoice link
basic invoices link
Batch Control Report by Batch Name link
Batch Control Report by Entered By link
bills payable
  Bills Payable Maturity Date Report link
  creating link
  creating as single payments link
  creating in a pay run link
  no account link
  no maturity rate link
  overview link
  posting link
  restrictions link
  setting up link
  setting up the funds disbursement payment method link
  supplier-initiated manual link
  troubleshooting link
  Update Matured Bills Payable Status Program link
  voiding or stopping link

budgetary control
  checking funds link
  encumbrance link
  holds link
  invoice validation link
  overview link

Budgetary Control Transactions window link
Build Payments program
  building payments link


Calculate Balance Owed window link
  calculating a supplier or supplier site balance link
  calculating a supplier or supplier site balance in a foreign currency link
  window reference link

  tax link

Can't Funds Check hold link
Cancel Invoices option link
  invoices link
    Matching Hold Detail Report link
    purchase order matched invoices link
    reversing distributions link
    withholding tax invoices link
  prepayments link

cash management
  Cash Requirement Report link
  Discounts Available Report link
  Discounts Taken and Lost Report link

Cash Requirement Report link
Cash Requirements Report
  reviewing link

charge allocation
  overview link
  using the Allocate window link
  within a single invoice link

Charge Allocations window
  creating freight and miscellaneous distributions link
  reviewing allocations in link
  window reference link

  Account Default Hierarchy Chart link
  charge accounts on project-related invoices link
  hold codes link
  Invoice Adjustment Chart link
  Invoice and Invoice Batch Hierarchy Chart link
  Invoice Distribution Adjustment Chart link
  Invoice Variances Chart link
  Payables Encumbrances for Purchase Order Matched Invoices link link
  Payment and Payment Batch Hierarchy Chart link

checking funds for invoices and invoice distributions link
  printing link

Clearing Payments
  overview link

closing accounting periods
  Period Close Exceptions report link

Concurrent Request Notification Program link
concurrent requests
  submitting link

contract financing link
  Batch Control Report by Batch Name link
  Prompt Payment Act link
  using Automatic Interest link

  suppressing on supplier mailing labels link link

  reports link

Create Accounting button link
Create Accounting check box link
Create Adjusting Documents in Payables Exceptions report link
Create Adjustment Documents in Payables program link
Create Credit Card Issuer Invoice link
Create Debit Memo From RTS Transaction link link link link
Create Invoices window link
Create Invoices window (in Quick Invoice) link
Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice link
Creating a Netting Batch link
Creating Recurring Credit/Debit Memos link
Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Aging) link
Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Details) link
Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Summary Report link
Credit Card Transactions Inactive Employees Process link
Credit Card Transactions Validation Program link
credit cards
  Create Credit Card Issuer Invoice link
  Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Aging) link
  Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Details) link
  Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Summary Report link
  Credit Card Transactions Inactive Employee Process link
  Credit Card Transactions Validation Program link
  outstanding transactions link

Credit Memo Matching Report link
credit memos
  allocation link
  clearing unused link
  Credit Memo Matching Report link
  matching to purchase orders and invoices link
  overview link
  price corrections link

  recording for one-time 1099 suppliers link

cross currency payments link
  fixed-rate link

Currency: Allow Direct EMU/Non-EMU User Rates profile option link
Customer Number link


daily rates link
  Oracle Payables link

debit memos
  clearing unused link
  creating from return to supplier transactions link link link link
  matching to purchase orders and invoices link
  overview link
  price corrections link

  Account Default Hierarchy Chart link
  Invoice Hierarchy Chart link
  Payment Hierarchy Chart link

  invoices link

disburse funds link
  on credit and debit memos link
  overview link

Discounts Available Report link
Discounts Taken and Lost Report link
Distribution Set Listing link link
Distribution Set supplier default link
Distributions window
  adding invoice distributions to an existing invoice link
  reversing invoice distributions link
  updating invoice distributions link
  window reference link

drilling down
  to Payables accounting entries link

due date link
duplicate invoices link


e-Commerce Gateway Program link
e-Commerce Invoice Inbound Set link
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
  applying holds to EDI invoices link
  supplier information link

EDI inbound invoices
  824/APERAK outbound notification advice link
  Payables Open Interface Import
    overview link

electronic payment instructions
  creating link

Employee Listing link
Employee Name field link
Employee Update Program link
  updating employee supplier records link

  Employee Update Program link
  entering link
  entering employees as suppliers link
    outstanding credit card transactions link
  supplier integration with employee information link

  accounting link
  final matching link
  overview link

Enter Person window
  entering employees link

  Unclaimed Property Report link

euro link
  accounting events link

  resolving for Expense Report Export link
  resolving for Payables Open Interface Import link

exchange rate variance
  receipt matching link

exchange rates
  adjusting link
  AutoRate link
  AutoRate entry link
  entry types link
  fixed exchange rates link
  GL Daily Rates Table entry link
  manual entry link
  overview link link
  types link
  user rates for EMU currencies link

Expense Receipts Workflow
  Overdue Expense Receipts Tracking program link

expense report
  export parameters link

Expense Report Export
  expense reports from
    Oracle Internet Expenses link
  overview link
  resolving exceptions link
  source link
  updating employee supplier information link

expense reports
  adjusting link
  advances link
  applying prepayments link
  entering in Payables link
  entering VAT (Value Added Tax) link
  Expense Report Export link
  foreign currency link
  holds link
  overview link
  paying link
  project-related link
    entering link
  recording VAT details link
  restrictions link
  reviewing link

