You must run the ATG Business Control Center with the –layer Preview switch if you want to use preview features. When you assemble your application modules, include the switch in the runAssembler command, as shown:

runAssembler [options] –layer Preview -m [modules]

For example, to start the ATG Business Control Center with ATG Content Administration, you would use a command similar to the following:

runAssembler –layer Preview –m PubPortlet

Note that Preview is the only option currently supported for use with the –layer switch.

For more information on the runAssembler command, refer to the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide.

If you use the StartDynamoOnJBOSS.bat file for running applications in a development environment, include the –layer Preview option, as shown:

startDynamoOnJBoss.bat –layer Preview -m PubPortlet
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