This section describes the pipelines used in the Order Fulfillment Framework.

Note: Processors within chains run in numerical order unless otherwise indicated. Processors in separate chains whose names differ only by the numbers at the end call the same method.

Chain 1: handleSubmitOrder

The handleSubmitOrder chain is triggered when OrderFulfiller receives a SubmitOrder message. The purpose of this chain is to load the order, verify that the order should be fulfilled, divide it up among appropriate fulfillers, and deliver the necessary information to each fulfiller. This chain is triggered when OrderFulfiller receives a SubmitOrder message.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the handleSubmitOrder Chain work together:

Chain 2: splitShippingGroupsFulfillment

The splitShippingGroupsFulfillment chain splits shipping groups according to the fulfillment systems that handle each of the particular items within each shipping group.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 3: executeFulfillOrderFragment

The executeFulfillOrderFragment chain verifies that each shipping group is in a state that is ready for fulfillment, and sends FulfillOrderFragment messages out to the appropriate fulfillers.

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 4: handleModifyOrder

The handleModifyOrder chain is triggered when a fulfiller receives a ModifyOrder message. Determines whether the modification is valid, performs it if it is valid, and sends out a ModifyOrderNotification message to inform other systems of the changes that were made, or that the changes requested were invalid.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 5: performIdTargetModification

The performIdTargetModification chain is triggered by a ModifyOrder message that includes a modification of type IdTargetModification.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 6: performOrderModification

The performOrderModification chain is triggered when called by the performOrderModifcationChain processor of the performIdTargetModification chain (Chain 5).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 7: removeOrder

The removeOrder chain is triggered by the removeOrderChain processor of the performOrderModification chain (Chain 6).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 8: handleModifyOrderNotification

The handleModifyOrderNotification chain is triggered by OrderFulfiller receiving a ModifyOrderNotification message.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 9: handleIdTargetModification

The handleIdTargetModification chain is executed when called by the handleModifyOrderNotification chain (Chain 8).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 10: handleShipGroupUpdateModification

The handleShipGroupUpdateModification chain is executed when called by the handleModifyOrderNotification chain (Chain 8).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 11: handlePaymentGroupUpdateModification

The handlePaymentGroupUpdateModification chain is executed when called by the handleModifyOrderNotification chain (Chain 8).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 12: handleShippingGroupModification

The handleShippingGroupModification chain is executed when called by the handleIdTargetModification chain (Chain 9).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 13: updateShippingGroup

The updateShippingGroup chain is executed when called by the handleShippingGroupModification chain (Chain 12).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 14: completeRemoveOrder

The completeRemoveOrder chain is executed when called by the updateShippingGroup chain (Chain 13).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 15: completeOrder

The completeOrder chain is executed when called by the updateShippingGroup chain (Chain 13).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 16: handleRelationshipModification

The handleRelationshipModification chain is executed when called by the HandleIdTargetModification chain (Chain 9).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 17: updateRelationship

The updateRelationship chain is executed when called by the handleRelationshipModification chain (Chain 16).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 18: handleHardgoodFulfillOrderFragment

The handleHardgoodFulfillOrderFragment chain is executed when HardgoodFulfiller receives a FulfillOrderFragment message.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 19: processHardgoodShippingGroup

The processHardgoodShippingGroup chain is executed when called by the handleHardgoodFulfillOrderFragment chain (Chain 18), or the handleHardgoodUpdateShipGroupModification chain (Chain 37).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 20: allocateShippingGroup

The allocateShippingGroup chain is executed when called by the processHardgoodShippingGroup chain (Chain 19).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 21: allocateItemRelationship

The allocateItemRelationship chain is executed when called by the allocateShippingGroup chain (Chain 20).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 22: allocateItemRelQuantity

The allocateItemRelQuantity chain is executed when called by the allocateItemRelationship chain (Chain 21).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 23: allocateItemRelQuantityForConfigurableItem

The allocateItemRelQuantityForConfigurableItem chain is executed when called by the allocateItemRelationship chain (Chain 21).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 24: splitShippingGroupForAvailability

