Using Pagelet Wizard to Create and Manage Pagelets

This chapter provides overviews of Pagelet Wizard, and its data sources, display formats, display sizes, and pagelet types. This chapter also discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pagelet Wizard

Pagelet Wizard pagelets are small pages that provide display-only snapshots of applicable content. Pagelet Wizard provides a user-friendly, browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) that leads you through the steps involved in creating and publishing a pagelet.

Portal administrators and nontechnical users can use Pagelet Wizard to integrate and transform data from a variety of data sources.

You do not need to have PeopleSoft-specific application development tools or skills to use Pagelet Wizard to create pagelets. During the pagelet-creation process, Pagelet Wizard presents a series of numbered steps. Each step appears in a numbered path at the top of the page to indicate where you are in the pagelet creation process.

This labeled path assists you in navigating forward and back through the steps in the wizard, which enables you to review or edit pagelet definition values. Once you’ve completed a step, Pagelet Wizard automatically takes you to the next appropriate step.

Pagelet Wizard leads you through the following steps that are typically used to create a pagelet:

  1. Specify pagelet information.

  2. Select data source.

  3. Specify data source parameters.

  4. Select display format.

  5. Specify display options.

  6. Specify publishing options.

Note. Before you start building a pagelet with Pagelet Wizard, you should familiarize yourself with all data sources. This enables you to evaluate the best way to retrieve the data that you want to display on the pagelet.

See Also

Step 2: Selecting a Pagelet Data Source

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pagelet Wizard Data Sources

Pagelet Wizard supports the creation of pagelets using the following data sources:


Use to present appropriately sized static HTML pages in Pagelet Wizard pagelets. HTML data source pagelets are compatible with the passthru and custom display formats.

IB Connector(Integration Broker Connector)

Use to interact directly with connectors registered to the Integration Broker and secured using Define IB Connector Security within Pagelet Wizard. This data type should be used only when you do not want to use the Integration Broker data type.

Integration Broker

Use to create pagelets that use Integration Broker to retrieve data from external sources. This middleware technology facilitates synchronous and asynchronous messaging among internal systems and with trading partners, while managing message structure, message format, and transport disparities.

Navigation Collections

Use to create pagelets from existing sets of folders and links stored in navigation collections. Navigation ollection data source pagelets are compatible with the menu and custom display formats.

OBIEE Report(Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Report)

Use to create pagelets from existing reports on the OBIEE server.

PeopleSoft Query

Use to access PeopleSoft application data or any tables within the PeopleSoft environment through Pagelet Wizard pagelets. PeopleSoft Query data source pagelets are compatible with the table, list, chart, and custom display formats.

Pivot Grid

Use to create pagelets from existing pivot grid instances, which use interactive pivot tables and charts that display application data that you can pivot, slice, and dice across multiple dimensions.


Use to access a rowset record for which the data is supplied at runtime. This data source is geared toward supplying data to embedded pagelets. Rowset data source pagelets are compatible with the table, list, chart, and custom display formats.

You designate a record as the rowset data source when you design your pagelet using Pagelet Wizard. When the pagelet is run for display, the data populated for the rowset must contain that record in the first level of the rowset. If the runtime rowset does not contain the record specified in Pagelet Wizard, no data appears in the pagelet.

Search record

Use to create Pagelet Wizard pagelets that provide quick access to specific transactions on a target transaction page. The search record data type enables you to select a basic search record or a component interface.

Use the basic search record data type for simple search lookup pages.

Use the component interface search record data type when the basic search record does not provide the required functionality, for example, when security or PeopleCode considerations need to be taken into account.

Search record data source pagelets are compatible with the search list display format.


The URL data type retrieves data from external sources such as the internet. This includes sources such as Real Simple Syndication (RSS) newsfeeds. Use to display appropriately sized dynamic HTML pages on Pagelet Wizard pagelets. URL data-source pagelets are compatible with the custom and passthru display formats.

Note. The Service Oriented Architecture Protocol (SOAP) data type used in previous releases is now included in the functionality of the IB data type. As of PeopleTools 8.50, SOAP services are consumed using Integration Broker, so use the IB data type to create pagelets going forward.

You can define your own data types on the Define Data Types page.

When you use Application Portal, Pagelet Wizard includes other data sources that are specific to Application Portal installations.

See Also

Defining Display Formats

Selecting a Navigation Collection Data Source

Defining Data Types

Step 2: Selecting a Pagelet Data Source

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pagelet Wizard Display Formats

Pagelet Wizard supports the creation of pagelets based on the following display formats:

Table Display Format

The table display format is appropriate for creating a pagelet that displays data from the PeopleSoft Query and rowset data sources. The following example shows a table pagelet displaying data from a PeopleSoft Query data source:

List Display Format

The list display format is appropriate for creating a pagelet that displays data from the PeopleSoft Query and rowset data sources. The following example shows a list pagelet displaying data from a PeopleSoft Query data source:

Chart Display Format

The chart display format is appropriate for creating a pagelet that displays data from the PeopleSoft Query and rowset data sources. The following example shows a chart pagelet displaying data from a PeopleSoft Query data source:

Menu Display Format

The menu display format is appropriate for creating a pagelet that displays data from a navigation collection data source. The following example shows a menu pagelet displaying data from a Navigation Collection data source:

Search List Display Format

The search list display format is appropriate for creating pagelets that display data from the search record data source. The following examples show search list pagelets displaying data from a search record data source:

Search list pagelet example (Show Results options set to N)

Search list pagelet example (Show Results option set to Y)

Passthru Display Format

The passthru display format is appropriate for creating a pagelet that displays data from the HTML, Content Management, IB Connector, and URL data sources. Because the passthru display format performs no further transformations on data from the data source, it should be used only with data sources that return HTML that can be directly displayed as a pagelet. The following example shows a passthru pagelet displaying data from an HTML data source:

Passthru pagelet example

Custom Display Format

The custom display format is appropriate for creating a pagelet using all data sources that return XML. Generally, most data types return XML, but circumstances potentially occur in which IBConnector, URL, and HTML datatypes do not return XML. In those instances, the custom display format would not be appropriate.

Use the custom display format when you want to use a display format other than the ones expressly listed in Pagelet Wizard. When you select the custom display format, Pagelet Wizard enables you to select a format provided by one of the delivered XSL prototypes, or you can select an XSL template that you created on the Define XSL page.

The following example shows a custom pagelet displaying data from a PeopleSoft Query data source:

Custom pagelet example

This custom pagelet uses the same PeopleSoft Query data source as the table pagelet example shown previously; however, this example has a custom XSL template applied.

See Also

Charting Classes

Defining Pagelet Wizard XSL Prototypes

Step 4: Selecting a Pagelet Display Format

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pagelet Wizard Display Sizes

In addition to the display format, pagelet sizing is also important during pagelet creation. Pagelet Wizard uses pagelet sizing that follows a basic set of rules so that pagelets are sized appropriately for PeopleSoft portal homepages. Pagelet size corresponds to the homepage layout that is specified. You can specify either a two-column layout that displays one narrow pagelet and one wide pagelet, or a three-column layout that displays three narrow pagelets.

Pagelets that you design with Pagelet Wizard should conform to the dimensions of the narrow column pagelet and (optionally) the wide column pagelet. A narrow pagelet should be 240 pixels wide. Subtracting the border and the internal margin provides 218 pixels for content. A wide pagelet should be 490 pixels wide. Subtracting the border and the internal margin provides 468 pixels for content.

If you display a pagelet that is wider than the homepage column that contains it, an error does not occur. The column expands to accommodate the content; however, this may require horizontal scrolling on the homepage, which can be inconvenient for the end user. In accordance with general pagelet design principles, make the pagelet height as short as possible.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pagelet Wizard Pagelet Types

Pagelet Wizard supports the publication of the following pagelet types:

Homepage Pagelets

Homepage pagelets are pagelets that are specifically for use on portal homepages. The layout and content of the homepage is usually configurable by the end user, and homepage pagelets can be designated as optional or required.

Note. On any PeopleSoft homepage, only one pagelet or portlet should use the calendar prompt. If more than one pagelet or portlet on a homepage uses the calendar prompt, unexpected results may occur.

