Web search engines base their rankings of pages partly on the words that appear in certain HTML tags, particularly <meta> tags and the <title> tag. A common SEO technique is to list key search terms in those tags, to raise the ranking of the pages for those terms.

Commerce Reference Store pages include logic for rendering <title>, <meta name=description ...>, and <meta name=keywords ...> tags. This logic is found in the /global/gadgets/metaDetails.jsp gadget, which is invoked through the cpb:pageContainer tag. For example:

    <jsp:attribute name="SEOTagRenderer">
      <dsp:include page="/global/gadgets/metaDetails.jsp" flush="true">
        <dsp:param name="catalogItem" param="product"/>

Depending on the context, the gadget can be invoked either with or without the catalogItem parameter. If the catalogItem parameter is omitted, metaDetails.jsp renders the tags using only values stored in the SEORepository. Using the request URI of the current request as the key, it looks up the corresponding SEOTags map item and uses the values of its properties to construct the tags.

If the catalogItem parameter is included, metaDetails.jsp renders the tags by combining the values stored in the repository with values taken from the item’s properties. For example, if the item is a product, the <meta name=description ...> tag is constructed by concatenating the description property of the SEOTags item with the longDescription property of the product.

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