Expense Reports window
  applying a hold to an expense report link
  applying an advance against an expense report link
  entering a basic expense report link
  entering an expense report in a foreign currency link
  reviewing or modifying a Payables expense report link
  reviewing or modifying an Oracle Projects expense report link
  window reference link

Expenses Workflow link


factors link
final matching
  purchase orders link

Final Netting Report link
Final Purge Statistics Report link
Final Purged Listings link
Finalize Netting Batch link
finally closing purchase orders link
Find Invoice Batches window link
Find Invoice Distributions window link
Find Invoices to Apply window link
Find Invoices to Match window link
Find Invoices window link link
Find Payments window link
Find Period to Date Withheld Amounts window link
Find Prepayments to Apply window link link
Find Receipts window link
fixed-rate currencies link
fixed-rate payments
  accounting for link
  overview link
  paying invoices in a different fixed-rate currency link
  restrictions link
  Rounding account link

  self service invoices link

  customizing link

Force Approval option link link
foreign currency
  AutoRate program link
  invoice entering link
  overview link
  payments link link
  reporting link
  stopping or voiding payments link
  withheld amounts link

foreign currency assets
  mass additions link

  creating Freight distributions by allocation link
  entering on invoices link
  prorating freight charges link

freight terms
  setting defaults for suppliers and supplier sites link

  disburse link

Funds Available Inquiry window link
funds checking for invoices and invoice distributions link
funds holds link
Future Period holds link


gains and losses link
GL accounts
  adjusting link

GL Daily Rates table link
GL dates
  adjusting on an invoice link
  in Quick Invoices window link
  invoice distributions link
  Unaccounted Transactions Sweep program link

golden parachute payments link
GUI Payables link


  common report headings link

Hold Unmatched Invoices option link
Hold window of the Payment workbench link
  account holds link
  applying link
  applying to a scheduled payment link
  applying to a supplier site link
  applying to an invoice link
  applying to expense reports link
  Can't Close PO hold link
  charts of hold codes link
  Final Matching hold link
  funds holds chart link
  Invalid PO hold link
  Invalid PO Supplier Notice link
  Invoice Cancel link
  invoice holds chart link
  Invoice Holds window reference link
  Invoice on Hold Report link
  Invoice Validation Report link
  Matching Hold Agent Notice link
  Matching Hold Detail Report link
  matching holds chart link
  miscellaneous holds chart link
  overview link
  releasing holds link
  releasing holds from prepayments link
  releasing in the Invoice Actions window link
  releasing scheduled payment holds link
  releasing supplier holds link
  releasing through workflow link
  restrictions on releasing link
  summary of hold codes link
  supplier holds link
  system holds link
  tax link
  types link
  Unaccounted Transactions Report link
  variance holds chart link

Home supplier sites link
Home tab
  Payments Manager link
  using link


  saving invoices on the Navigator link link

Include Income Tax Type on Withholding Distributions Payables option link
Income Tax Region
  updating on distributions link

Income Tax Type
  updating on distributions link

income taxes
  entering on invoices link

Initiate Approval option link link
  Find Invoice Batches window link
  Find Invoice Distributions window link
  Find Invoices to Apply window link
  Find Invoices to Match window link
  Find Invoices window link
  Find Payments window link
  Find Prepayments to Apply window link
  invoice batches link
  invoice records in Quick Invoices link
  invoices link
  payments link link
  prepayments to apply to invoices link
  suppliers link

  General Ledger
    Transfer Journals to General Ledger link
  multiple organization support link
  Oracle Assets link
  Oracle Cash Management link
  Oracle Cost Management link
  Oracle General Ledger link
    budgetary control link
    daily rates link
  Oracle Grants Accounting link
  Oracle HRMS link link
  Oracle Internet Expenses link
  Oracle Inventory link
  Oracle iSupplier Portal link
  Oracle Projects link link
  Oracle Property Manager link
  Oracle Purchasing link
    Retroactive Pricing feature link

intercompany accounting
  performing link
  posting link
  setting up link

  Automatic Interest link
  Prompt Payment Act link

interest invoices
  Invoice Audit Listing link

  GUI interface in Payables link

interface tables
    Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice link
  GL Interface link

  recording movement statistics link

Invalid PO hold link link
Invalid PO Supplier Notice link
INVOIC inbound link
  reports link

Invoice Actions window
  Apply/Unapply Prepayment check box link
  Cancel Invoices check box link
  cancelling an invoice link
  Create Accounting check box link
  Force Approval check box link
  Initiate Approval check box link
  Pay in Full check box link
  Print Notice check box link
  printing notices from the Invoice workbench link
  Release Holds check box link
  releasing holds from multiple invoices link
  submitting online invoice validation link
  submitting online validation for invoices link
  Validate check box link
  Validate Related Invoices check box link

Invoice Aging Report link
Invoice and Invoice Batch Hierarchy Chart link
Invoice Approval History window link
  viewing link
  window reference link

Invoice Approval Status Report link
Invoice Approval Workflow link
  approval and validation link
  exceptions link
  force approval link
  Invoice Approval History window link
  Invoice Lines Approval History window link
  invoice selection criteria link
  overview link
  program submission link

