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Oracle Java CAPS Worklist Manager Service Engine User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Using the Worklist Manager Service Engine

Worklist Manager Service Engine Overview

Worklist Manager Service Engine Features

Worklist Manager Service Engine Architecture

Worklist Manager Components

Worklist Manager Database

Task Definition Wizard

Task Definition Editor

About the Worklist Manager Console

Worklist Manager Projects

The Worklist Module Project

The BPEL Project

The Composite Application Project

About Worklist Manager Tasks

Task Definition File

Task Definition Schema

XPath Expressions in Task Definitions

Automatic email Notifications

Changing Variables

Task Escalations and Timeouts


Worklist Manager Task Validation

Steps to Implement a Worklist Manager Task

Defining Worklist Manager Tasks

(Optional) Connecting to the LDAP Server

To Connect to the LDAP Server

(Optional) Installing the Sample Worklist Manager Console Projects

To Install the Sample Worklist Manager Console

Creating the Worklist Module Project

To Create the Project

Creating the XML Schema Definition (XSD)

To Create the XML Schema Definition

Creating the WSDL Document

To Create the WSDL Document

Creating the Worklist Manager Task Definition

To Create the Worklist Manager Task Definition

Assigning Users and User Groups to a Task

To Assign File Realm Users and Groups to a Task

To Assign LDAP Users and Groups to a Task

Configuring Advanced Task Options

Defining Time Limits and Deadlines for a Task

To Define Task Timeouts

Adding Keywords to a Task

To Add Keywords

Defining Automatic Task Escalations

To Define Automatic Escalations

Defining Automatic Task Notifications

To Define Automatic Notifications

To Associate a Notification With a Task Status Change or Escalation

To Configure the Email BC for Task Notification

Defining Custom Notifications

To Define a Custom Notification

Defining Trigger Actions Using the Mapper

To Define Trigger Actions Using the Mapper

Initializing Variables Using the Mapper

To Initialize Variables Using the Mapper

Creating the Worklist Manager Database

Creating the Worklist Manager Database

Creating the Database for JavaDB (Derby)

Creating the Database for MySQL

Creating the Database for Oracle

Setting the GlassFish JVM Classpath to the Database Drivers

To set the GlassFish JVM Classpath settings

Creating the JDBC Connection Pool and JDBC Resource

To Create the JDBC Connection Pool

To Create the JDBC Resources

Configuring the Service Engine to Use the Worklist Manager Database

To Configure the Service Engine for the Database

Configuring Worklist Manager Service Engine Runtime Properties

To Configure WLM SE Runtime Properties

Worklist Manager Service Engine Runtime Property Descriptions

Defining Worklist Manager Console Security

Defining Worklist Manager Console Security Using a File Realm

To Create a User Login Profile in the File Realm

To Define Security Roles for the Worklist Manager Console

To Map Groups to Security Roles for the Worklist Manager Console

Defining Worklist Manager Console Security Using LDAP

To Create an LDAP Realm in the GlassFish Server

To Update web.xml for the Worklist Manager Console (for LDAP)

To Map User Groups to Security Roles for the Worklist Manager Console (for LDAP)

