Click to Call links appear in ATG Store on the tertiary navigation bar that appears in the footer of most pages. For example:

On category pages only, an additional link appears near the top of the page, to the right of the category name:

Both types of links are created by the /navigation/gadgets/clickToCallLink.jsp gadget:


  <!-- if the click to call feature is disabled, this entire div can be safely
       be bypassed -->
  <dsp:importbean var="c2cConfig" bean="/atg/clicktoconnect/Configuration" />
  <dsp:getvalueof var="catalogLink" param="catalogLink"/>

    <c:when test="${not empty c2cConfig}">
        <c:when test="${not empty catalogLink}">
          <div id="atg_store_ClickToCall_catalog_link">
          <div id="atg_store_ClickToCall_footer_link">


This gadget checks for the existence of the /atg/clicktoconnect/Configuration component (which is present only if the ADC module is running), and if the component exists, renders a <div> element. The id of the <div> differs depending on whether the catalogLink parameter is empty. (If catalogLink is not empty, this means the gadget is included by a category page; if catalogLink is empty, the gadget is included by the tertiary navigation bar.) When the page is rendered, the ADC pipeline looks for these <div> elements and replaces them with the corresponding Click to Call links.

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