The way you replace a setting depends on whether the tag permits one direct nested tag or multiple nested tags. For tags that permit one direct nested tag, you need only specify the replacement value in your task configuration. For example, to specify Targeters view as the initial view when users access the Review task in a project based on the Targeters and Segmentation workflows, use this code:

<task id="/Personalization/editSegmentsAndTargeters.wdl">
    <tab id="browse">

Note that the out-of-the-box configuration for this workflow doesn’t define an initial view directly, but inherits an initial view from another resource. You could modify the settings for that resource, but if you want Targeters to be the initial view only for this task in this workflow, this is the only resource you should modify.

When you want to replace tags that permit several direct nested tags, you use the combine attribute and set it to replace. You can replace the following items:

Here’s an example of how to replace all item types currently defined for the Search tab with a different set of types. If a user performing the Review task needed to scan through items of a certain type, you could update the task configuration file with the following to replace the existing settings with new ones:

    <tab id="search">
        <view id="form">
          <item-types combine="replace">

The two item types specified here –contact info and mailing – are not normally visible in the Browse tab. Making only these item types visible in Search tab helps reviewers locate them quickly, but prevents them from seeing items of other types.

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