dsp:transactionStatus retrieves the status of the active transaction and saves that status to a variable named by the var attribute. Other tags can query the variable for transaction status information. If the tag is unable to access status information, the success property is set to false and the exception property holds a Throwable exception.



You must define an EL variable or scripting variable:




Names an EL variable. When you use var , you can set the scope attribute to page, request, session, and application, to specify the variable’s accessibility to other resources.


Names a scripting variable, which scriptlets and expressions can access at runtime.


The scope attribute determines where the object identified by the var attribute is stored and what resources can access it. Options include: page, request, session, or application. Omitting this attribute causes the default, page, to be used.



The success property evaluates whether the tag retrieved the transaction’s status. A call to isSuccess returns either true.


The exception property identifies the Throwable exception object when the transaction status is not accessed. A call to getException returns the exception object.


The status property holds the status code for the transaction. Options include:

For an explanation of each status, see the property named for that status below.


The statusString property holds a text string that describes the current status of the active transaction. Options include:

For an explanation of each status, see the property named for that status below.


The active property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_ACTIVE. A status of Active indicates that the transaction is in its early stages of operation and has not received any instructions about how to end. A call to isActive returns true.


The committed property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_COMMITTED. A status of Committed indicates tasks associated with the transaction executed, any changes made to a database(s) as a result were saved, and the transaction ended. A call to isCommitted returns either true.


The committing property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_COMMITTING.A status of Committing indicates tasks associated with the database are in the process of committing. It is most likely that the transaction involves multiple databases, of which some have committed data and others do not. A call to isCommitting returns either true.


The markedRollback property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK.A status of Marked Rollback indicates that the transaction has been instructed that, when it is prompted to end, it must revert the database(s) to its pre-transaction state (rollback). A call to isMarketedRollback returns either true.


The noTransaction property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION. A status of NoTransaction indicates that no transaction is associated with current request thread. A call to isNoTransaction returns either true.


The prepared property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_PREPARED. A status of Prepared indicates that each database involved in the transaction has verified that it can commit the transaction without any errors. A call to isPrepared returns either true.


The preparing property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_PREPARING. A status of Preparing indicates that each database involved in the transaction is investigating whether it can commit the tasks associated with the transaction. A call to isPreparing returns either true.


The rolledback property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_ROLLEDBACK. A status of Rolledback indicates that the tasks associated with the transaction did not complete and so no changes were made by the transaction. The transaction ended. A call to isRolledback returns either true.


The rollingback property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_ROLLING_BACK. A status of RollingBack indicates that the transaction is in the process of undoing any tasks that it performed, so no changes are saved. A call to isRollingback returns either true.


The unknown property determines whether the status is set to Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN. A status of Unknown indicates that the transaction manager is unable to recognize the status as any of those mentioned above. A call to isUnknown returns either true.


<dsp:transactionStatus var="statusXA"/>
    <c:when test="${statusXA.committed}">
      Congratulations! You will graduate this June!

    <c:when test="${statusXA.rolledBack}">
      You will not graduate this year. Be sure to enroll in classes for
      next semester.

      It takes 10 days to gather your records and process them. Check
      again in a few days.

In this example, the status of the transaction determines the message a user sees. The transaction status is set in the EL variable statusXA that is defined by dsp:transactionStatus. When the status is rolledback users see one message, when it is committed they see another. All other transaction statuses provide the same in process notification to their recipients.

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