Promotions are repository items, stored in the catalog repository. You can see the data for Commerce Reference Store promotions in <ATG9dir>/CommerceReferenceStore/Store/Storefront/data/out-catalog.xml and out-international-catalog.xml. Commerce Reference Store ships with four promotions:



Granted To

Item Type

ATG Store – Free Shipping Over $100

For orders over $100, shipping is free.

Automatically granted to all customers.

Shipping Discount

ATG Store – 15% Off Accessories

Products in the Home Accessories category are discounted 15%.

Granted to registered customers.

Item Discount – Percent Off

25% Off Women’s Apparel

Products in the Women’s Apparel category are discounted 25%.

Granted to female customers who are part of the ThirtySomething user segment.

Item Discount – Percent Off

Abandoned Order Promotion

A discount of 10% is applied to the entire order.

Granted to customers with an abandoned order.

Order Discount – Percent Off

Granting CRS Promotions

When defining a promotion, you have the option of configuring it to automatically apply to all orders. When this setting is true, the promotion is automatically granted to all customers, making the promotion a global promotion. When this setting is false, promotions must be explicitly granted to customers through the use of scenarios. The following table lists the granting mechanism for Commerce Reference Store promotions.


Granting Mechanism

Automatically Apply

ATG Store – Free Shipping Over $100

Automatically granted to all customers.


ATG Store – 15% Off Accessories

Explicitly granted by the GrantPromotions scenario.


25% Off Women’s Apparel

Explicitly granted by the GrantPromotions scenario.


Abandoned Order Promotion

Explicitly granted by the giveAbandonedOrderPromotion scenario.


Granting a promotion adds the promotion to the customer’s profile in the activePromotions property, after which the customer may be notified of the promotion.

Note: For detailed information on the activePromotions property, see Creating Promotions in the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

Notifying a Customer of a Promotion

After a promotion has been granted, Commerce Reference Store must notify customers to make them aware of the promotion and encourage purchasing behavior. Notification is done through several different mechanisms, described below.

Notification on JSP Pages Using Slots
The categoryPromotions scenario populates the slots of various JSP pages with promotionalContent items for the ATG Store – Free Shipping Over $100, ATG Store – 15% Off Accessories, and 25% Off Women’s Apparel promotions, as appropriate. See Scenarios That Provide Content for more details.

Notification of All Promotions on promotions.jsp Page
The /global/gadgets/promotions.jsp page uses the atg/commerce/pricing/UserPricingModels Nucleus component to display all the promotions a customer has access to, including promotions in the customer’s activePromotions profile property as well as global promotions. See Using PMDL Rules in the ATG Commerce Programming Guide for more details on this component.

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