If a search request includes a facet or constraint based on the price property created by the PriceListPropertyProvider, the search client must determine which meta tag in the XHTML output to use to obtain the value for price.

To do this, the /atg/commerce/search/PriceListPropertyMapping component checks the user’s profile to determine which price lists are assigned to it. It then creates an XML tag for mapping the price property in the query to the XHTML meta tags associated with those price lists. The XML tag is stored in the PriceListPropertyMapping component’s priceMapping property. The value of this property is typically:


This tag tells ATG Search how to get the value for the price property:

To include the XML tag in the search request, the propertyMappings property of the /atg/commerce/search/ProductCatalogParserOptions component is linked to the PriceListPropertyMapping.priceMapping property:

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