See Selecting the Pagelets That Appear on Homepages.

Homepage pagelet example

Template Pagelets

Template pagelets are pagelets that can be added to a PeopleSoft portal template. These pagelets can extract and leverage keys specified by the target transaction for the template. Publishing a pagelet as a template pagelet is useful when you use Context Manager to display context-sensitive data in the template pagelet. Pagelets that you intend to use in the task panel of WorkCenter pages can be template pagelets.

Template pagelet example

Embeddable Pagelets

Embeddable pagelets are pagelets that you can embed in PeopleSoft transaction pages or iScripts within an HTML area. For example, you might create an OBIEE-based pagelet that displays a report of sales by region to embed on a Regional Sales page so that you could compare the sales of individual regions or each region to the whole.

WSRP Portlets

A WSRP portlet is a pagelet that can be used with external portals that support the WSRP standard.

See Also

Step 6: Specifying Pagelet Publishing Options

Configuring WorkCenter Pages

Understanding Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)

PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Applications User's Guide

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Pagelet Wizard Setup Values

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Pagelet Wizard Setup Values

Page Name

Definition Name





PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways

Specify the gateway’s location, update configuration settings, and register target connectors to be used with the gateway.

See Managing Integration Gateways.

Define Connector Security - Connectors


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define IB Connector Security, Connectors

Apply security to a connector that you want to use with the Pagelet Wizard IB Connector data source.

Define IB Connector Security - Default Security


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define IB Connector Security, Default Security

Select one or more permission lists to which you want to provide access to IB Connector. This security will be applied to connectors for which the Apply Default Security option is selected on the Define IB Connector Security - Connectors page.

Define IB Connector Security


Click the Custom Security button on the Define IB Connector Security - Connectors page.

Select one or more permission lists for which you want to provide access to IB Connector. This security will be applied to connectors for which you clicked the Custom Security button on the Define IB Connector Security - Connectors page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the PeopleSoft Integration Broker Gateway for Pagelet Wizard

This section provides an overview of setting up the PeopleSoft Integration Broker Gateway for Pagelet Wizard and discusses how to set up the default gateway for use with Pagelet Wizard data sources.

When you use Pagelet Wizard with PeopleSoft Application Portal installed, the IB Connector and Integration Broker data sources become available for use. These data sources rely on PeopleSoft Integration Broker for web interactivity. You must set up the default gateway before these data sources are usable with your system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Default Gateway for Use with Pagelet Wizard Data Sources

Access the Gateways page. (Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways.)

Set up the default gateway according to the instructions in the Integration Broker PeopleBook.

See Managing Integration Gateways.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Click Load Gateway Connectors.

  3. Click Save.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Pagelet Wizard IB Connector Data Source Security

Access the Define Connector Security - Connectors page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define IB Connector Security, Connectors.)

Integration Gateway ID

Select the appropriate Integration Gateway.

Active Flag

Select to activate the connector and make it available for use with the Pagelet Wizard IB Connector data source.

Apply Default Security

Select to apply the default security settings that are defined on the Define IB Connector Security - Default Security page to the connector.

Custom Security

Click to access the Define Connector Security page, where you can define custom security settings for the connector.

See Also

Configuring the Integration Network

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Pagelet Wizard Integration Broker Data Source

When you use Pagelet Wizard with PeopleSoft Application Portal installed, the Integration Broker data source becomes available for use. You must perform the following tasks before the Integration Broker data source is usable with your system.

  1. Set up the Integration Broker listening connector.

    See Configuring the Integration Network.

  2. Set up the appropriate service, service operation, handlers, and routings for the operation that you want to use.

    See Configuring the Integration Network.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Pagelet Wizard Transformation Types, Display Formats, and Data Types

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Pagelet Wizard Transformation Types, Display Formats, and Data Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Transform Types


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Transform Types

Define transformation methods that can be applied to Pagelet Wizard pagelet content.

Define Display Formats


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Display Formats

Define display formats that can be used to format Pagelet Wizard pagelet content.

Define Data Types


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Data Types

Define data types that can be used to supply Pagelet Wizard with pagelet content.

Document Type Definition (DTD)


Click the View Document Type Definition (DTD) link on the Define Data Types page.

Access the DTD that describes the XML generated by the selected data type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Transformation Types

Access the Define Transform Types page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Transform Types.)

Pagelet Wizard is delivered with the following transformation type definitions to support their associated display formats:

Warning! Do not alter delivered field values for these transformation types.

The Define Transform Types page enables you to build your own transformation types. For example, you could create a new transformation type called ABC123. You would then extend Pagelet Wizard to perform ABC123 transformations by building a supporting application class and registering it as a transformation type. You could then create builders for assembling pagelet displays that create ABC123 transformation definitions.

See Understanding Pagelet Wizard Display Formats.

Transformation Type

Enter the internal name that you want to assign to the transformation type.


For reference purposes only, enter a short description of the transformation type.

Long Description

For reference purposes only, enter a more detailed description of the transformation type.

Supporting Application Class

The application class specified here refers to the PeopleCode that implements the transformation type.

Package Name

Enter the name of the application class package that you want to use for the transformation type.


Enter the names—delimited by colons—of each subpackage in the hierarchy that drills down to the class that contains the method to use for the transformation type.

Application Class ID

Enter the name of the application class that you want to use for the transformation type. The class must exist in the application package name that you have specified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Display Formats

Access the Define Display Formats page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Display Formats.)

A display format performs the following tasks:

For example, the chart display format defines the code that builds charts, and it specifies that Pagelet Wizard must use the XSL transformation for pagelets created using this display format.

Pagelet Wizard is delivered with the following display format definitions to support their associated display formats:

Warning! Do not alter delivered field values for these display formats.

See Understanding Pagelet Wizard Display Formats.

Display Format ID

Enter the name that you want to assign to the display format.


Enter a short description of the display format. This short description appears as the display format name value on the Select Display Format page in Pagelet Wizard.


Select to activate the display format and make it a selectable value in Pagelet Wizard.

If you deactivate a display format, the display format is no longer available for selection on the Select Display Format page when accessed for associated data types.

Existing pagelets that have been created by means of a deactivated display format are unaffected; however, you can no longer use Pagelet Wizard to change the display settings for those pagelets.

Long Description

Enter a detailed description of the display format. This long description appears as the display format description on the Select Display Format page in Pagelet Wizard.

Sort Order

Enter a numeric value to specify the order in which you want the display format to appear as a selectable field value relative to other display formats on the Select Display Format page.

See Step 4: Selecting a Pagelet Display Format.

Image Name

Select the image that you want to appear with the display format name and description on the Select Display Format page.

Transformation Type

Display formats use a transformation technology. Select the transformation type that you want to use for the display format. Available transformation types are defined on the Define Transform Types page.

See Defining Transformation Types.

Page Name

Enter the object name of the page to be used to define display options for this display format. This page must exist in the PTPPB_WIZARD component in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Supporting Application Class

The application class specified here refers to the PeopleCode that implements the display format. This code is the builder that creates the definition that Pagelet Wizard uses (along with the transformation) to display the pagelet.

Package Name

Enter the application class package name to use for the display format.


Enter the names—delimited by colons—of each subpackage in the hierarchy that drills down to the class that contains the method used to create the display format.

Application Class ID

Enter the name of the application class to use for the display format. The class must exist in the application package name that you specify.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Data Types

Access the Define Data Types page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Data Types.)

Pagelet Wizard is delivered with the following data type definitions to support their associated data sources:

Warning! Do not alter delivered field values for these data types.

See Understanding Pagelet Wizard Data Sources.

Data Type

Enter the internal name that you want to assign to the data type.


Enter a short description of the data type. This short description appears as the prompt list value when you select data sources in Pagelet Wizard.


Select to activate the data type and make it a selectable value in Pagelet Wizard.

If you deactivate a data type, the data type is no longer available for selection on the Select Data Source page.

If you deactivate a data type that is in use, associated pagelets do not display data. The pagelets display an error message instead.

Long Description

Enter a detailed description of the data type. This long description appears as the data type description on the Select Data Source page in Pagelet Wizard.