Invoice Audit Listing link
  interest invoices link

Invoice Audit Listing by Voucher Number link
Invoice Audit Report link
invoice batch control
  in Quick Invoices link

invoice batches
  finding link

Invoice Batches window
  adjusting an invoice batch link
  creating accounting entries from link
  deleting an invoice batch link
  entering an invoice batch link
  reviewing invoice batches link
  submitting online validation for invoice batches link
  window reference link

Invoice Cancel hold link
invoice currency
  setting supplier defaults link

invoice distributions
  adding new distributions link
  adjusting link link
  allocating link
  entering link
  Invoice Distribution Adjustment Chart link
  reversing link
  reviewing link

Invoice History Report link
Invoice Holds window
  applying holds to an invoice link
  releasing holds from an invoice link
  window reference link

Invoice Lines Approval History window link
  viewing link

Invoice Match option
  setting supplier defaults link

invoice notices
  Print Invoice Notice link
  printing from the Invoice workbench link

Invoice on Hold Report link
Invoice Overview window link
invoice records
  adding to Quick Invoices batches link
  creating invoices from link
  entering in Quick Invoices window link
  finding Quick Invoices invoice records link
  importing link
  matching to purchase orders in Quick Invoices window link
  modifying Quick Invoices invoice records link
  price corrections in Quick Invoices window link
  reviewing invoice records rejected by import link

Invoice Register link
invoice selection
  Payments Manager link

invoice tolerances
  using with purchase order matching link

invoice types link
Invoice Validation
  budgetary control link
  invoice batches link
  Matching Hold Detail Report link
  overview link
  submitting batch link
  submitting online link
  weighted average price for price corrections link

Invoice Validation program link
Invoice Validation Report link
Invoice Workbench link
  entering lines link
  matching invoices to receipts link

Invoice Workbench window
  entering basic invoices link

  adjusting link link
    restrictions link
  adjusting project-related invoices link
  approving link
  automatic interest link link
  automating management of link
  basic link
  budgetary control link
  cancelled link
  cancelling link
  checking funds link
  comparing entry in Invoice Workbench or Quick Invoices link
  creating using Quick Invoices window link
  credit/debit memos link
  deleting link
  discounts link
  duplicate link
  EDI inbound invoices link
    overview link
  entering basic invoices link
  entering lines link
  entry in Quick Invoices window link
  Final Purged Listings link
  finding link
  foreign currency link
  holds overview link
  importing from Payables Open Interface tables link
  Invalid PO Supplier Notice link
  Invoice Adjustment Chart link
  Invoice Aging Report link
  Invoice Approval Status Report link
  Invoice Approval Workflow link
  Invoice Audit Listing link
  Invoice Audit Report link
  Invoice on Hold Report link
  Invoice Overview window link
  Invoice Register link
  Invoice Validation link
  invoice variances link
  iSupplier Portal link
  matching credit memos to invoices link
  Matching Hold Agent Notice link
  matching to purchase order receipts in the Invoice Workbench link
  matching to purchase orders link
  matching to receipts in Quick Invoices link
  mixed link
  notices link
  overview link
  Payment on Receipt AutoInvoice Program link
  payment request link
  Posted Invoice Register link
  Preliminary Purged Listings link
  prepayments link
    entering link
  prorating freight link link
  prorating miscellaneous charges link link
  recording 1099 information link
  recording assets link
  recording income tax information link
  recurring link
  Rejected Purged Listings link
  reporting on key indicators link
  restrictions on adjusting link
  reviewing link
  scheduling payments link
  self service link
  status link
  tax link
  that include prepayment amounts link
  validating online link

  adjustment charts link

Invoices window
  adjusting the amount of an invoice link link
  allocating freight or miscellaneous charges link
  applying prepayments to an invoice link
  clearing a credit that will not be used link
  creating accounting entries from link
  entering credit/debit memos link
  entering mixed invoices link
  entering prepayments link
  prorating freight or miscellaneous charges link
  recording a distribution as an asset link
  recording a refund from a one-time 1099 supplier link
  recording income tax information for an invoice link
  window reference link


Japan Actual Payment Report link
Japan Invoice Transaction Check Report link
Japan Payment Schedule Report link
journal entries
  drilling down to Payables accounting entries link


Key Indicators Current Activity Report link
Key Indicators Invoice Activity Report link
Key Indicators Report link
Key Indicators State-of-the-System Report link


  mailing link
  printing in Japanese address format link link

  importing invoices from Oracle Property Manager link
  making payments link

  setting for Payables link

Ledger Currency
  report parameter link

Liability Account
  supplier default link

  reports link


mailing labels link
manual payments link
  automatic interest link

Mass Additions
  foreign currencies link

Mass Additions Create
  request set link

Mass Additions Create program link
Match Other Charges to Receipts window link
Match to Invoice Distribution window link
Match to Purchase Order window
  final matching purchase orders link
  recording price decreases link
  recording price increases link
  window reference link

Match to Receipts window
  window reference link

Matched and Modified Receipts Report link
Matching Charges to Material Receipts link
Matching Detail Report link
Matching Hold Agent Notice link
Matching Hold Detail Report link
  cancelled invoices link

matching holds link
Matching Required hold link
matching restrictions
  for purchase order matching link

Matured Bills Payable Report link
maturity date calculation
  multiple payments link

minority-owned suppliers link
mixed invoices link
  Unrealized Gain/Loss Report link

