Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Tag library information

Short name: amc



Name Description Windows Mobile Sample Image BlackBerry Sample Image
<amc:column> Component that is used as a child of the Table component. The Column component defines the header and data for a single column in the Table. No image No image
<amc:commandButton> The commandButton component creates a button that, when pressed, will generate an action event. The button can contain text only. graphic graphic
<amc:commandLink> The commandLink component creates a link that, when pressed, will generate an action event. graphic graphic
<amc:commandMenuItem> The commandMenuItem component creates a menu item representation that, when pressed, will generate an action event. graphic graphic
<amc:form> The form component encapsulates the components of an application. No image No image
<amc:image> The image component displays an image. No image No image
<amc:inputDate> Renders an input field for dates. graphic graphic
<amc:inputNumberSpinbox> Creates a numeric input component; it is used to enter numbers and it has a spinbox to quickly increment or decrement the number. graphic graphic
<amc:inputText> An input text field component. graphic graphic
<amc:loadBundle> Loads a resource bundle localized for the Locale of the current view. No image No image
<amc:menu> Represents a menu component. This is used as a child of a View. graphic graphic
<amc:menuControl> Represents an association between a menu and a component. No image No image
<amc:menuGroup> Represents a menu group tag. No image No image
<amc:outputText> The outputText component supports text. graphic graphic
<amc:panelFormLayout> The PanelFormLayout lays out components such that their labels and fields line up vertically. graphic graphic
<amc:panelGroupLayout> A panel component that displays its children in a group. It supports horizontal and vertical layouts graphic graphic
<amc:panelLabelAndMessage> This component lays out a label and children. graphic graphic
<amc:scanner> Represents a scanner component. No image No image
<amc:selectBooleanCheckbox> A component which allows the end user to select a checkbox. graphic graphic
<amc:selectItem> The selectItem tag represents a single item that the user may select from a choice component. No image No image
<amc:selectItems> The selectItems tag represents a collection of items that the user may select from a choice component. No image No image
<amc:selectOneChoice> The selectOneChoice component creates a menu-style component, which allows the user to select a single value from a list of items. graphic graphic
<amc:spacer> Used anywhere to add spacing between items. graphic graphic
<amc:subMenu> The subMenu component creates a menu item representation that exposes additional child menus. graphic No image
<amc:table> The Table is used to display tabular data. It also supports single selection, sorting, and record navigation. graphic graphic
<amc:view> The view component represents a single screen in an application. No image No image


Name Description
<amc:convertDateTime> Converts string into java.util.Date and vice versa based on the pattern and style set.
<amc:convertNumber> This is an extension of the standard JSF javax.faces.convert.NumberConverter The converter provides all the standard functionality of the default NumberConverter and is strict while converting to object.


Name Description
<amc:setActionListener> The setActionListener tag is a declarative way to allow an action source (<commandButton>, <commandLink>, etc.) to set a value before navigation.