Supporting Application Class

The application class specified here refers to the PeopleCode that implements the data type. This is the code that Pagelet Wizard calls to retrieve the data for the pagelet.

This table describes the Supporting Application Class fields:

Package Name

Enter the name of the application class package that you want to use for the data type.


Enter the names—delimited by colons—of each subpackage in the hierarchy that drills down to the class that contains the method that defines the data type.

Application Class ID

Enter the name of the application class that you want to use for the data type. The class must exist in the application package name that you specify.

Note. The search option of each pagelet has to be explicitly declared through this page or Pagelet Wizard to activate the search box, even for Inline XSL type of search box.

Search Application Class

The application class specified here refers to the PeopleCode that implements a default pagelet search for this data type. This is the code that Pagelet Wizard calls to build and place the search box in the pagelet, perform the search, and render and format the search results.

Changes to the default search application class at the data type level appear in any pagelet of this data type automatically the next time the pagelet is rendered, with the exception of the pagelets for which you define a custom search application class. Examples of these changes are included in the subsequent list.

The PTPPB_PAGELET:PageletSearch:PortalSearch sample search application class is part of a standard PeopleTools installation. This class uses the portal registry index to perform the search. You can use this sample search class to test the pagelet search functionality for any pagelet or you can associate this search class with either a pagelet data type or with a pagelet.

Note. Pagelet search is supported for homepage and embedded pagelets only.

This table describes the Search Application Class fields:

Package Name

Enter the Search application class package name that you want to use for the data type.


Enter the names—delimited by colons—of each subpackage in the hierarchy that drills down to the class that contains the method to define the search.

Application Class ID

Enter the name of the Search application class that you want to use for the data type. The class must exist in the application package name that you specify.

Display Formats to Use with This Data Type

Display Format ID

Enter the display formats that are supported by the data type. You can select from existing display formats defined on the Define Display Formats page.

See Defining Display Formats.

View Document Type Definition (DTD)

Click to access the Document Type Definition (DTD) page, where you can access the DTD that describes the XML generated by the selected data type.

Viewing the Document Type Definition (DTD)

The Document Type Definition (DTD) page enables you to view the tags and attributes that are used to describe content in the XML from the data source type. This information is useful when you use third-party tools to generate XSL templates for the datatype.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Pagelet Wizard XSL Prototypes

This section discusses how to define XSL prototypes for use in building Pagelet Wizard pagelets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Pagelet Wizard XSL Prototypes

Page Name

Definition Name



Define XSL


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define XSL

Create custom XSL definitions for use with Pagelet Wizard.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining XSL Prototypes

Access the Define XSL page. (PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define XSL).

Pagelet Wizard is delivered with the following XSL prototypes to support their associated data sources and display formats:

XSL Prototype Name

Data Type




Small Images



Bullet List



Numbered List






Bullet List



Customizable List



Customizable Table



Numbered List



Numbered List - Header



Skeleton XSL






ATOM 0.3



ATOM 1.0






RSS 0.91-0.93



RSS 1.0



RSS 2.0



Skeleton XSL

Warning! Do not alter the delivered XSL for these XSL prototypes.

XSL Prototype ID

Enter an ID for the XSL prototype.


Enter a description of the XSL prototype. The text that you enter here appears as available XSL template field values on the Specify Display Options page when you create a custom display format pagelet.

See Specifying Custom Display Options.


Select to activate the XSL prototype and make it an available XSL template field value on the Specify Display Options page for custom display format pagelets.

If you deactivate an XSL prototype, the prototype is no longer available for selection on the Specify Display Options page for the custom display format. Existing pagelets that have been created by means of the deactivated XSL prototype are unaffected.

Long Description

For reference purposes only, enter a long description of the XSL prototype.

Data Type

Select the applicable data type for the XSL prototype. You can assign only one data type per XSL prototype.

Define XSL

Enter the XSL code for formatting pagelet XML data in the desired pagelet format.

Delete XSL

Click to delete the XSL prototype definition. You will be prompted to confirm your deletion.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Pagelet Wizard Headers and Footers

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Pagelet Wizard Headers and Footers

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Header


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Headers, Define Header

Create a pagelet header design. Enter HTML that you want to appear on the header.

Define Headers - Specify Image


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Headers, Define Header, Specify Image

Specify an image that you want to appear on the pagelet header. Specify image properties.

Define Headers - Preview


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Headers, Define Header, Preview

View the fully assembled pagelet header. After previewing the pagelet header, you can adjust the HTML and image parameters as needed.

Define Footer


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Footers, Define Footer

Create a pagelet footer design. Enter HTML that you want to appear on the footer.

Define Footers - Specify Image


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Footers, Specify Image

Specify an image that you want to appear on the pagelet footer. Specify image properties.

Define Footers - Preview


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Footers, Preview

View the fully assembled pagelet footer. After previewing the pagelet footer, you can adjust the HTML and image parameters as needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Headers

Access the Define Header page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Headers, Define Header.)

Pagelet Header

Header ID

Enter an ID for the pagelet header.


Enter a description of the pagelet header. The text that you enter here appears as the selectable field value in the Header field when users assign headers to pagelets on the Specify Display Options page.


Select to activate the pagelet header and make it a selectable field value in the Header field on the Specify Display Options page.

If you deactivate a header that is in use, the header no longer appears on associated pagelets. In addition, the header is not available for selection on the Specify Display Options page.

Long Description

For reference purposes only, enter a long description of the pagelet header.


Enter the HTML code that you want to use to generate the pagelet header. You can enter both HTML text and image references. Alternatively, you can include an image by selecting it on the Specify Image page.

Delete Header

Click to delete the pagelet header design. You will be prompted to confirm your deletion.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Header Images

Access the Header Image page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Headers, Define Header, Specify Image.)

Header Image

Image Source

Select the image source. Options are:

System Catalog: Select to specify an image from the PeopleTools system image catalog.

External Source: Select to specify an image from a source external to the PeopleTools system image catalog.

Image Name

If you select the System Catalog image source, click the Search button to access a list of existing images.

Image URL

If you select the External Source image source, enter a URL for the desired image file. All image types are supported. Ensure that the location of the image provides reliable access.


Select the alignment of the image. Options are:

Left: Select to align the image with the left margin of the pagelet.

Right: Select to align the image with the right margin of the pagelet.


Enter the image height in pixels if the image needs to be resized. If you enter an image height, the system adjusts the image width to fit the image height.


Enter the image width in pixels if the image needs to be resized. If you enter an image width, the system adjusts the image height to fit the image width.

Float Over Text

Enter text that you want to appear when the user moves the cursor over the image.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Footers

Access the Define Footer page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Footers, Define Footer.)

Pagelet Footer

Footer ID

Enter an ID for the pagelet footer.


Enter a description of the pagelet footer. The text that you enter here appears as the selectable value in the Footer field when users assign footers to pagelets on the Specify Display Options page.


Select to activate the pagelet footer and make it a selectable value in the Footer field on the Specify Display Options page.

If you deactivate a footer that is in use, the footer no longer appears on associated pagelets. In addition, the footer is not available for selection on the Specify Display Options page.

Long Description

For reference purposes only, enter a long description of the pagelet footer.


Enter the HTML code that you want to use to generate the pagelet footer. You can enter both HTML text and image references. Alternatively, you can include an image by selecting it on the Specify Image page.

Delete Footer

Click to delete the pagelet footer design. You will be prompted to confirm your deletion.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Footer Images

Access the Footer Image page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Footers, Specify Image..

Footer Image

Image Source

Select the image source. Options are:

System Catalog: Select to specify an image from the PeopleTools system image catalog.

External Source: Select to specify an image from a source external to the PeopleTools system image catalog.

Image Name

If you select System Catalog as the image source, click the Search button to access a list of existing images.

Image URL

If you select External Source as the image source, enter a URL for the desired image file. All image types are supported. Ensure that the location of the image provides reliable access.


Select the alignment of the image. Options are:

Left: Select to align the image with the left margin of the pagelet.

Right: Select to align the image with the right margin of the pagelet.


Enter the image height in pixels if the image needs to be resized. If you enter an image height, the system adjusts the image width to fit the image height.


Enter the image width in pixels if the image needs to be resized. If you enter an image width, the system adjusts the image height to fit the image width.

