The QualifierService component is a preconfigured instance of the helper class atg.commerce.pricing.Qualifier. The default ATG Commerce discount calculators use this component to determine the objects to which they should apply their discount.

The following sample contains the contents of the file:

# The QualifierService which determines whether the running
# environment satisfies the preconditions for a discount
# and contains objects that qualify for the discount

The following table describes the properties included in QualifierService.




Specifies a bean that hosts the names of all of the properties of a pricing model repository item.


An instance of atg.service.cache.Cache that maps a Pricing Model to its parsed Java form.

In a production environment, caching increases site performance by allowing ATG Commerce to evaluate pricing models more quickly. A setting of -1 indicates an unlimited cache size.

In a development environment, however, you may want to disable caching for pricing models so that changes you make to PMDL rules appear on your development site immediately, without requiring you to flush the cache. To disable caching for pricing models, locate the maximumCacheEntries property in the appropriate instance of atg.service.cache.Cache and set the property to 0.

You can view and modify the QualifierService component in the ATG Control Center. The component is located in /atg/commerce/pricing/QualifierService.

For more information, refer to the description of the Qualifier Class.

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