Multiple Organization Access Control link
multiple organizations
  supplier information link

multiple payments
  creating link
  maturity date calculation link
  overview link
  scheduling link


  adding invoices as icons link link

Needs Reapproval option link
Netting Agreement link
New Supplier/New Supplier Site Listing. See Suppliers Report link
No Rate holds link
notices link
  invoice link

  suppliers link


Office supplier sites link
Open Interface Invoices window link
Open Items Revaluation Report link
operating unit
  reporting by link

Oracle Assets link
  suppliers link

Oracle Cash Management
  integration link
  reconciling payments link

Oracle Cost Management
  Periodic Costing link

Oracle e-Commerce Gateway
  EDI inbound invoices link
  Payables Open Interface Outbound Advice link

Oracle General Ledger
  drilling down from link
  intercompany accounting link
  posting link
  reconciliation link
  transferring accounting entries to link

Oracle Grants Accounting
  integration link

Oracle Inventory
  integration link
  recording movement statistics link

Oracle iSupplier Portal link
  setting up integration link
  special issues for invoices link

Oracle Projects
  adjusting invoices link
  building the account in the Quick Invoices window link
  entering expense reports in Payables link
  entering invoices link
  integration with link
  reviewing Oracle Projects expense reports link

Oracle Property Manager
  integration link
  suppliers link

Oracle Purchasing
  creating debit memos from return to supplier transaction link link link link
  overview of integration link
  purging related purchasing records link
  suppliers link

Oracle Workflow
  AP Procurement Card Employee Verification Workflow link link
  AP Procurement Card Manager Approval Transaction Workflow link link
  Invoice Approval Workflow link
  Procurement Card Transactions Approval Process link link
  Procurement Card Transactions Verification Process link link
  submitting link

Organization Parameters window link
Outbound Application Advice link
Overdue Expense Receipts Tracking link
  creating multiple payments link
  invoices link


PA: Allow Override of PA Distributions in AP/PO profile option link
packing slip number link
page reference
  Payments Manager link

Paid To Name link
  common report parameters link
  printed on reports link

Pay Alone supplier defaults link
Pay Date Basis supplier defaults link
Pay Group
  supplier defaults link

Pay on Receipt AutoInvoice Program link link
pay site
  alternate link

payables and receivables netting link
Payables Lookups Listing link
Payables Open Interface
  prepayments link

Payables Open Interface Import
  overview link
  parameters link
  Payables Open Interface Outbound Advice link
  Payables Open Interface Purge link
  Payables Open Interface Report link
    Payables Open Interface Audit Report link
    Payables Open Interface Rejections Report link
  submitting link
  submitting from the Quick Invoices window link
  troubleshooting link
  updating records in interface table link

Payables Open Interface Import Program
  using with Quick Invoices link

Payables Open Interface Outbound Advice link
Payables Open Interface Purge program link
Payables Open Interface Report link
Payables Open Interface tables
  loading credit card data link
  loading procurement card data link
  updating records in Open Interface Invoices window link

Payables/Receivables Netting link
  reports and listings link

Payment Actions window
  Create Accounting check box link
  Initiate Stop check box link
  Reissue check box link
  Release Stop check box link
  releasing a stop on a payment link
  stopping a payment link
  Void check box link
  voiding a payment document link
  voiding and reissuing a Quick payment link
  voiding refunds link

Payment and Payment Batch Hierarchy Chart link
payment attributes
  automating in Payments Manager link
  specifying in Payments Manager link

Payment Audit by Voucher Number link
Payment Batch Actions window
  Create Accounting check box link

Payment Batches window
  creating accounting entries from link

payment currency
  fixed-rate link
  setting supplier defaults link

payment documents
  escheating link
  reprinting link

Payment Exceptions Report link
Payment Gain & Loss Report link
payment instruction creation
  immediate link
  scheduled link

payment instruction validation errors
  resolving link

payment instructions
  creating link link
  creating electronic payment instructions link
  creating printed payment instructions link

Payment Method supplier defaults link
payment on receipt link
Payment Overview window link
payment priority link link
  setting supplier defaults link

payment process request
  templates link

payment process request process
  automating link

payment process requests
  canceling link
  initiating link

Payment Register link
payment requests link
payment selection criteria
  specifying in Payments Manager link

payment terms link
  scheduling payment for an invoice link
  setting supplier defaults link

Payment Terms Listing link
  adjusting invoices link
  bills payable link
  building link
  Cash Requirement Report link
  changing addresses link
  Clearing Payments link
  discounts on invoice payments link
  escheating link
  Final Purged Listings link
  finding and reviewing link
  foreign currency link
  holds overview link
    overview link
  overview link
  paying from the Invoice Workbench link
  paying invoices in a different fixed-rate currency link
  Payment Register link
  Posted Payment Register link
  Preliminary Purged Listings link
    reviewing link
  Publish Payment Register Report link
  Quick Payments link
  reconciling with Oracle Cash Management link
  Recurring Invoices Report link
  refunds link
  Rejected Purged Listings link
  releasing a stop on a payment link
  reviewing link
  single payments link
  stopping link
  Supplier Paid Invoice History link
  Supplier Payment History Report link
    reporting on link
  updating payments link
  Void Payment Register link
  voiding link
  voiding and reissuing Quick payments link
  wire transfers link
  working with link
  zero-amount link