Float Over Text

Enter text that you want to appear when the user moves the cursor over the image.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Pagelet Wizard Pagelet Categories

This section discusses how to define Pagelet Wizard pagelet categories.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Pagelet Wizard Pagelet Categories

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Categories


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Categories

Define categories used to organize pagelets created by means of Pagelet Wizard.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Pagelet Categories

Access the Define Categories page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Categories.)

Category ID

Enter a Pagelet Wizard pagelet category ID. You can use category IDs to organize Pagelet Wizard pagelets. The portal administrator can use this value when running pagelet reports and when searching for pagelets that need to be moved between different portal sites.

Categories provide another level of organization in addition to the owner ID. For example, you can use a departmental owner ID, and within that, categorize your pagelets by pagelet type.


Enter a description of the pagelet category. The text that you enter here appears as a field value in the Category ID field when users assign pagelets to categories on the Specify Pagelet Information page.


Select to activate the pagelet category and make it a selectable field value in the Category ID field on the Specify Pagelet Information page.

If you deactivate a category, the category is no longer available for selection on the Specify Pagelet Information page. Existing pagelets that have been created using the deactivated category are unaffected.

Long Description

For reference purposes only, enter a long description of the pagelet category.

Delete Category

Click to delete a pagelet category. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

If you delete a category, the category is no longer available for selection on the Specify Pagelet Information page. Existing pagelets that have been created using the deactivated category still appear, but the pagelet category is removed from the pagelet definition in Pagelet Wizard.

Click to jump to parent topicStep 1: Entering Pagelet Identifying Information

This section discusses how to specify pagelet information. This is step 1 in the Pagelet Wizard pagelet creation process.

Note. Before you start building a pagelet with Pagelet Wizard, familiarize yourself with all data sources. This enables you to evaluate the best way to retrieve the data that you want to display in the pagelet.

See Also

Understanding Pagelet Wizard Data Sources

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Enter Pagelet Identifying Information

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Definition Name



Specify Pagelet Information


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Define description and summary information for a pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Pagelet Information

Access the Specify Pagelet Information page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard.)

Pagelet ID

Enter an ID for the pagelet. Each pagelet that you build with Pagelet Wizard must have a unique ID.

Note. Pagelet IDs can contain only the characters A–Z, a–z, and _. All other characters put into a pagelet ID will be removed by the system. If all characters are removed from the user-entered pagelet ID, then the Registry Object Prefix will be used instead. If after you remove illegal characters from the pagelet ID the name is found to match an existing pagelet ID, then Pagelet Wizard appends numbers to the end of the pagelet ID to make the new pagelet ID unique.

Pagelet Title

Enter a unique title for the pagelet. This value appears in the pagelet title bar, which is the solid bar at the top of the pagelet. If you change the pagelet title value for a published pagelet, you must unpublish and republish the pagelet for the change to take effect.


Enter additional descriptive information to identify the pagelet. This reference text is used in Verity and search record searches.

Owner ID

Select the value that you want to use to identify pagelets created by the organization. The portal administrator can use this value when searching for pagelets through PeopleSoft Application Designer or SQL queries on the portal registry table.

Do not select a delivered PeopleSoft owner ID. You can define unique owner IDs for the organization by entering field translate values for the OBJECTOWNERID field using PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Category ID

To organize Pagelet Wizard pagelets, select a category assignment for the pagelet. You create pagelet categories on the Define Categories page. The portal administrator can use this value when running pagelet reports and when searching for pagelets that need to be moved between different portal sites.

Categories provide another level of organization in addition to the owner ID. For example, you can use a departmental owner ID, and within that, categorize pagelets for that ID by pagelet type.

See Defining Pagelet Wizard Pagelet Categories.

Help URL

Enter the URL of the help document to associate with the pagelet. Entering a URL causes the Help button to appear in the pagelet header bar.

When the pagelet is published as a homepage pagelet, a PTPPB_PAGELET_HELP_LINK content reference attribute is added to the pagelet content reference definition corresponding to the pagelet. The value of this content reference attribute will be the help URL entered by the user.

Note. The Help button appears only when the pagelet is on the homepage inside the PeopleSoft Portal; it does not appear when the pagelet is displayed as a WSRP portlet.

Note. The pagelet help URL takes precedence over the help ID, when both attributes are set for a pagelet.

Click to jump to parent topicStep 2: Selecting a Pagelet Data Source

This section discusses selecting a pagelet data source. This is step 2 in the Pagelet Wizard pagelet creation process. Specifically, this section discusses how to :

You can define other data sources by using the Define Data Types page.

See Also

Understanding Pagelet Wizard Data Sources

Defining Data Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Select a Pagelet Data Source

Page Name

Definition Name



Select Data Source


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Click the Next button or the icon for step 2.

Select the type of data source for the pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting an HTML Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select HTML in the Data Type field.

When you use HTML as the data source for a pagelet, the pagelet does not provide configurable parameters that enable criteria selection. Consequently also, no end-user personalization exists for HTML data source pagelets.

Note. Source code mode is disabled in the Rich Text Editor on the Step 2 page of Pagelet Wizard for HTML type of pagelets. This is for security reasons because malicious code could be inserted in Source code mode. If you want to enable the Source mode for some special reason, please use Application Designer to open the PTPPB_WIZ_DATASRC page, double-click the PTPPB_WORKREC.PTPPB_HTML_AREA_01 long edit box field on the page, select the Options tab, select PT_RTE_CFG_PTPPB from the Configuration Setting Id drop-down list box, and then save the changes.

When creating an HTML data source pagelet, you skip step 3 and proceed to step 4, in which you select the pagelet display format.

Data Source


Enter the HTML code that you want to use as the data source for the pagelet. You can enter an HTML document or fragment. This HTML can include embedded JavaScript.

Ensure that the HTML that you enter generates content that is appropriately sized for pagelet display.

See Defining Data Types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting an IB Connector Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select IB Connector in the Data Type field.

Data Source

Integration Gateway ID

Select the Integration Broker gateway that contains the connector that you want to use to supply content to the pagelet.

Connector ID

Select the connector that you want to use to supply content to the pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting an Integration Broker Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select Integration Broker in the Data Type field.

You can use an outbound synchronous message defined in the local database as a data source for a Pagelet Wizard pagelet. Outbound, synchronous messages are messages for which a request is made to a target system and a response is expected in real time.

The message can be either structured or unstructured. If the message is structured, then a record structure has been associated with the outbound message and that record structure is translated into data source parameters during step 3. If the message is unstructured, then no record structure has been associated with the outbound message, so no data source parameters can be supplied and Pagelet Wizard bypasses step 3.

Typically, because outbound synchronous messages are designed to run in real time, they are associated with transactions with good performance records. As with all pagelet data sources, you should understand that pagelet performance and homepage performance are tied to the performance of the underlying Integration Broker message and target transaction. You should review the performance of the target transaction before creating an Integration Broker message-based pagelet.

Data Source

Service Operation

Select the requesting service operation that you want to be the data source for the pagelet.

Receiver Node Name

Select the node that is associated with the selected requesting service operation.

Data Source Details

If the selected message is structured, the Data Source Details group box displays input and output records and fields that are defined in the message structure.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Navigation Collection Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select Navigation Collection in the Data Type field.

The navigation collection that you use as the data source must already have been created using the navigation collections pages. However, the navigation collection does not need to exist in its final form. Any changes that you make to the underlying navigation collection used as the data source are immediately reflected on any pagelets created from that navigation collection.

Note. Although you can create a navigation collection pagelet directly from the navigation collections component, pagelets created using this component cannot be maintained in Pagelet Wizard. Only navigation collection pagelets created specifically with Pagelet Wizard can be maintained in Pagelet Wizard.

See Understanding Navigation Collections.

Data Type

Select Navigation Collection.

Data Source

Portal Name

Select the portal that contains the navigation collection for the pagelet.

Collection Name

Select the name of the navigation collection that you want to use to create the pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting an OBIEE Report Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select OBIEE Report in the Data Type field.

Data Source

Report ID

Select the report that you want to be the data source. Only reports that have been loaded into the PeopleSoft application appear in this list.

