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Oracle Java CAPS BPEL Designer and Service Engine User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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BPEL Designer and Service Engine User's Guide


The JBI Runtime Environment

To View the Installed or Deployed JBI Components

The BPEL Designer

The BPEL Service Engine

The Composite Application Project

BPEL Designer and Service Engine Features

BPEL Service Engine Features

Supported WS-BPEL 2.0 Constructs

BPEL Service Engine and Oracle SOA Suite

Understanding the BPEL Module Project

Creating Sample Processes in the BPEL Designer

A Synchronous Sample Process

An Asynchronous Sample Process

Travel Reservation Service Sample

Creating a Sample BPEL Module Project

Navigating in the BPEL Designer

The BPEL Designer Window

The BPEL Editor Views

Cloning Document Views

Element Documentation and Report Generation

Creating Documentation for an Element

Generation a Report

The Navigator Window

XML View

Logical View

The Properties Window


Collapsing and Expanding Process Blocks in the Diagram

To Collapse and Expand a Process Block

Zooming In and Out of the Diagram

Printing BPEL Diagrams and Source Files

To Preview and Print a BPEL Diagram or Source File

To Customize Print Options

To Customize Page Settings

Creating a BPEL Module Project

Starting GlassFish

To Check the Status of the GlassFish V2 Application Server in the NetBeans IDE

To Register the GlassFish V2 Application Server with the NetBeans IDE

To Start the GlassFish V2 Application Server in the NetBeans IDE

Creating a new BPEL Module Project

To Create a BPEL Module Project

Creating the XML Schema and the WSDL Document

Creating a BPEL Process Using the BPEL Designer

To Create the BPEL Process

Creating a Composite Application Project

To Create a New Composite Application Project

Building and Deploying the Composite Application Project

To Build and Deploy the Composite Application Project

Testing the Composite Application

Test the HelloWorldApplication Composite Application Project


Developing a BPEL Process Using the Diagram

The BPEL Diagram

Configuring Element Properties in the Design View

Finding Usages of BPEL Components

To Find Usages of a BPEL Component

Saving Your Changes

The BPEL Designer Palette Elements


The Process Element

Adding BPEL Components to the Process

BPEL Process Properties

The Web Service Elements

Using the Invoke Element


Invoke Properties


Using the Receive Element


Receive properties


Using the Reply Element


Reply Properties


Using the Partner Link Element

Partner Link Types and Roles


Partner Link Properties

Partner Link Layout

Dynamic Partner Links and Dynamic Addressing

The Basic Activities

Using the Assign Element


Assign Element Properties

Using the JavaScript Element


JavaScript Element Properties

Using the Validate Element


Validate Element Properties

Using the Empty Element


Empty Element Properties

Using the Wait Element


Wait Element Properties

Using the Throw Element


Throw Element Properties

Using the Rethrow Element


ReThrow Element Properties

Using the Exit Element


Exit Element Properties

Using the Compensate Element


Compensate Element Properties

Using the CompensateScope Element


CompensateScope Element Properties

The Structured Activities

Using the If Element


Adding an Else If Branch to the If Element

Adding an Else Branch to the If Element

Reordering Else If Branches

If Element Properties

Using the While Element


While Element Properties

Using the Repeat Until Element


Repeat Until Element Properties

Using the For Each Element


For Each Element Properties

Using the Pick Element


Adding an On Alarm branch

Pick Element Properties

Using the Flow Element


Adding Branches to the Flow Element

Changing the Order of Elements inside Flow

Flow Element Properties

Using the Sequence Element


Adding Child Activities to the Sequence

Changing the Order of Elements inside Sequence

Sequence Element Properties

Using the Scope Element


Scope Element Properties


To Define a Variable

To Edit a Variable

Using the BPEL Mapper

About the BPEL Mapper

To Open the BPEL Mapper Window

Creating BPEL Mappings

To Create a Mapping Without Using any Functions

To Use a Function in a Mapping

To Delete a Link or Function in a Mapping

Working with Predicates

To Create a Predicate

To Edit a Predicate

To Delete a Predicate

XPath Function Reference






Date & Time


Mapping Examples

Assign Activity Scenario

If Activity Scenario

Predicate Scenario

Using Type Cast and Pseudo-Components

Type Cast


Type Cast and Validation

Type Cast and Pseudo Component Limitations

Using Normalized Message Properties

Using Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

Using Predefined Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

To Use Predefined Normalized Message Properties in a BPEL Process

Adding Additional Normalized Message Properties to a BPEL Process

