


(see below)

WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet performs a workflow instance query and returns the resulting Collection of atg.process.ProcessInstanceInfo objects. WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet is typically used in conjunction with another servlet bean, such as ForEach or Range, which can iterate through the Collection to display the ProcessInstanceInfo objects. In addition, the information contained in each ProcessInstanceInfo (namely, the subjectId, processName, and segmentName properties) can be passed as input parameters to a WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet, in order to obtain the tasks (active or otherwise) corresponding to the workflow instance.

Note that for some types of workflows, the number of returned workflow instances can be very large. It is a good idea to constrain the query as much as possible (for example, to a particular task element).

The Scenarios module does not include a Nucleus component of this class, because each component is typically configured to work with a specific type of workflow. When you create a workflow type, you can create a WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet and configure it by setting the following properties in the component’s properties file:

Input Parameters

Repository ID of the workflow subject whose instances should be returned. If this parameter is not set, instances for all workflow subjects are returned.

Name of the workflow process whose instances should be returned. If this parameter is not set, instances for all workflow processes are returned.

Name of the workflow process segment whose instances should be returned. This parameter takes effect only if the processName parameter is set. If this parameter is not set, instances for all segments of the specified workflow process are returned.

Process element ID of the workflow task where the returned instances must be waiting—that is , in order for an instance to be returned by the query, the specified task must be active for the instance. This parameter takes effect only if both the processName and segmentName parameters are set. If this parameter is not set, and if taskElementIds, taskName, and taskNames are also not set, all instances for the specified workflow segment are returned.

Process element IDs of the workflow tasks where the returned instances must be waiting—that is, in order for an instance to be returned by the query, at least one of the specified tasks must be active for the instance. This parameter takes effect only if both the processName and segmentName parameters are set, and if taskElementId is not set. If this parameter is not set, and if taskName and taskNames are also not set, all instances for the specified workflow segment are returned.

Name of the workflow task where the returned instances must be waiting—that is , in order for an instance to be returned by the query, the specified task must be active for the instance. This parameter takes effect only if both the processName and segmentName parameters are set, and if taskElementId and taskElementIds are not set. If this parameter is not set, and if taskNames is also not set, all instances for the specified workflow segment are returned.

Names of the workflow tasks where the returned instances must be waiting—that is , in order for an instance to be returned by the query, at least one of the specified tasks must be active for the instance. This parameter takes effect only if both the processName and segmentName parameters are set, and if taskElementId, taskElementIds, and taskName are not set. If this parameter is not set, all instances for the specified workflow segment are returned.

Output Parameters

Set to the results of the instance query, a Collection of ProcessInstanceInfo objects.

Set to the error message if an error occurs in the course of executing the query.

Open Parameters

Rendered after the instance query has been completed, and the results are placed into the instances parameter.

Rendered if no instances are returned from the query.

Rendered if an error occurs while executing the query. The errorMessage parameter is set to the corresponding error message.


The following example demonstrates using a WorkflowInstanceQueryDroplet component to display all outstanding workflow instances:

<dsp:droplet name="WorkflowInstanceQuery">
  <dsp:oparam name="empty">
    No outstanding workflow instances.
  <dsp:oparam name="output">
    <dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/droplet/ForEach">
      <dsp:param name="array" param="instances"/>
      <dsp:oparam name="output">
        Workflow subject <dsp:valueof param="element.subjectId"/><br/>
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