To Configure the Worklist Manager Service Engine for LDAP

Including the Worklist Manager Task in a BPEL Process

To Include the Worklist Manager Task in a BPEL Process

Creating and Deploying the Composite Application

To Create and Deploy the Composite Application

Testing the Worklist Manager Composite Application

Creating a Test Case

To Create a Test Case

Configuring Test Properties

To Configure Test Properties

Defining the Test Input

To Define Test Input

Running Test Cases

To Run a Single Test Case

To Run All Test Cases in a Project

Reviewing Test Case Results

Using the Default Worklist Manager Console

Installing and Deploying the Worklist Manager Console Sample

To Install and Deploy the Worklist Manager Console Sample

Logging In to the Worklist Manager Console

To Launch the Worklist Manager Console From a Browser

To Launch the Worklist Manager Console From the GlassFish Admin Console

Searching for Tasks

To Search for Tasks

Claiming a Task

To Claim a Task

Completing a Claimed Task

To Complete a Task

Reassigning a Task

To Reassign a Task

Using XPath Expressions and Functions in Task Definitions

About WLM XPath Functions

Standard Functions

wlmfn:get-task-owner as xs:string

LDAP Functions

wlmfn:get-email() as xs:string

wlmfn:get-email($arg as xs:string) as xs:string

wlmfn:get-manager-email() as xs:string

wlmfn:get-manager-email($arg as xs:string) as xs:string

wlmfn:get-manager-uid() as xs:string

wlmfn:get-manager-uid($arg as xs:string) as xs:string

Initializing Variables

Entering XPath Variables in Design View

Using the Task Mapper

Creating Worklist Manager Task Mappings

To Create a Mapping Without Using any Functions

To Use a Function in a Mapping

To Delete a Link or Function From a Mapping

XPath Function Reference

Operator Functions

Boolean Functions

String Functions

Node Functions

Number Functions

Date and Time Functions

WLM Functions

Customizing the Worklist Manager Console

About the Worklist Manager Console


Addressable Entities


Functionality and UI Semantics Specification

Common page elements

Page Header

Page Footer

Login Page Elements

Tasks List Page Elements

Tasks List Table

Page Navigator

Page Size Selector

Sort Selector

Priorities Legend

Search Box

Basic Search Box

Advanced Search Box

Task Info Page Elements

Task Info Box

Task Input Data Box

Task Output Data Box

Help Page Elements

Customizing the Worklist Manager Console

Customizing the Appearance


Correcting security settings

Correcting the Task Input Data Display

Correcting the Task Output Data Display

Creating a Custom Worklist Manager Console

Creating the Web Application and Composite Application

To Configure the Web Application

To Create the Composite Application











Creating the Worklist Manager Database

Perform the following steps to create the Worklist Manager database and configure the connection information so the Worklist Manager Service Engine can connect to the database. Note that if you are using a Java DB (Derby) database, most of these steps are performed automatically for you.

Creating the Worklist Manager Database

The way you create the database depends on the database platform you are using. Follow the appropriate procedure below for your database platform.

Creating the Database for JavaDB (Derby)

If you are using a JavaDB (Derby) database, you only need to start the WLM SE to create the database. The WLM SE installation automatically creates the default JDBC connection pool and data resource for the database (because the create flag is set to true for the connection pool). Starting the service engine automatically creates a Derby database named WORKFLOWDB with a schema named WORKFLOW. The login username and password for this database are both WORKFLOW.

To Start the WLM Service Engine

  1. In the NetBeans IDE, click the Services tab.
  2. Expand Servers > GlassFish v2.1 > JBI > Service Engines.
  3. Right-click sun-wlm-engine, and then select Start.

To Connect to the Database From NetBeans

  1. In the NetBeans IDE, click the Services tab.
  2. Expand Databases, and then expand Drivers.
  3. Right-click Java DB (Network), and then select Connect Using.

    The New Database Connection dialog box appears.

  4. Enter the following information:
    • Host: The name of the server on which the database is located. By default, this is localhost.

    • Port: The database port number. By default, this is 1527.

    • Database: The name of the Worklist Manager database. By default, this is WORKFLOWDB.

    • User Name: The user name under which the database schema was created. By default, this is WORKFLOW.

    • Password: The password for the above user. By default, this is WORKFLOW.

  5. If you do not want to enter the password each time you connect to the database, select Remember Password.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Verify that the WORKFLOW schema is selected.
  8. Click OK again.

Creating the Database for MySQL

To use MySQL server for the Worklist Manager database, create a database and user by running the following SQL commands. Run these commands by logging into MySQL as the root user. You can change the name of the database from WLMSE_USER_DB, and you can change the name of the user from WLMSE_USER.


Creating the Database for Oracle

To use Oracle for the Worklist Manager database, create a tablespace and user in an Oracle instance using the SQL commands below. You can use any database name in place of WLMSE_USER_DB, and any user name and password in place of WLMSE_USER.