  Payments Manager link

Payments dashboard
  using link

Payments Manager
  automating the payment process request process link
  canceling payment process requests link
  components link
  creating immediate payment instructions link
  creating multiple payments link
  creating payment instructions link link
  creating payment process request templates link
  creating scheduled payment instructions link
  creating single payments link
  initiating payment process requests link
  overview link
  payment actions link
  Payments tab link
  reviewing selected invoices link
  reviewing the Cash Requirements Report link
  reviewing the Scheduled Payment Selection Report link
  scheduling payment process requests link
  specifying payment attributes link
  specifying payment selection criteria link
  specifying template header information link
  specifying user-defined criteria link
  specifying validation failure criteria link
  using the Home tab link
  using the Payments Dashboard page link
  voiding payments link

Payments Manager page reference
  Payment Instructions tab link
  Payment Process Requests tab link
  Payments Tab link
  Templates tab link

Payments tab
  Payments Manager link

Payments window
  creating a Quick Payment link
  creating accounting entries from link
  entering a manual payment link
  entering refunds link
  paying invoices created from expense reports link
  window reference link

Payments window (of Invoice workbench) link
  window reference link

People window
  entering employees link

  optimizing by purging records link

Period Close Exceptions Report link
Periodic Costing link
Permanent prepayments
  2 link

perpetual accounting link
petty cash funds
  closing link
  overview link
  reconciling link
  using link

PO Price Adjustment invoice link
positive pay
  setting up link

Posted Invoice Register link
  reconciliation link

Posted Payment Register link
  reconciliation link

  Accounts Payable Trial Balance Report link
  bills payable link
  holds overview link
  in Oracle General Ledger link
  intercompany accounting link
  Posted Invoice Register link
  Posted Payment Register link
  Transfer Journals to General Ledger program link

Preliminary Purged Listings link
prenumbered payment documents
  recording print status link

Prepayment account
  setting supplier defaults link

Prepayment distributions
  adjusting link

Prepayment on Invoice check box link
Prepayment on Invoice feature link
Prepayment Remittance Notice link
  adjusting link
  applying holds link
  applying in Invoice Workbench link
  applying in Open Interface link
  applying in Quick Invoices link
  applying to expense reports link
  applying to invoices link
  cancelling link
  entering link
  entering invoices that reference prepayments link
  expense reports link
  overview link
  paying link
  Prepayment Remittance Notice link
  Prepayments Status Report link
  recording a refund of a prepayment link
  refunds for link
  restrictions on applying prepayments link
  unapplying link
  withholding tax on link

Prepayments Status Report link
price corrections link link
  recording price decreases link
  recording price increases link

Primary Remit-to Bank account link
Print Invoice Notice link
print status of prenumbered payment documents
  recording link

printed payment instructions
  creating link

  checks link
  invoice notices link link

Procurement Card Transactions Approval Process link link
Procurement Card Transactions Validation link
Procurement Card Transactions Verification Process link link
Procurement Card Transactions window link
  window reference link

procurement cards
  adjusting procurement card transactions data link
  Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice link
  overview link
  Procurement Card Transactions Approval Process link
  Procurement Card Transactions Validation link
  Procurement Card Transactions Verification Process link
  purchase orders link

  AutoRate link
  Build Payments program link
  Create Credit Card Issuer Invoice link
  Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice link
  Credit Card Transactions Inactive Employees Process link
  Credit Card Transactions Validation link
  e-Commerce Gateway Program link
  Employee Update Program link
  Expense Report Export link
  Invoice Approval Workflow link
  Invoice Validation link
  Mass Additions Create link
  Overdue Expense Receipts Tracking link
  overview link
  Payables Open Interface Import link
  Payables Open Interface Purge link
  Payables Transfer to General Ledger program link
  Payment on Receipt AutoInvoice link
  Procurement Card Transactions Approval Process link
  Procurement Card Transactions Validation link
  Procurement Card Transactions Verification Process link
  Purge programs link
  reports link
  Unaccounted Transactions Sweep link
  Unapply Preupgrade Payment program link
  Update Income Tax Details Utility link
  Update Matured Bills Payable Status Program link

Projected Withholding Tax window link
  window reference link

Prompt Payment Act
  overview link

Proposed Netting Report link
proposed payments
  reviewing link

Prorate window link
  prorating freight and miscellaneous link

Publish Payment Register report link
Purchase Order Distributions Window link
Purchase Order Header Updates Report link
purchase order matching
  2-way, 3-way, 4-way link
  adjusting matched invoices link
  cancelling invoices link link link
  credit/debit memos link
  entering purchase order matched invoices link
  final matching link link
  integration with Oracle Purchasing link link
  Invoice on Hold Report link
  Match to Purchase Order window reference link
  matching credit/memos to invoices link
  Matching Hold Agent Notice link
  Matching Hold Detail Report link
  matching invoices to purchase orders link
  matching restrictions link
  matching to purchase order distributions link
  matching to purchase order shipments link
  matching to receipts link
  overview link link link
  price corrections link link
  price, quantity, amount corrections link
  reversing link
  setting up options for link
  shipment and distribution matching link
  using invoice tolerances with link
  viewing link

purchase order receipts
  matching invoices to link

Purchase Order Shipments window link
purchase orders
  closing link
  final matching link link
  finally closing link
  integration with Oracle Purchasing link
  Matching Detail Report link
  procurement card purchase orders link
  viewing link

