The URL that you specify in the View Mapping system points to a JSP, template, or HTML page. The URL may contain a static path, such as:


As is the case with any URL, you can append dynamic parameters that are used by the page located by the URL to the URL itself. At runtime, those dynamic parameters are replaced by property values, then passed to the page. For example:


The type parameter is replaced with the item’s item type and the name parameter is replaced by the item’s display name.

The same parameters available to the URL are provided to both preview features (and documented in the base Content Administration feature section). The Asset Manager preview lets you set parameters to values that are themselves other property values. For example:


This URL displays a product in the page identified by its template property. Because the template property holds another asset – a media item – it is the URL supplied by the media asset’s URL property that’s used by the preview feature.

By setting a property to another property’s value, you have greater control and specificity in matching URLs to items. If you have several product templates, saving each template to the product itself and using a pointer to the template property in the URL ensures that the correct template is used.

When you include a property value as property in the URL, you must use the following syntax:


Note that this syntax is available as a replacement to any part in the URL. The property identified here is a property on the item from which you clicked the Preview button. You can also use this syntax:


when the property value refers to an item and you want to access the property value on that item.

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