   'WLMSE_USER_DB1.dat' SIZE 2000M,
   'WLMSE_USER_DB2.dat' SIZE 2000M;

QUOTA 0M ON system


-- To run these commands you need to be logged in as "sys as sysdba"
grant select on sys.dba_pending_transaction to WLMSE_USER;
grant select on sys.pending_trans$ to WLMSE_USER;
grant select on sys.dba_2pc_pending to WLMSE_USER;
grant execute on sys.dbms_system to WLMSE_USER;
grant select on SYS.dba_2pc_neighbors to WLMSE_USER;
grant force any transaction to WLMSE_USER;

Setting the GlassFish JVM Classpath to the Database Drivers

The database JDBC drivers for Oracle or MySQL must be either set in the GlassFish JVM classpath (preferred) or placed in the /glassfish/lib directory before you create the connection pools. This is not necessary for the Derby (JavaDB) database. For example, if you are using Oracle and JDK 6, you would set your GlassFish JVM classpath to the ojdbc6.jar file.

To set the GlassFish JVM Classpath settings

  1. Open the GlassFish Admin Console. To access the Admin Console, do the following:
    1. From the Services window of the NetBeans IDE, start the GlassFish server.
    2. Right-click the GlassFish server and select View Admin Console.

      The login screen of the Admin Console appears.

    3. Enter your username and password.

      The default user name is admin; the password is defined during installation.

  2. To access the GlassFish JVM classpath settings, do the following:
    1. From the Admin Console's Common Tasks window, click Application Server.

      The Application Server settings appear in the console window to the right.

    2. Click the JVM Settings tab and the Path Settings sub-tab.
  3. In the Classpath Suffix field, type the full path for your database JDBC driver on your local directory.

    For example, C:\GlassFishESB\drivers\oracle11gDriver\ojdbc6.jar.

  4. Click Save, and then restart GlassFish.

Creating the JDBC Connection Pool and JDBC Resource

The JDBC connection pool and data resource provide the connection information needed by the WLM SE to connect to the Worklist Manager database. You only need to perform these steps if you are using an Oracle or MySQL database.

To Create the JDBC Connection Pool

  1. Log in to the GlassFish Admin Console.

    You can access the console from the Services window in NetBeans.

  2. In the left portion of the Admin Console, expand Resources, expand JDBC, and then select Connection Pools.
  3. On the Create Connection Pool page, click New.
  4. Fill in the following information:
    • Name: A name for the connection pool.

    • Resource Type: The Java class to use for Worklist Manager database transactions.

    • Database Vendor: The database platform you are using.

  5. Click Next.
  6. In the DataSource Classname field, accept the default class or enter a new one to use.
  7. In the additional properties section, enter the connection values for the Worklist Manager database. Be sure to enter the following information at a minimum (you might need to create some of these properties).
    • For Oracle:
      • URL – The URL that points to the database. The syntax of the URL is jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:database_name.

      • user – The login ID for the user you created for the database.

      • password – The password for the above user.

    • For MySQL:
      • URL – The URL that points to the database. The syntax of the URL is jdbc:mysql://server:port/database_name.

      • user – The login ID for the user you created for the database.

      • password – The password for the above user.

      • DatabaseName – The name of the database.

  8. Click Finish.

To Create the JDBC Resources

  1. In the left portion of the Admin Console, expand Resources, expand JDBC, and then select JDBC Resources.
  2. On the Create JDBC Resource page, click New.
  3. In the JNDI Name field, enter a unique name for the JDBC resource.
  4. In the Pool Name field, select the name of the JDBC connection pool you created above.
  5. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a brief description of the resource.
  6. In the Status field, select the Enabled check box.
  7. Click OK.

Configuring the Service Engine to Use the Worklist Manager Database

You configure the service engine to connect to the database by modifying the service engine properties. If you are using the default Java DB database, you do not need to perform this step. The default JDBC resource is already specified.

To Configure the Service Engine for the Database

  1. In the Services window of the NetBeans IDE, expand Servers > GlassFish v2.x > JBI > Service Engines.
  2. Right-click sun-wlm-engine, and then select Properties.

    The sun-wlm-engine Properties window appears.

  3. In the DataSource JNDI field, enter the JNDI name you entered for the JDBC resource above.
  4. In the DataSource Type field, select the database platform you are using.
  5. Click Close.