To Add a Normalized Message Property Shortcut to a BPEL Process

To Edit an NM Property Shortcut

To Delete an NM Property Shortcut

To Add a Normalized Message Property to a BPEL Process

To Delete an NM Property

BPEL Code Generation Using NM Properties

General Normalized Message Properties

Binding Component Specific Normalized Message Properties

Using Handlers

Using a Fault Handler

When to Use


Catch Element

Catch Element Properties

Catch All Element

Using an Event Handler

When to Use


On Event Element


On Alarm Element

On Alarm Element Properties

Using a Compensation Handler

When to Use

To Add a Compensation Handler to Scope or Invoke Elements

Using a Termination Handler

When to Use

To Add a Termination Handler to Scope or Process Elements

Using Correlation

Understanding Correlation. Using the Correlation Wizard

Elements That Use and Express Correlation

Defining Correlation Using the Correlation Wizard


Validation Criteria

Validation Types


The Output window

The Design view

The Navigator window

BPEL Process Logging and Alerting

Defining Logging

To Log the Variable Value

To Set the Log Level for the BPEL Service Engine

To View the Log File

Defining Alerting

Configuring the BPEL Service Engine Runtime Properties

Accessing the BPEL Service Engine Runtime Properties

Runtime Property Descriptions

BPEL Service Engine Deployment Artifacts

Testing and Debugging BPEL Processes

Testing a BPEL Process

To Add a Test Case and Bind it to a BPEL Operation

To Set the Test Properties

To Customize Test Input

To Run the Test Cases

Looking at Test Case Results

Debugging BPEL Processes

Steps in Debugging BPEL Processes

Starting and Finishing a BPEL Debugging Session

Using Breakpoints to Debug BPEL Processes

Debugging Commands

To disable a breakpoint

Group operations over breakpoints

Monitoring Execution of BPEL Processes

BPEL Debugger Windows

Sessions Window

BPEL Process Instances Window

Correlation Sets and Faults information

Local Variables Window

Watches Window

BPEL Process Execution Window

BPEL Partner Links Window

BPEL Debugger Console Messages

Monitoring the BPEL Service Engine

Installing the BPEL Monitor API and Command Line Monitoring Tool

To Install the Monitoring Tool

Using the BPEL Monitor Command Line Tool

To Use the BPEL Monitor Command Line Tool

Command Usage Pattern

More Information

Configuring Quality of Service (QOS) Properties, Throttling, and Redelivery

Configuring the Quality of Service Properties

To Access the Config QOS Properties Editor

Quality of Service Properties

Configuring Message Throttling

Configuring an Endpoint for Throttling

Configuring Redelivery

Using Dynamic Partner Links and Dynamic Addressing

Using a Literal to Construct an Endpoint

Using an Existing Partner Link's Endpoint

Using an Incoming Message to Extract the Endpoint

Using a Database Query to Provide an Endpoint

Sending Service Endpoint References

Configuring Persistence for the BPEL Service Engine

Setting the JVM Classpath to the Database JDBC Drivers

To Set the GlassFish JVM Classpath Settings

Configuring the User and Database for Persistence

Derby (JavaDB)



Setting max_allowed_packet

Creating an XA Connection Pool and a JDBC Resource

To Create an XA Connection Pool

Create a New JDBC Resource

Creating a Non-XA Connection Pool and JDBC Resource

Enabling Persistence for the BPEL Service Engine

To Enable Persistence for the BPEL Service Engine

Truncating and Dropping Tables

Drop and Truncate Scripts

Configuring Failover for the BPEL Service Engine

Failover Considerations

BPEL BluePrints


Using BPEL Schemas Different from the BPEL 2.0 Specification

Service Endpoint Conflict

Relationship of Service Endpoint to Test Cases

Troubleshooting Port Numbers

GlassFish V2 Application Server HTTP Port

Travel Reservation Service Endpoint Conflict

Change URLs

Test Run

Test Run Failures

Disabling Firewalls when Using Servers

Required Correlation Set Usage is Not Detected by the Validation System

BPEL Process Logging and Alerting

The Oracle Java CAPS BPEL Service Engine provides you with the ability to trace the message or expression values during the process execution. The Logging and Alerting feature make use of standard WS-BPEL extension mechanism. Logging and alerting are supported for almost all BPEL activities.

The NetBeans IDE provides the ability to define logging and alerting for the process activities.

After you set the logging or alerting conditions and the BPEL process is executed, specified expression values are written to the server log file or an alert is sent to the user, depending on the log level.

Both logging and alerting are defined in the Logging mapper. The Logging mapper is available from the Design or Source view menu bar.

Defining Logging

When defining logging for an activity you can trace the value of the following components :

In the mappings you can use one or more XPath functions from the menu bar.

