dsp:sort lets you organize the contents of a Collection or an array in a particular order. Items with the following data types can be used with this tag:

The order applied to the items you want sorted is determined by the first of these mechanisms discovered by the page processor .

By default, the values are sorted into an object named by var-specified EL variable that is the same data type as the values themselves. For example, sorting an array of strings as just that (an array of strings) produces a sorted array of Strings. You might want to retrieve values as a different data type. For example, you might want to render a Collection as a Map by accessing the sortedMap property through the EL variable. The resultant Map holds the items that make up the Collection as keys. Keep in mind that rendering an item as a different data type slows site performance.

Here is the behavior you can expect when you convert items from one data type to another:




Array of primitive values

Example: array of strings

Collection, Iterator, Enumeration, Map or array of objects

Example: Collection

Collection holding String objects

Collection or array

Example: Enumeration of longs


Map with key entries that are Long objects


Collection, Iterator, Enumeration, Map or array of objects

Example: Collection

Collection made up of the values that were the Map’s keys

Collection, Iterator, Enumeration, Map or array of objects

Example: Iterator

Array of primitives

Null value

Array of primitives

Example: array of ints

Array of primitives of a different data type

Example: array of shorts

Array of Short objects, which are truncated versions of the original int values

Array of primitives

Example: array of ints

Array of primitives of a different data type

Example: array of longs

Array of Long objects



You must define an EL variable or scripting variable:




Names an EL variable. When you use var , you can set the scope attribute to page, request, session, and application, to specify the variable’s accessibility to other resources.


Names a scripting variable, which scriptlets and expressions can access at runtime.


The scope attribute determines what resources can access the named EL variable. Options include: page, request, session, or application. Omitting this attribute causes the default, page, to be used.


The values attribute identifies the item with contents you want to sort. This attribute permits items of the following data types: array of primitives, array of objects, Enumeration, Iterator, Collection and Map. Keep in mind that this attribute must not be set to a Dynamic Bean or any items with Dynamic Bean properties that is used for sorting.


The comparator attribute is set to an instance of java.util.Comparator that you define. You use a comparator to define how to sort elements in the first item in the values attribute.


The reverse attribute determines, after the item has been sorted, whether order should remain as is (false) or should be reversed (true). When omitted, the default, false, is used.



The sortedArray property renders the sorted item as an array. This property is populated by a call to getSortedArray.


The sortedCollection property renders the sorted item as a Collection. This property is populated by a call to getSortedCollection.


The sortedMap property renders the sorted item as a Map. This property is populated by a call to getSortedMap.


The sortedEnumeration property renders the sorted item as an Enumeration. This property is populated by a call to getSortedEnnumerattion.


The sortedIterator property renders the sorted item as an Iterator. This property is populated by a call to getSortedIterator.


The sortedBooleanArray property renders the sorted item as an array of Boolean objects. This property is populated by a call to getSortedBooleanArray.


The sortedByteArray property renders the sorted item as an array of Byte objects. This property is populated by a call to getSortedByteArray.


The sortedCharArray property renders the sorted item as an array of Char objects. This property is populated by a call to getSortedCharArray.


The sortedShortArray property renders the sorted item as an array of Short objects. This property is populated by a call to getSortedShortArray.


The sortedIntArray property renders the sorted item as an array of Int objects. This property is populated by a call to getIntArray.


The sortedLongArray property renders the sorted item as an Array of Long objects. This property is populated by a call to getSortedLongArray.


The sortedFloatArray property renders the sorted item as an array of Float objects. This property is populated by a call to getSortedFloatArray.


The sortedDoubleArray property renders the sorted item as an array of Double objects. This property is populated by a call to getSortedDoubleArray.


<dsp:importbean bean="/atg/samples/AdvancedAlgebra" var="advAlgebra"/>
 <dsp:sort var="sorter" values="${advAlgebra.students}">
   <dsp:orderBy property="lastName"/>

   <c:forEach var="student" begin="0" items="${sorter.sortedMapArray}">
       <dsp:tomap value="${student}" var="studentMap"/>
       <li>Name: <c:out value="${studentMap.lastName}"/>,
      <c:out value="${studentNap.firstName}"/>

This example organizes the student roster for Advanced Algebra. The AdvancedAlgebra component has a Students property that is a Map of student last names and first names. In this example, the students are organized alphabetically by last name. Then, each student’s first name and last name are displayed.

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