Purchasing Options window link link link link link
  aborting link
  Final Purge Statistics Report link
  Final Purged Listings link
  initiating link
  invoice data from the Payables Open Interface Tables link
  overview link
  payables and purchasing information link
  Preliminary Purged Listings link
    criteria link
  recreating database objects link
  Rejected Purged Listings link
  reports link
  restarting link
  submitting link
  tables link
  tables purged by the Purge process link
  viewing status link


quantity corrections link link
quick invoice header region
  window reference link

Quick Invoices Batches link
Quick Invoices Identification window
  window reference link

Quick Invoices Rejections window link
Quick Invoices window
  adding invoice records link
  applying prepayments in link
  applying prepayments to an invoice link
  compared to Invoices window link
  creating invoices from invoice records link
  entering invoice records in link
  entering price correction invoice records in link
  entering purchase order matched invoice records in link
  finding invoice records in link
  matching invoices to receipts link
  modifying invoice records in link
  overview link link
  using to query and correct rejected invoice records link
  window reference link

Quick Payments
  overview link


Rate Type field link link link link link
Ready for Approval check box link
receipt accounting link
receipt accrual link
receipt matching
  Match to Receipts window reference link

Receipt Transactions Summary window link
  Matched and Modified Receipts report link
  payment on receipt link
  purchase order link
  tracking overdue receipts link

Receivables and Payables Netting Reports link
Receiving Hold Requestor Notice link
  accounts payable liability link
  bills payable link
  payables activity to general ledger link
  reconciling payments with Oracle Cash Management link

  print status of prenumbered payment documents link
  stop payment requests link

Recording Allocations for Periodic Costing link
recurring invoices
  creating link
  project-related link
  Recurring Invoices Report link

Recurring Invoices Report link
Recurring Invoices window
  creating recurring credit/debit memos link
  creating recurring invoices link
  defining a recurring invoice template link
  entering link
  window reference link
  withholding taxes from a recurring invoice link

  entering link
  for prepayments link link
  overview link
  paying when a credit balance exists link
  paying when no credit balance exists link
  recording prepayment refunds link
  recording to ensure 1099 compliance link
  restrictions link
  voiding link

regulatory reporting
  specifying link

  recording prepayment refunds link

reject reasons
  Payables Open Interface Rejections Report link

Rejected Purged Listings link
releasing holds link
Remit-to Bank
  account link

report parameters link
Reporting Context parameter link
Reporting Level parameter link
  1096 form link
  Bills Payable Maturity Date link
  country-specific link
  income tax forms and reports link
  invoice link
  listings link
  programs link
  supplier link

reports and listings
  1096 Form link
  1099 Electronic Media link
  1099 Forms link
  1099 Invoice Exceptions Report link
  1099 Payments Report link
  1099 Supplier Exceptions Report link
  accounting and reconciliation reports link
  Accounts Payable Trial Balance link
  automatic submission by programs link
  Bank Account Listing link
  Bank Charges Accounting Upon Notification Report link
  Bank Charges Accounting Upon Payment Report link
  Batch Control Report by Batch Name link
  Batch Control Report by Entered By link
  Cash Requirement Report link
  common report headings link
  common report parameters link
  Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Aging) link
  Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Management (Details) link
  Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Summary Report link
  Credit Card Transactions Inactive Employees Report link
  Credit Memo Matching Report link
  Discounts Available Report link
  Discounts Taken and Lost Report link
  Distribution Set Listing link
  e-Commerce Invoice Inbound Set
    bodytext link
  Employee Listing link
  Final Purge Statistics Report link
  Final Purged Listings link
  Invalid PO Supplier Notice link
  Invoice Aging Report link
  Invoice Approval Status Report link
  Invoice Audit Listing link
  Invoice Audit Listing by Voucher Number link
  Invoice Audit Report link
  Invoice History Report link
  Invoice on Hold Report link
  Invoice Register link
  Invoice Validation Report link
  Japan Actual Payment Report link
  Japan Invoice Transaction Check Report link
  Key Indicators Current Activity link
  Key Indicators Invoice Activity Report link
  Key Indicators Report link
  Key Indicators State-of-the-System link
  Matched and Modified Receipts link
  Matching Detail Report link
  Matching Hold Agent Notice link
  Matching Hold Detail Report link
  Matured Bills Payable Report link
  Merge Suppliers Report link
  Open Items Revaluation Report link
  Outbound Application Advice link
  overview link
  Payables Lookups Listing link
  Payables Open Interface Outbound Advice link
  Payables Open Interface Report link
  payment link
  Payment Audit by Voucher Number link
  Payment Exceptions Report link
  Payment Gain & Loss Report link
  Payment Register link
  Payment Terms Listing link
  Period Close Exceptions Report link
  Posted Invoice Register link
  Posted Payment Register link
  Preliminary Purged Listings link
  Prepayment Remittance Notice link
  Prepayments Status Report link
  Print Invoice Notice link link
  Procurement Card Transactions Validation Report link
  Publish Payment Register report link
  Purchase Order Header Updates Report link
  Receiving Hold Requestor Notice link
  Recurring Invoices Report link
  Rejected Purged Listings link
  Stopped Payments Report link
  Subledger Accounting Reports link
  Supplier Audit Report link
  Supplier Mailing Labels Report link
  Supplier Merge Report link
  Supplier Open Balance Letter link
  Supplier Paid Invoice History link
  Supplier Payment History Report link
  Suppliers Report link
  Tax Authority Remittance Advice link
  Tax Information Verification Letter link
  Tolerance Listing link
  Unaccounted Transactions Report link
  Unaccounted Transactions Sweep link
  Unaccounted Transactions Sweep Program link
  Unclaimed Property Report link
  Unrealized Gain/Loss Report link
  Void Payment Register link
  Withholding Tax By Invoice Report link
  Withholding Tax By Payment Report link
  Withholding Tax By Supplier Report link
  Withholding Tax By Tax Authority Report link
  Withholding Tax Certificate Listing link
  Withholding Tax Letter link
  Withholding Tax Report link

