To use custom catalogs, you must convert your existing standard product catalog to the custom catalog configuration. The following steps describe how to perform this conversion.

Keep in mind that before you set up your custom catalogs for the first time, you should run the Catalog Maintenance Service as described in Running the Custom Catalog Maintenance System.

Step 1: Add New Database Tables

Custom catalogs require some new database tables. These tables are defined in custom_catalog_ddl.sql. This script is located in the <ATG2007.3dir>/DCS/CustomCatalogs/sql/db_components/<db-vendor> directory.

Running this script adds the following tables to your database:

Step 2: Run the Custom Catalog Migration

The Commerce Admin page includes a tool that automatically migrates your existing catalog to the new custom catalogs.

  1. Specify the following module during application assembly:


    For more information on assembling applications, see the ATG Programming Guide.

  2. Access the ATG Dynamo Administration page by pointing your browser to the URL appropriate for your application server. See the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide for the default port. For example, the default URL on JBoss is:


    Note: your application must include the Dynamo Administration UI module in order for you to view this URL.

  3. Click on the Commerce Administration link to open the ATG Commerce Administration page.

  4. Select Standard to Custom Catalog Migration.

  5. Enter the nucleus path to your catalog repository component in the Catalog Repository To Migrate: field.

  6. Enter a display name for the new custom catalog.

  7. Click on Migrate. Status updates display in the browser as the migration takes place.

Step 3: Assign Users to Custom Catalogs

You can set each user’s catalog manually or automatically. To automatically assign your customers to a custom catalog, use a scenario to set the catalog as soon as the user’s session begins. For information on scenarios, see the ATG Personalization Programming Guide.

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