To Log the Variable Value

  1. On the diagram, select an activity. The logging will be performed in connection with the activity execution.
  2. Go to the Logging tab of the BPEL Editor. The Logging mapper opens. You can also open the Logging mapper by right clicking the activity and choosing Go To -> Logging (Alt-L).
  3. In the source tree pane, expand the variables tree until the variable to be traced is visible.
  4. In the destination tree pane expand the activity node. The nodes designating the moment of logging become visible.
  5. Choose when the logging entry should be made and expand the appropriate node:
    • LOG_onStart. The variable value is written to the log when the activity starts.

    • LOG_onComplete. The variable value is written to the log when the activity execution is complete.

  6. Define the level of logging. Drag the connection from the variable to be traced to the appropriate node in the destination tree pane. The following levels of logging are available:
    • Severe

    • Warning

    • Info

    • Config

    • Fine

    • Finer

    To make a search of the value recorded to the log file, you can concatenate the value with the string literal as shown on the figure below.

    image:Image shows the Logging mapper as described in context

    In the Design view a small icon appears to the lower-right of the activity when it has logging defined. By clicking the icon you can switch to the Logging mapper.

    image:Image shows the Logging icon next to the Assign element in the BPEL Mapper

    The entry to the log is only made if the log level defined for the variable corresponds to the log level specified for the BPEL Service Engine on the application server.

To Set the Log Level for the BPEL Service Engine

The log level for the BPEL Service Engine is specified in the GlassFish Admin Console. To set the log level for the BPEL Service Engine:

  1. In the NetBeans Services window, expand the Servers node and ensure that the GlassFish application server is running. A green arrow badge next to the server node indicates that the server is running. If the server is not running, right click the server name and choose Start from the context menu.
  2. Open the Admin Console in your browser. To do this, follow the steps:
    • Right click GlassFish V2 application server node, and choose Properties from the context menu. The Servers window opens. On the Servers pane, GlassFish V2 should be selected.

    • On the Connection tab, copy the contents of the Location field (by default it is localhost:4848).

    • Paste the string to the browser and press Enter. The GlassFish Admin Console opens in the browser window.

  3. Log in to the Admin Console using your username and password. By default, the username is admin and the password is adminadmin.
  4. On the left pane under the JBI node choose Components -> sun-bpel-engine. The BPEL service engine properties page opens.
  5. On the BPEL service engine properties page, select the Loggers tab. On the Loggers tab you can specify log levels for the individual loggers.
  6. Choose the appropriate log level for the sun-bpel-engine from the drop down list.

    If logging is defined for a process activity, and the log level specified for it corresponds to the log level set for the BPEL SE, after you perform a test run of the process, the selected variable value will be written to the server log file.

    Note - The project should be deployed to the application server.

To View the Log File

  1. In the Services window, under the Servers node, right click GlassFish V2 application server node and choose View Server log from the context menu. The GlassFish server log opens in the Output window. The activity message value will be included in the log, you can use Search to find it. Note, that some overhead information is hidden.
  2. You can also open the log in a text editor and see the full information. Navigate to <application server installation directory>/domains/domain1/log/ and open the server.log file with the text editor. The information provided in the log includes the following points, divided with the vertical bar:
    • Date and time of the entry

    • Log level

    • Manager type (for logging this is Trace Manager)

    • Thread

    • The message value

      Here is the sample of the log entry :

      [#|2008-03-25T09:26:18.796+0300|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.core.bpel.trace.BPELTraceManager|_ThreadID=26;_ThreadName=BPELSEInOutThread8;|<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi:message xmlns:msgns="http://localhost/SynchronousSample/SynchronousSample" name="input1" type="msgns:requestMessage" version="1.0" xmlns:jbi=""><jbi:part><syn:typeA xmlns:syn=""> <syn:paramA>Hello World</syn:paramA> </syn:typeA></jbi:part></jbi:message>|#]

Defining Alerting

Alerting feature enables you to get notification in case specified events happen. Alerting events are connected with the execution of the process activities.

As a general rule-of-thumb, whenever you log you may also want to consider sending an alert notification of the appropriate severity as you see fit. Fatal, Critical, and Major Alert Notification Severities map well to a SEVERE logging category. The Minor and Warning Alert Notification Severities map well to a WARNING logging category. The Info Alert Notification Severity maps well to an INFO logging category.

The general workflow for defining alerting is as follows:

  1. Set the alert level for your activity. This is done from the Logging Mapper, similar to the way you define Logging. Map the variable in the Output pane for which you want an alert, to the appropriate Alert activity and alert level, for example, ALERT_onComplete - major.

    The Alert notification levels are:

    • Fatal

    • Critical

    • Major

    • Minor

    • Warning

  2. Ensure the application server is running and deploy the project.

  3. From the Admin Console, choose or create MBean client and subscribe to getting event notifications. The client will extract alerting messages and perform specified actions (write to log/send e-mail/do nothing).

  4. Run the process and get notified.