



The XMLTransform servlet bean enables you to transform XML documents using a template. The template can be either an XSLT template or a JSP. The document to be transformed is specified by the input parameter. The template to apply is specified (in order of precedence) by:

Input Parameters

The XML document to be transformed. This can be either the URL for an XML document, DOM document object, or SAX InputSource or a text InputStream.

Optional: Determines if the parser should validate this document against the DTD specified in the input parameter. Options include:

Note that if the XML document does not have a DTD, you must omit this parameter.

Optional: Specifies the template to be used to transform the XML document. This can be either an XSLT template or a JSP. Both absolute paths and relative paths are accepted.

Optional: Specifies, when the template is an XSL stylesheet, a flag to control the passing of parameters from the request and servlet bean environment, to top-level <xsl:param> elements in the XSL stylesheet.
Legal values are:

If more than one parameter exists for a given name, only the first is passed. The order of parameter scopes is from local (within the XMLTransform servlet bean), up through other enclosing scopes, and eventually to the request query or post parameters.

Optional: Specifies the name of the parameter to which the input DOM Document is bound when using a JSP template. The default value of this parameter is inputDocument.

Output Parameters

Optional: The parameter to bind to the DOM document that results from the transformation. The default name is document.

Optional: The parameter to bind to an enumeration of Exceptions if failures occurred when transforming the XML document.

Open Parameters

Optional: Specifies the open parameter to render if the input parameter is not set.

Optional: Specifies the parameter used when the XML document is successfully transformed. If the output open parameter is specified, the document is not automatically output in the JSP.

Optional: Specifies the parameter used to format output when there is a failure to transform the XML document.


See Applying a Template to an XML Document.

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