See Loading OBIEE Report Definitions.

Report Name

This field displays the OBIEE server name and the report name. This field is display-only.

Report View ID

Select the view or report type as created in the OBIEE application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a PeopleSoft Query Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select PS Query in the Data Type field.

Queries typically return a number of columns and rows. Queries for pagelets should be selected based on available display space on the homepage. In addition, avoid selecting long-running queries that can delay the display of the homepage.

Note that public query results are available to portal viewers only if they have appropriate access to the underlying data record. Permission lists in the users’ role definitions must contain query access groups that include the records in the query definition.

Data Type

Select PS Query.

Data Source

Query Name

Select a query to serve as the data source for the pagelet. You can select any public query in the local database.

PeopleSoft queries provide SQL access to any table recognized by the PeopleSoft system. This includes external, remote tables that are recognized by the PeopleSoft system by way of a database link.

See Creating and Running Simple Queries.

Note. Even though a query is marked as public, PeopleSoft Query still applies security to the underlying records. Ensure that the users of this pagelet have query security access to the underlying records to avoid runtime errors.

Data Source Details


Displays the data source parameter fields that correspond to the query’s input prompts. This field also displays the required system-supplied .MAXROWS query data source parameter that you can use to limit the amount of data returned to the pagelet.


Displays the data source parameter fields that correspond to the query’s output.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Pivot Grid Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select Pivot Grid in the Data Type field.

Pivot Grid is a PeopleSoft component that enables you to display application data in interactive pivot tables and charts so that you can pivot, slice, and dice your application data across multiple dimensions. Pivot grids are ideal data sources for pagelets that you use on dashboards and homepages as a form of operational reporting.

Data Source

Pivot Grid Name

Select the pivot grid that you want the pagelet to display.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Pivot Grid

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Rowset Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select Rowset in the Data Type field.

A rowset is a record that collects rows of data and can contain data from one or more records. The rowset data source is geared towards supplying data to embedded pagelets. This is because embedded pagelets require that a populated rowset be passed into the data source for it to be able to display the data as a chart or table, for example.

Embedded pagelets do not allow for customizable parameters that enable criteria selection. Consequently also, no end-user personalization for rowset data source pagelets.

When creating a rowset data source pagelet, you skip step 3 and proceed to step 4, in which you select your pagelet display format.

Data Source

Record Name

Select the record that contains the layout of the rowset that you want to use to supply your pagelet with data. Records available for selection are records that are tables or views.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Search Record Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select Search Record in the Data Type field.

Search records typically return a number of columns and rows. When you select search records to be displayed on pagelets, consider the available display space on the homepage.

Data Type

Select Search Record.

Data Source

Portal Name

Select the portal in which the search record for the pagelet resides.

Content Reference

Select the content reference for the search record.

Access Type

Select the type of access for the search record data. Options are:

Basic Search Record: Select to have the search record pagelet retrieve data based on the basic search record defined in the selected portal.

CI: <component interface name>: Select when the basic search record does not provide the required functionality, for example, when security or PeopleCode considerations need to be taken into account. This option is available if the selected search record has an associated component interface. Select to have the search record pagelet retrieve data by way of the component interface.

See Developing Component Interfaces.

Data Source Details


Displays search record key input fields, as well as other system-required input fields that are used to derive data that is displayed on the search record pagelet.


Displays search record key output fields, as well as other output fields for which search results are displayed on the search record pagelet. These output fields are derived from the drop-down list box fields on the search record.

If the SHOWRESULTS data source parameter field for the pagelet is set to N, the search key output fields appear as Search By drop-down list values on the pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a URL Data Source

Access the Select Data Source page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 2.)

Select URL in the Data Type field.


Enter any HTTP-accessible URL as the data source for the pagelet. The URL may or may not require query string parameters that can be specified and personalized as end-user prompts within Pagelet Wizard.

For example, the Yahoo! search page URL takes the form If you want to make searchterm a user-specified data parameter, enter a URL field value of In step 3 on the Specify Data Source Parameters page, add a data source parameter Field Name value of p and set its Usage Type field value to User Specified with a default value. Pagelet Wizard then adds the ?p=searchterm value, with the searchterm value able to be personalized by the user, to the URL before it retrieves the content to the pagelet.

Click to jump to parent topicStep 3: Specifying Pagelet Data Source Parameters

This section provides an overview of system variables supported as data source parameters, lists common elements, and discusses specifying pagelet data source parameters. This is step 3 in the Pagelet Wizard pagelet creation process. Specifically, this section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding System Variables Supported as Data Source Parameters

When you set the Usage Type field to System Variable or User Specified on the Specify Data Source Parameters page, you can enter a system variable such as %UserId, which the system substitutes at runtime with the actual value represented by the variable. The following system variables are supported as data source parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Displays a description of the data source parameter.

Usage Type

Select the type of end-user accessibility that you want to grant for the Data Source Parameter field when it appears on the pagelet. Options are:

  • Not Used: Select if it will not be used on the pagelet.

  • Fixed: Select to enter a fixed value for the data source parameter that the pagelet end user cannot modify.

  • System Variable: Select to assign a system variable as the data source parameter value. The value of the system variable is automatically inserted into the parameter when the pagelet appears. When you select this option, the pagelet end user cannot modify the data source parameter.

    For example, suppose that you specify %UserId as the system variable for a User data source parameter field. When the pagelet appears on a user’s homepage, the User field is populated by the %UserId system variable, which is the user ID used to access the pagelet.

  • User Specified: Select to enable end users to specify a data source parameter value for this field. When a pagelet contains a user-specified field, the Customize button appears on the pagelet title bar.

    End users can click this button to access a personalization page, where they can select a data source parameter value that they want to appear by default on the pagelet when they access it. They can select a value from a prompt, or they can manually enter their own value if no prompt values are available.

    If you change the usage type from or to User Specified for a data source parameter on a published homepage pagelet, you must unpublish and republish the pagelet.

  • Admin Specified: Enables users with administrative privileges to specify variables for this field as well as access the Configure link on the published pagelet and select from those parameters for users.

  • Context Sensitive: Enables users to specify context sensitivity for OBIEE and embedded pagelets to be used with Context Manager and Related Content Framework.

Default Value

If you select User Specified or Admin Specified as the usage type and the data source parameter is a required value, you must enter the default value that should appear before a user enters a value. If the data source parameter is not a required value, you do not have to enter a default value.

If you select a default value when defining available user-specified values on the Specify Data Source Parameter Values page, this field is populated with that default value.

If you select User Specified as the usage type, you can enter a system variable as the default value. For example, to make the current date the default value for a user-specified parameter, enter a default value of %Date.

If you select System Variable as the usage type, you must enter the system variable to use as the data source parameter value.

See Understanding System Variables Supported as Data Source Parameters.

If you select Fixed as the usage type, you must enter the fixed value.

You can enter a value that includes the % and * wildcards at the beginning or end of a value in the Default Value field.

If you select Fixed as the usage type and the data source parameter has associated prompt values, you can use the Look up Value button to search for available data source parameter values.

If you select System Variable as the usage type, you can use the Look up Value button to access a list of valid system variables.

If you select User Specified as the usage type, this button does not appear.

User Values

If you select User Specified as the usage type, click to access the Specify Data Source Parameter Values page.

See Step 3: Specifying Pagelet Data Source Parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Specify Pagelet Data Source Parameters

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Definition Name



Specify Data Source Parameters


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Click the Next button on the Select Data Source page, or click the icon for step 3.

Configure the data source parameters that are required for the data to be displayed on the pagelet. For instance, when entering data source parameters for a query pagelet, you specify input data that extracts output data to the pagelet. The parameters vary depending on the data source selected on the Select Data Source page.

This page is accessible only when you build a pagelet with a data source that allows modification of associated parameters. These data sources include PeopleSoft Query, search record, and navigation collections.

Note. This step is not applicable when you create pagelets with an HTML data source.

Specify Data Source Parameter Values


Click the Values link on the Specify Data Source Parameters page.

Enter values for the end user to select from when personalizing user-specific parameters on a pagelet.