Executed when called by the processHardgoodShippingGroup chain (Chain 19).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Chain 25: handleHardgoodUpdateInventory

The handleHardgoodUpdateInventory chain is executed when HardgoodFulfiller receives an UpdateInventory message.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 26: handleOrderWaitingShipMap

The handleOrderWaitingShipMap chain is executed when called by the handleHardgoodUpdateInventory chain (Chain 25).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 27: handleHardgoodModifyOrder

The handleHardgoodModifyOrder chain is executed when HardgoodFulfiller receives a ModifyOrder message

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 28: performHardgoodIdTargetModification

The performHardgoodIdTargetModification chain is executed when called by the handleHardgoodModifyOrder chain (Chain 27).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 29: performHardgoodShippingGroupModification

The performHardgoodShippingGroupModification chain is executed when called by the performHardgoodIdTargetModification chain (Chain 28).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 30: removeHardgoodShippingGroup

The removeHardgoodShippingGroup chain is executed when called by the performHardgoodShippingGroupModification chain (Chain 29).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 31: removeShipItemRelsFromShipGroup

The removeShipItemRelsFromShipGroup chain is executed when called by the removeHardgoodShippingGroup chain (Chain 30).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Chain 32: updateHardgoodShippingGroup

The updateHardgoodShippingGroup chain is executed when called by the performHardgoodShippingGroupModification chain (Chain 29).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 33: shippingGroupHasShipped

Executed when called by the updateHardgoodShippingGroup chain (Chain 32), or the shipShippingGroups chain (Chain 39).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 34: performHardgoodItemModification

The performHardgoodItemModification chain is executed when called by the performHardgoodIdTargetModification chain (Chain 28).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 35: performHardgoodRelationshipModification

The performHardgoodRelationshipModification chain is executed when called by the performHardgoodIdTargetModification chain (Chain 28).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 36: handleHardgoodModifyOrderNotification

The handleHardgoodModifyOrderNotification chain is executed when HardgoodFulfiller receives a ModifyOrderNotification message.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 37: handleHardgoodShipGroupUpdateModification

The handleHardgoodShipGroupUpdateModification chain is executed when called by the handleHardgoodModifyOrderNotification chain (Chain 36).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 38: shipPendingShippingGroups

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 39: shipShippingGroup

The shipShippingGroup chain is executed when called by the shipPendingShippingGroups chain (Chain 38).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 40: handleElectronicFulfillOrderFragment

The handleElectronicsFulfillOrderFragment chain is executed when a ElectronicFulfiller receives a FulfillOrderFragment message.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 41: processElectronicShippingGroup

The processElectronicShippingGroup chain is executed when called by the handleElectronicFulfillOrderFragment chain (Chain 40), or the handleElectronicShipGroupUpdateModification (Chain 45).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 42: allocateElectronicGood

The allocateElectronicGood chain is executed when called by the processElectronicShippingGroup chain (Chain 41).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 43: handleElectronicModifyOrder

The handleElectronicModifyOrder chain is executed when a ElectronicFulfiller receives a ModifyOrder message.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 44: handleElectronicModifyOrderNotification

The handleElectronicModifyOrderNotification chain is executed when a ElectronicFulfiller receives a ModifyOrderNofication message.

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 45: handleElectronicShipGroupUpdateModification

Executed when called by the handleElectronicModifyOrderNotification chain (Chain 44).

The following diagram describes the processors in the chain:

Refer to the following information for details on how the processors of the chain work together:

Chain 46: sendOrderToFulfiller

The following diagram describes the processors in the sendOrderToFulfiller chain:

Chain 47: processHardgoodShippingGroups

The following diagram describes the processors in the processHardgoodShippingGroups chain:

Chain 48: retrieveWaitingShipMap

The following diagram describes the processors in the retrieveWaitingShipMap chain:

Chain 49: processElectronicShippingGroups

The following diagram describes the processors in the processElectronicShippingGroups chain:

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