If you are not going to use the Giftlists repository, you can disable it. This repository is represented by the /atg/commerce/gifts/Giftlist component. Disabling this repository prevents you from having to create the associated tables in your database.

Perform the following steps to disable the Giftlists repository:

  1. Edit the /atg/registry/ContentRepositories component and remove the value in the initialRepositories property that references the /atg/commerce/gifts/Giftlist component. For more information, see the Configuring the SQL Repository Component section of the SQL Repository Reference chapter in the ATG Repository Guide.

  2. Edit the /atg/commerce/gifts/GiftlistTools component and set the giftlistRepository property to null.

  3. Edit the userProfile.xml file and remove properties that reference items in the Giftlists repository. The userProfile.xml file is located in the Commerce configuration layer. Remove the following lines:

    <!-- this is the key into private giftlist -->
    <table name="dcs_user_wishlist" type="auxiliary"
      <property category="Commerce - Lists" name="wishlist"
                display-name="Wish list"/>
    <!-- this is the key into user created giftlists -->
    <table name="dcs_user_giftlist" type="multi"
    id-column-name="user_id" multi-column-name="sequence_num">
      <property category="Commerce - Lists" name="giftlists"
                data-type="list" component-item-type="gift-list"
                column-name="giftlist_id" display-name="Gift list"/>
    <!-- this is the key into giftlists found for other customers -->
    <table name="dcs_user_otherlist" type="multi"
    id-column-name="user_id" multi-column-name="sequence_num">
      <property category="Commerce - Lists" name="otherGiftlists"
                data-type="list" component-item-type="gift-list"
                display-name="Other gift lists"/>

  4. Remove the updateGiftRepository and sendGiftPurchased processors from the commerce pipeline. These processors are found in the processOrder pipeline chain. After these entries have been removed from the chain definition, create a link from the authorizePayment processor to the addOrderToRepository processor.

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