  payment documents link

request sets link
requester link link link
  allocations link
  applying holds link
  Automatic Interest link
  Automatic Withholding Tax link
  bills payable link
  cancelling invoices link
  clearing bills payable link
  expense report link
  fixed-rate payments link
  foreign currency payment link
  invoice and invoice batch adjustments link
  prepayment application link
  refunds link
  releasing holds link
  scheduled payment adjustments link

  retainage release link

Retroactive Pricing on Purchase Order Items link
return to supplier transaction
  setup link link link link

  Open Items Revaluation Report link

Reverse Payment button in Select Invoices window link
  invoice distributions link
  purchase order matches link link link

  invoice batches link
  invoice distributions link
  invoices link
  payment information from the Invoice Workbench link
  proposed payments link

reviewing suppliers link
Rounding account link


Scheduled Payment Selection Report
  reviewing link

scheduled payments
  overview link
  restrictions to adjusting link

Scheduled Payments window
  adjusting scheduled payments for an invoice link
  applying a hold to a scheduled payment link
  releasing scheduled payment holds link
  window reference link

Select Invoices window
  creating a Quick Payment link
  creating clearing payments link
  deselecting invoices for payment link
  recording a manual payment link

selected invoices
  reviewing link

self service invoices
  flexfields link

self-billing link
separate remittance advice
  specifying link

setting up
  accounts link
  bills payable link
  employees link
  intercompany accounting link
  iSupplier Portal integration link
  payment methods for bills payable link
  positive pay link
  suppliers link
    employee suppliers link
  withholding tax link

single payments
  creating link

  Open Interface Import parameter link

  Expense Report Export link
  Quick Invoices sources link

  loading Payables Open Interface tables link

statistical quantities link
statistical units link link
Stop Approval option link
stop payment requests
  recording link

Stopped Payments Report link
stopping payments
  foreign currency link
  overview link

Subledger Accounting Reports link
Submit Netting Batch link
Submit Purge window link
  reports link

Supplier Audit Report link
supplier defaults
  Allow Interest Invoices link
  Pay Alone link
  Pay Date Basis link
  Pay Group link
  Terms Date Basis link

Supplier Mailing Labels Report link
  troubleshooting link

Supplier Merge Report link
Supplier Merge window link
Supplier Number Entry Financials option link
Supplier Open Balance Letter link
Supplier Paid Invoice History link
Supplier Payment History Report link
Supplier Sites window
  adding a new supplier site link
  applying supplier site holds link
  updating supplier and supplier site defaults link
  updating supplier invoice holds link

supplier type
  assigning in Suppliers window link

supplier-initiated manual bills payable link
  1096 Form link
  1099 Electronic Media link
  1099 Forms link
  1099 Payments Report link
  1099 reportable link
  adding new supplier sites link
  adjusting link
  calculating a supplier or supplier site balance link
  controlling supplier entry link
    controlling link
    identifying link
  employee suppliers link
    Employee Update Program link
    updating link
  employees link
  entering manually link
  factors link
  Final Purged Listings link
  finding link
  hierarchies link
  holds link
  integration with Oracle Purchasing link
  management link
  merging link
  numbers link
  overview link
  Preliminary Purged Listings link
  Rejected Purged Listings link
  Remit-to Bank account link
  reviewing link
  Supplier Mailing Labels Report link
  supplier name
    updating to match employee record link
  Supplier Open Balance Letter link
  Supplier Paid Invoice History link
  Supplier Payment History Report link
  supplier type link
  Suppliers Report link
  tax information link
  Tax Information Verification Letter link
  VAT (Value Added Tax) link
  Vendor Audit Report link
  withholding tax information link
  withholding taxes link
  woman-owned link

Suppliers pages
  Accounting link
  Banking Details link
  Contact Directory link
  header information link
  Invoice Management link
  key setup information link
  Organization link link
  Receiving link
  search link
  Tax and Reporting link
  window reference link

Suppliers Report link
Suppliers window
  entering basic supplier information link
  Invoice Management link
  Tax Details link
  updating a supplier's tax status link
  updating supplier and supplier site defaults link

Sweep to Period window link


  exclusive link
  inclusive link
  invoices link
  self assessed link
  variances link

tax authorities
  invoice currency default link
  paying link
  supplier type link

Tax Authority Remittance Advice link
Tax Code field
  in the Distributions window link

Tax Distributions link
Tax Information Verification Letter link
Tax Registration Number
  paying VAT and sales tax for suppliers link
  Supplier and Supplier Sites field reference link

