The ItemDiscountCalculator component is a preconfigured instance of the class atg.commerce.pricing.ItemDiscountCalculator. It is the default discount calculator for the following types of promotion:

The following sample shows the contents of the file:

# The ItemPricingCalculator which calculates a discount
# negativeAmountException=

The following table describes the properties of the ItemDiscountCalculator component.




Specifies a bean that hosts the names of all of the properties of a pricing model repository item.


Specifies a Qualifier that performs the actual evaluation of a pmdlRule of the PricingModel against the running environment.


ATG Commerce never discounts the price of an item to less than zero. This property determines what happens when a discount would cause the amount of an item to be negative.

True: Throw an exception when a discount causes an amount to be negative.

False: (default) Log a warning message and set the amount to 0.0 when a discount causes an amount to be negative.

You can view and modify this component in the ATG Control Center. Its location is /atg/commerce/pricing/calculators/ItemDiscountCalculator.

For more information, refer to the description of the ItemDiscountCalculator class.

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