



The TransactionDroplet servlet bean can be used to enclose an area of a page within its own transaction context behavior. Several transactional behaviors are available—the same set available for Enterprise JavaBeans. The output open parameter is rendered within the context of the specified transactional behavior. If any transaction-related error occurs, the errorOutput open parameter is rendered after the output open parameter is rendered; otherwise the successOutput open parameter is rendered after the output open parameter is rendered. If a transaction-related error occurs before the output open parameter is rendered, then the output open parameter is not rendered but the errorOutput open parameter is.

Input Parameter

The value of this parameter describes how the current transaction should be handled and whether any new transaction should be created. The default value is requiresNew. Its value, if specified, must be one of the following:

Open Parameters

This is the open parameter that is executed in the transaction context defined by the transAttribute parameter.

This is an optional open parameter that is executed if a transaction-related error occurs either before or after the output open parameter. Within the open parameter, the error is communicated through the following parameters:

This is an optional open parameter that to execute if the commit or rollback operation completes successfully.


This example illustrates executing a demarcated portion of a page in its own transaction, as specified by the requiresNew directive.

<dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/transaction/droplet/Transaction">
  <dsp:param name="transAttribute" value="requiresNew"/>
  <dsp:oparam name="output">

  ... portion of page executed in demarcated area ...

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