  1096 Form link
  1099 Electronic Media link
  1099 Forms link
  1099 Payments Report link
  setting up supplier tax information link
  Tax Registration Number link
  updating a supplier's tax status link
  Withholding Tax Certificate Listing link
  Withholding Tax Letter link
  withholding tax overview link
  Withholding Tax Report link

Taxpayer ID
  Supplier and Supplier Sites field reference link

template header information
  specifying in Payments Manager link

  payment process request link
    specifying payment attributes link
    specifying payment selection criteria link
    specifying template header information link
    specifying validation failure criteria link
  payment process request
    specifying user-defined criteria link

Temporary prepayments link
terms date basis
  scheduling payment for an invoice link

Terms Date Basis supplier defaults link
text description
  introduction link

Tolerance Listing
  reports and listings link

Track as Asset check box link
  in Quick Invoices window link

Transaction Distributions window link
Transfer Journals to General Ledger link
  bills payable link
  Payables Open Interface Import link


Unaccounted Transactions Report link
Unaccounted Transactions Sweep program link link
Unaccounted Transactions Sweep Report link
Unapply Preupgrade Prepayment program link
Unclaimed Property Report link
uncleared payments
  reporting on link

unit price
  price corrections link

units of measure link link
Unrealized Gain/Loss Report link
Update 1099 Withholding Tax Distributions program link
Update Income Tax Details Utility and Report link
Update Matured Bills Payable Status Program link
user-defined criteria
  specifying in Payments Manager link


Validate Related Invoices check box link
  Invoice Validation Report link

validation failure criteria
  specifying in Payments Manager link

  accounts link link
  invoice link

variance holds link
  tax link

VAT (Value Added Tax)
  on expense reports link
  recording on expense reports link
  setting up suppliers link
  supplier defaults link

View Accounting Lines window link
  finding invoice distributions link

View Period-to-Date Withheld Amounts window link
  window reference link

Void Payment Register link
  foreign currency payments link
  payment documents link
  payments link
  refunds link
  reissuing Quick payments link
  reissuing voided Quick payments link

voiding or stopping
  bills payable link

voiding payments
  Payments Manager link


weighted average price link
window reference
  Apply/Unapply Prepayments link
  Calculate Balance Owed link
  Charge Allocations link
  Distributions link
  Expense Reports link
  Invoice Approval History link
  Invoice Batches link
  Invoices link
  Match to Purchase Order link
  Match to Receipts link
  Payments link
  Payments (of Invoice Workbench) link
  Projected Withholding Tax link
  Quick Invoices Identification window link
  Quick Invoices window link
  Recurring Invoices link
  Scheduled Payments link
  Suppliers and Supplier Sites link
  View Period-To-Date Withheld Amounts link

  Accrual write-offs link
  Allocations link
  Apply Prepayments link
  Apply/Unapply Prepayments link
    window reference link
  Budgetary Control Transactions window link
  Calculate Balance Owed link
  Charge Allocations
    creating Freight and Miscellaneous distributions link
    window reference link
  Create Invoices link
  Create Invoices window in Quick Invoices link
  Distributions link
  Expense Reports
    window reference link
  Find Invoice Batches link
  Find Invoice Distributions link
  Find Invoices link
  Find Invoices (to Match) link
  Find Invoices to Apply link
  Find Invoices to Match link
  Find Payments link
  Find Prepayments to Apply link
  Find Receipts link
  Find Suppliers link
  Hold window of the Payment workbench link
  Invoice Approval History link
    window reference link
  Invoice Batches link link
  Invoice Holds link link link
    window reference link
  Invoice Lines Approval History link
  Invoice Overview link
  Invoices link
    window reference link
  Match to Invoice Distribution link
  Match to Purchase Order
    window reference link
  match to purchase orders link
  Match to Receipts
    window reference link
  Open Interface Invoices link
  Payment Overview link
  Payments link
    window reference link
  Payments window (of the Invoice Workbench) link
  Procurement Card Transactions link link
  Projected Withholding Tax link
  Prorate link
  Purchase Order Distributions link
  Purchase Order Shipments link link
  Purchase Orders link
  Quick Invoices link
    window reference link
  Quick Invoices Rejections link
  Recurring Invoices link
    window reference link
  Select Invoices link link link
  Submit Purge link
  Supplier Merge link
  Supplier Sites link
  Suppliers link
  Transaction Distributions link
  using folders to customize link
  View Accounting Lines link
  View Period-To-Date Withheld Amounts link

wire transfers link
Withholding Tax By Invoice Report link
Withholding Tax By Payment Report link
Withholding Tax By Supplier Report link
Withholding Tax By Tax Authority Report link
Withholding Tax Certificate Listing link
Withholding Tax Letter link
Withholding Tax Report link
withholding taxes
  automatically withholding taxes link
  creating withholding tax invoices link
  no withholding on manual payments link
  overview link
  prepayments link
  Projected Withholding Tax window link
  recurring invoices link
  reports link
  restrictions link
  reviewing withheld amounts online link
  setting up link
  supplier options link
  suppliers link
  tax authorities
    invoice currency default link
  View Period-To-Date Withheld Amounts window link

woman-owned suppliers link
  Invoice link
  overview link

workflow programs
  customizing link


XML Gateway
  loading Payables Open Interface tables link

XML Inbound Invoice Process link


zero-amount payments
  creating link