Note. This page is accessible only for data source parameters for which you have selected the User Specified or Admin Specified usage types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying HTML Data Source Parameters

When creating an HTML data source pagelet, you skip step 3 and proceed to step 4, in which you select your pagelet display format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying IB Connector Data Source Parameters

After selecting IB Connector as the data type on the Select Data Source page, access the Specify Data Source Parameters page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 3.)

Define the data source parameters for the IB Connector data source. Click the User Values button to set the default values for users.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

See Specifying User-Defined Data Source Paramters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Integration Broker Data Source Parameters

After selecting Integration Broker as the data type on the Select Data Source page, access the Specify Data Source Parameters page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 3.).


This step is applicable for the Integration Broker data source if the service operation is based on a structured message or if the message is structured but contains a schema. The structure that is associated with the message is translated into data source parameters on this page.

If the message is unstructured, then no schema structure has been associated with the message. Therefore, no data source parameters can be supplied and Pagelet Wizard bypasses this step.

You must supply values for all rows with the Required option selected.

Personalization Instructions

Use the Personalization Instructions text box . These personalization instructions appear on the Personalization page of the pagelet.

Note. Personalization instructions must be translatable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Navigation Collection Data Source Parameters

After selecting Navigation Collection as the data type on the Select Data Source page, access the Specify Data Source Parameters page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 3.)

Data Source Parameters

Pagelet Wizard analyzes the selected query and retrieves a list of predefined parameters and any related prompt list values. You cannot add to the list of parameters.

Field Name

Displays the following data source parameters required by the navigation collection data source.

.INCLUDECHILDREN: Determines whether the pagelet displays navigation collection child links.

.MAXCHILDLINKS: If the pagelet is defined to display child links, determines the maximum number of navigation collection child links to display.


This option is selected if the data source parameter must contain a value on the pagelet to retrieve data successfully. For example, the .INCLUDECHILDREN field is required.

If this option is selected and is display-only, the value is set in the application class at the API level.

Reset to Default

Click to reset the values on this page to the default values specified by the navigation collection data source API.


Click the Values link to set the default values for users.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Personalization Instructions

Use the Personalization Instructions text box to enter instructional informs for the pagelet. These personalization instructions appear on the Personalization page of the pagelet.

Note. Personalization instructions must be translatable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying OBIEE Data Source Parameters

After selecting OBIEE Report as the data type on the Select Data Source page, access the Specify Data Source Parameters page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 3.)

Data Source Parameters

Pagelet Wizard analyzes the selected OBIEE report and retrieves a list of predefined parameters and any related prompt list values. You cannot add to the list of parameters.

Field Name

Displays the data source parameters that correspond to the OBIEE prompts associated with the selected OBIEE report. This field also displays the required system-supplied .MAXROWS query data source parameter that you can use to limit the amount of data returned on the pagelet.


This field contains a description that identifies the purpose or location of the OBIEE field.


This option is selected if the data source parameter must have a value entered on the pagelet to retrieve data successfully. For example, the .MAXROWS field is required.

If this option is selected and is display-only, the value is set in the application class at the application programming interface (API) level.

If you leave this option deselected, the data source parameter value can be cleared at runtime, or it can be entered to refine the data selection criteria.

Reset to Default

Click to reset the values on this page to the default values specified by the OBIEE data source API.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Pivot Grid Data Source Parameters

After selecting Pivot Grid as the data type on the Select Data Source page, access the Specify Data Source Parameters page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 3.)

Data Source Parameter Details

Displays the Configure pivot grid views link, which you click to open the Pivot Grid Views Component page where you can define the pivot grid options.

See Defining the Pivot Grid Display Options.

Data Source Parameters

Pagelet Wizard analyzes the selected pivot grid and generates the list of pagelet parameters shown in this step. You cannot add to the list of parameters.


Enter text that describes the field.

Usage Type

Select the way the system uses the parameter. Select one of these options:

  • Admin Specified

  • Context Sensitive

  • Fixed

  • Not Used

  • System Variable

  • User Specified


Select to require a value for the parameter.

Default Value

Enter the parameter value that the system uses by default.

Reset to Default

Click to set all values on this page to the default values specified by the pivot grid data source API.

Pivot Grid Views Component

Access the Pivot Grid Component (Click the Configure pivot grid views link on the Specify Data Source Parameters page).

View Name

Select the pivot grid view to use for this pagelet.

View Description

Enter text that describes the pivot grid view.

Display Options

Select which elements appear on the pagelet.

Choose one of these values:

  • Grid Only

  • Chart Only

  • Grid and Chart

Grid Options

  • Collapsible Data Area- select to enable the user to collapse the pivot grid into the grid header.

    If you select this option, the system automatically selects the Expanded State check box.

  • Expanded State - select to display the grid in the expanded state when the pagelet initially appears on the homepage or dashboard.

  • No Drag and Drop - select to disable the drag and drop functionality of elements within the pivot grid.

See Grid Options.

Chart Options

Enter or select values for the title, type, x and y-axis labels and x and y-axis angles (in degrees) of the chart.

See Chart Options.

Advanced Options

Enter values for the three-dimensional rotation angle (in degrees), height (in pixels), and width (in pixels) of the chart.

See Chart Options.

Save As

Click to open the Save View As dialog box, where you can either save the current pivot grid model as a new view or update an existing view.

See Viewing Pivot Grid Options.

See Also

Using Pivot Grid Viewer

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Query Data Source Parameters

After selecting PS Query as the data type on the Select Data Source page, access the Specify Data Source Parameters page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 3.)

Data Source Parameters

Pagelet Wizard analyzes the selected query and translates the query prompts into the list of pagelet parameters shown in this step. You cannot add to the list of parameters. Most prompts will be marked as required; however, any prompts that are used exclusively in the IN clause of the query will not be marked as required.

Important! Query Prompts that are based on dynamic views should not be used as User Specified data source parameters. Unexpected results will occur.

You can attain advanced functionality with proper design of the query and the Pagelet Wizard pagelet. For example, you might want to create a pagelet that will show open purchase orders for a list of vendors, and allow each user to specify up to five vendors. To achieve this functionality, you would first create a query to retrieve the open purchase orders for up to five vendors. When you create this query, ensure that the five vendor ID prompts are used only in the IN clause of the query. You can then create a pagelet using the PS Query data type and choose the query that you have created. The five vendor ID prompts will be shown as data source parameters. However, they will be marked as not required. End users will then be able to specify any number of vendors (up to five) when they personalize the pagelet. Finally, update the personalization instructions on the pagelet to explain to the end users that they can supply up to five vendor IDs.

Field Name

Displays the data source parameters that correspond to the query prompts associated with the selected query. This field also displays the required system-supplied .MAXROWS query data source parameter that you can use to limit the amount of data returned on the pagelet.


This option is selected if the data source parameter must have a value entered on the pagelet to retrieve data successfully. For example, the .MAXROWS field is required.

If this option is selected and display-only, the value is set in the application class at the application programming interface (API) level.

If you leave this option deselected, the data source parameter value can be cleared at runtime, or it can be entered to refine the data selection criteria.

Prompts tied to the IN clause of the query will not be marked as required.

Reset to Default

Click to reset the values on this page to the default values specified by the query data source API.


Click the Values link to set the default values for users.

Personalization Instructions

Use the Personalization Instructions text box to enter custom personalization instructions for the pagelet. These personalization instructions appear on the Personalization page of the pagelet.

Note. Personalization instructions must be translatable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Rowset Data Source Parameters

When creating a rowset data source pagelet, you skip step 3 and proceed to step 4, in which you select your pagelet display format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Search Record Data Source Parameters

After selecting Search Record as the data type on the Select Data Source page, access the Specify Data Source Parameters page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 3.)

Data Source Parameters

Pagelet Wizard analyzes the selected search record and retrieves a list of search keys required for the search record. You cannot add to the list of data source parameters.

For fields that are search keys but that are not displayed on the search prompt page or in the result set for the search record (for example, the setID, Business Unit, Operator ID, and Operclass fields), Pagelet Wizard assimilates the PeopleTools behavior and does not display the keys during design or at runtime. It simply binds in the same values that PeopleTools would use. These values are derived from the default field values established by the user in the PSRECDEFN table.

