dsp:tomap can save any dynamic value—JavaBean, Dynamic Bean or page parameter—as an EL variable. dsp:tomap has the following syntax:

   [scope="scope-spec"] ] 

For example:

<dsp:tomap bean="/atg/userprofiling/Profile" var="userProfile"/>

This tag creates the attribute userProfile which can be used to reference all Profile component properties. Because the scope attribute is excluded, the attribute is defined as part of pageScope. You can render this value later on the page as follows:

Welcome back, <c:out value="${userProfile.firstName}"/>!

Mapping to properties

In the previous example, the firstName property is referenced through the userProfile attribute. dsp:tomap also lets you set an EL variable to a component property, enabling direct access to the property itself:

<dsp:tomap bean="/atg/userprofiling/Profile.firstName" var="name"/>
Welcome back, ${name}!
Accessing Dynamic Beans as properties

If the property to access is a Dynamic Bean, you must make it accessible as an EL variable. For example, if the RepositoryItem Profile has a property fundList which is itself a RepositoryItem, you must use dsp:tomap to map the fundList property to an EL variable:

<dsp:tomap bean="atg/userprofiling/Profile.fundList" var="myFunds"/>
I own these mutual funds: ${myFunds}
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