Field Name

Displays the data source parameters that correspond to the search keys required for the search record. This field also displays the required system-supplied .MAXROWS and SHOWRESULTS search record data source parameters.

Use the .MAXROWS field to limit the amount of data returned to the pagelet.

Use the SHOWRESULTS field to determine whether search results appear on the pagelet.

If this field value is set to Y, search record results appear directly on the pagelet with links to transaction data.

In addition, if this field value is set to Y, the search results grid displays results based on the supplied data source parameter default key field values. If no defaults are supplied, all results appear, up to the .MAXROWS value defined for the pagelet.

If this field value is set to N, the pagelet displays a search prompt for the selected search record. The Search By drop-down list box values that are available on the pagelet are the search keys for the search record.

If data source parameter default key field values have been defined, then when the pagelet is initially accessed, the default value appears in the begins with pagelet field.


This option is selected if the data source parameter must have a value entered on the pagelet to retrieve data successfully. For example, the .MAXROWS and SHOWRESULTS fields are required.

If this option is selected and display-only, the value is set in the application class at the API level.

Search key values are not required because the search record pagelet supports partially populated keys so that you can define the pagelet to return all possible results.

If you leave this option deselected, the data source parameter value can be omitted at runtime, or the value can be provided to refine the data selection criteria.

Reset to Default

Click to reset the values on this page to the default values specified by the search record data source API.


Click the Values link to set the default values for users.

Personalization Instructions

Use the Personalization Instructions text box to enter custom personalization instructions for the pagelet. These personalization instructions appear on the Personalization page of the pagelet.

Note. Personalization instructions must be translatable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying URL Data Source Parameters

After selecting URL as the data type on the Select Data Source page, access the Specify Data Source Parameters page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 3.)

The data source parameters that you can define on this page correspond to URL query parameters, such as an HTTP GET request.

An HTTP GET request is a URL type for which parameters are placed on the query string separated by ? and &, such as

For example, the Yahoo! search page URL takes the form If you want to make searchterm a user-specified data parameter, enter a URL field value of in step 2 on the Select Data Source page. In step 3 on this page, add a data source parameter Field Name value of p and set its Usage Type field value to User Specified with a default value. Pagelet Wizard then adds the ?p=searchterm value, with the searchterm value able to be personalized by the user, to the URL before it retrieves the content to the pagelet.

You can specify a parameter for the number of milliseconds that a data source will wait for a response before timing out on the homepage. When you set .timeout_ms, you can then enter the number of milliseconds that the system will wait.

Passing Cookies

When the URL request is in the AuthenticationToken domain, then the URL data source will pass all cookies on the request to retrieve the content. (The only exception to this rule is if the request is being made back to the local webserver. In that instance, only the PS_TOKEN cookie will be passed.) Any requests to servers outside of the AuthTokenDomain will not have any cookies passed.

To turn off the passing of cookies other than PS_TOKEN, add the parameter .passcookies as a Fixed usage type with a default value of False. Adding this parameter with a value of False will instruct pagelet wizard to pass only the PS_TOKEN cookie (and no other cookies) for requests within the AuthenticationToken domain. Adding the .passcookies parameter with a value of True is not recommended because this is the same as the default behavior.

Note. Make sure to examine any security impact that passing cookies might present in your configuration before setting this parameter.

Personalization Instructions

Use the Personalization Instructions text box to enter custom personalization instructions for the pagelet. These personalization instructions appear on the Personalization page of the pagelet.

Note. Personalization instructions must be translatable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying User-Defined Data Source Paramters

Click the User Values button to display the Specify Data Source Parameters page.

Select the parameter value to be displayed to the user as the default value for the field. Users can select from this list of valid values when they personalize the pagelet.

Click to jump to parent topicStep 4: Selecting a Pagelet Display Format

This section discusses how to select a display format. This is step 4 in the Pagelet Wizard pagelet creation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Select a Pagelet Display Format

Page Name

Definition Name



Select Display Format


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Click the Next button on the Specify Data Source Parameters page, or click the icon for step 4.

Specify the data transformation method and display the format for the pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Display Format

Access the Select Display Format page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 4.)

Select the format to use for the pagelet. The display formats that are available for selection on this page depend on the data source that you have selected on the Select Data Source page. Options are:


Available for query and rowset data source pagelets.


Available for query and rowset data source pagelets.


Available for query and rowset data source pagelets.


Available for Navigation Collection data source pagelets.

Search List

Available for search record data source pagelets.


Available for HTML, OBIEE, and pivot grid data source pagelets.


Available for HTML, navigation collection, query, rowset, and search record data source pagelets.

See Also

Step 5: Specifying Pagelet Display Options

Click to jump to parent topicStep 5: Specifying Pagelet Display Options

This section lists common elements and discusses how to specify pagelet display options. This is step 5 in the Pagelet Wizard pagelet creation process. Specifically, this section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic Common Elements Used in This Section

This section discusses common elements used in this section.

Common Links

This table describes the common links used in this section.

Click the Link Options icon to display the Link Details page, where you can associate URLs with field values, which at runtime appear on the pagelet as active links that you click to access additional relevant information.

See Specifying Data Link Details.

Additional Text

The Additional Text group box contains options to add headers, footers, opening text, and closing text to a pagelet.


Select a pagelet header. You can select from headers that are defined on the Define Header page.

See Defining Headers.

Opening Text

Select the type of opening text that you want to appear on the pagelet. Options are:

Freeform Text/HTML: The Text field appears. Enter the opening text that appears on the pagelet.

Message Catalog Entry: The Message Set and Number fields appear. Select the message set and message number that appear as opening text on the pagelet. You can select from the messages defined in the database.

See Message Catalog.

Show “View Source Data” Link

Displays when PS Query is selected as the data source for a pagelet. Select to display the Full Query Results link on the pagelet. Click the Full Query Results link to access the full results of the query used for the pagelet.

Closing Text

Select the type of closing text to appear on the pagelet. Options are:

Freeform Text/HTML: The Text field appears. Enter the closing text that appears on the pagelet.

Message Catalog Entry: The Message Set and Number fields appear. Select the message set and message number that appear as closing text on the pagelet. You can select from the messages defined in the database.

See Message Catalog.


Select a pagelet footer. You can select from footers that are defined on the Define Footer page.

See Defining Footers.

Search Options

The Search Options group box contains the options to override the default search functionality for the current pagelet only.

See Search Application Class.

Search Box

Select a value from these options to determine the location of the search box field:

  • None: Do not show the search box. This is the default option.

  • Top Left: The search box appears at the top left corner of the pagelet, above the pagelet content but below any header and opening text.

  • Top Right: The search box appears at the top right corner of the pagelet, above the pagelet content but below the header and opening text.

  • Bottom Left: The search box appears at the bottom left corner of the pagelet, below the pagelet content but above any footer and closing text.

  • Bottom Right: The search box appears at the bottom right corner of the pagelet, below the pagelet content but above any footer and closing text.

  • Inline XSL: A PSSEARCHBOX node must be written into the transformation XSL to indicate where the search box appears. If multiple PSSEARCHBOX nodes are in the pagelet content after the transformation, only the first node is replaced by the search box. The PASSTHRU display format does not support this type of search box. If the display format is PASSTHRU, no search box appears in the pagelet.


Enter the application class package name that you want to use to define and build the search for the pagelet.


Enter the names—delimited by colons—of each subpackage in the hierarchy that drills down to the class that contains the method used to define and build the search for the pagelet.

Class ID

Enter the application class name that you want to use to define and build the search for the pagelet. The class must exist in the application package and subpackage that you specify.

Note. If you have not defined default Search Option values for the data type on the Define Data Types page (PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Define Data Types), the Package, Path, and Class ID fields have no default values. You must enter values if you want to activate the pagelet search feature.


The Customization group box contains the option to customize your pagelet.


Click to customize the pagelet by applying a custom XSL template, or by directly editing the XSL resulting from the pagelet display options that you have defined so far. When you click Customize, you switch from a noncustom display format selected on the Select Display Format page to a custom format of your definition.

The XSL field is populated based on preexisting display options that are set for the original noncustom display format. You can edit the XSL directly in the XSL field and retain as much of the original noncustom display options as you want. Remember that if you apply an XSL template using the XSL Template field, the XSL is regenerated based on the selected template, and the original noncustom display options that you have set may be overridden. Making any edits to the XSL, either directly or by assigning a template, disconnects the pagelet definition from the original noncustom display format.

When you click the Customize button, the current pagelet definition is saved for restoration purposes. You can revert to this precustomization pagelet definition by clicking the Undo Customizations button.

Clicking this button assigns your pagelet to the Custom design format on the Select Display Format page - Step 4. When you return to the Specify Publishing Options page - Step 5, you access the version of the page for the Custom display format.

See Specifying Custom Display Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Specify Pagelet Display Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Specify Display Options (table format)


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Select Table as the display format and click the Next button on the Select Display Format page, or click the icon for step 5.

Enter pagelet table formatting details and header and footer options. Preview the pagelet.

Set Thresholds


Click the Set Thresholds button in the Table Options of Step 5 in Pagelet Wizard.

Specify the default threshold options for tables in pagelets.

Specify Display Options (passthru format)


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Select Passthru as the display format and click the Next button on the Select Display Format page, or click the icon for step 5.

Enter pagelet passthru formatting details and header and footer options. Preview the pagelet.

Specify Display Options (search list format)


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Select Search List as the display format and click the Next button on the Select Display Format page, or click the icon for step 5.

Enter formatting details for the pagelet search list, header, and footer options.

Preview the pagelet.

Specify Display Options (menu format)


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Select Menu as the display format and click the Next button on the Select Display Format page, or click the icon for step 5.

Enter pagelet menu formatting details and header and footer options. Preview the pagelet.

Specify Display Options (list format)


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Select List as the display format and click the Next button on the Select Display Format page, or click the icon for step 5.

Enter pagelet list formatting details and header and footer options. Preview the pagelet.

Specify Display Options (chart format)


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Select Chart as the display format and click the Next button on the Select Display Format page, or click the icon for step 5.

Enter pagelet chart formatting details and header and footer options. Preview the pagelet.

Specify Display Options (custom format)


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Select Custom as the display format and click the Next button on the Select Display Format page, or click the icon for step 5.

Enter pagelet custom formatting details and header and footer options. Preview the pagelet.

Link Details


Click the Link Options ( ) icon on the Specify Display Options page.

Enter linking details that associate URLs with pagelet field values so that at runtime data appears on the pagelet as active links that you click to access additional relevant information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Table Display Options

After selecting the Table option on the Select Display Format page, select the Specify Display Options page (PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 4.)

Table Options

Select options that will display grid lines, alternate row shading, and row numbers on the table-formatted pagelet.


Column Name

Displays possible column headings provided by the selected data source parameters. Use the drop-down list boxes to set the order in which the columns appear on the table-formatted pagelet. Use the Add button or the Delete button to add or remove columns.


Specify the alignment of the text in the column. Options are Center, Left, and Right.

Click the Link Options icon to display the Link Details page, where you can associate URLs with field values, which at runtime appear on the pagelet as active links that you click to access additional relevant information.

See Specifying Data Link Details.

Setting Thresholds

Access the Set Thresholds page by clicking the Set Thresholds button in the Table Options of step 5 in Pagelet Wizard.

Use the Set Thresholds page to set the column alignment and threshold options.

Allowed Comparators

The system displays the column names and enables you to set the comparators for that column based on numbers, text, or both.

Allow User Thresholds

Select to enable users to set their own threshold values for the table from the Personalization page.

Set the display order and attributes of each column. Use the up and down arrows to change the display order of the columns, if necessary. Each column threshold can have a unique color associated with it—duplicates are allowed. If more than one threshold rule applies for a given value, the rule that is positioned highest in the list is the one that is applied.

Column Name

Select the column name from the drop-down list box.


Select a comparator value for each column.


Enter the threshold value for the column. When this value is reached, the highlight and color attributes become active.


If you choose to have highlighting for the threshold, select either the entire row or just a single cell.


Select the color for the column.

Use the arrows to move each individual column up or down in the table.

Pagelet Preview

Displays a preview of the pagelet based on most display option settings on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Passthru Display Options

After selecting the Passthru option on the Select Display Format page, select the Specify Display Options page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 5.)

Note. For OBIEE Reports and pivot grids, Passthru is the only display format option.

Additional Text


Select a value from this field to display a header below the pagelet header, but above any opening text.

Opening Text

Select a value to include text above the pagelet details.

Select from these values:

  • Freeform Text/HTML

    Select to enable the Text field and manually enter static text or HTML.

  • Message Catalog

    Select to enter the message set and message number from which to derive the opening text from the message catalog.


Enter text or HTML. This field appears when you select Freeform Text/HTML as the opening or closing text.

Closing Text

Select a value to include text below the pagelet details.

Select from these values:

  • Freeform Text/HTML

    Select to enable the Text field and manually enter static text or HTML.

  • Message Catalog

    Select to enter the message set and message number from which to derive the opening text from the message catalog.


Select a value from this field to display a footer above the Footer bar, but below any closing text.

Pagelet Preview

Displays a preview of the pagelet based on most display option settings on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Search List Display Options

After selecting the Search List option on the Select Display Format page, select the Specify Display Options page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 4.)

Pagelet Preview

Displays a preview of the pagelet based on most display option settings on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Menu Display Options

After selecting the Menu option on the Select Display Format page, select the Specify Display Options page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 4.)

Menu Options

Top Level Title

Select to have the menu pagelet display the top-level title defined in the underlying navigation collection.

Top Level Description

Select to have the menu pagelet display the top-level description defined in the underlying navigation collection.

Maximum Columns

Select the number of columns to display (options are 1 through 4) on the navigation collection menu pagelet. Narrow pagelets display contents in one column. Wide pagelets can display contents in up to four columns.

See Understanding Pagelet Wizard Display Sizes.

Display Order

Select the order in which you want navigation collection elements to appear on the menu pagelet. When you create a navigation collection, you define the order of folders and links in the collection using options in the Placement Properties group box on the Edit Folder page and the Edit Link page. Options are:

Left to Right: Select to display the elements from left to right on the menu pagelet.

Top to Bottom. Select to display the elements from top to bottom on the menu pagelet.

Alternate Row Shading

Select to display alternate row shading on the menu-formatted pagelet.

Parent Images

Select the type of images that you want to display for parent-level navigation collection elements (folders) on the menu pagelet. When you create a navigation collection, the collection definition includes specified large and small images that appear for parent-level elements in the navigation collection. Options are:

Large Images: Select to have the menu pagelet display the large folder image defined for the underlying navigation collection.

No Images: Select to prevent parent-level images from appearing on the menu pagelet.

Small Images: Select to have the menu pagelet display the small folder image defined for the underlying navigation collection.

Parent Descriptions

Select to have the menu pagelet display parent-level folder descriptions defined in the underlying navigation collection.

Child Display Type

Select the display type for child links on the menu pagelet. Options are:

Comma Delimited: Displays the maximum number of child links separated by commas.

List with Images: Displays the maximum number of child links accompanied by icons. This icon is the small content image selected in the navigation collection system or registry options for the underlying navigation collection.

Simple List: Displays the maximum number of child links, one child link per row. No bullets, numbers, or icons appear in the list.

Pagelet Preview

Displays a preview of the pagelet based on most display option settings on this page.

See Also

Navigation Collections

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying List Display Options

After selecting the List option on the Select Display Format page, select the Specify Display Options page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 4.)

List Options

List Display Type

Select the list format for displaying query results on the list pagelet. Options are:

Bulleted List: Displays query results in a bullet list.

Numbered List: Displays query results in a numbered list.

Simple List: Displays query results in a list with no bullets or numbers.

List Field Name

Select the field for which values are displayed in the list on the pagelet.

Alternate-Row Shading

Select to use alternate-row shading on the list pagelet.

Pagelet Preview

Displays a preview of the pagelet based on most display option settings on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Chart Display Options

After selecting the Chart option on the Select Display Format page, select the Specify Display Options page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 4.)

To generate a chart pagelet using Pagelet Wizard, you include information related to the chart’s x and y axes. The y axis is the axis that contains the query data. In most charts, the y axis is the vertical axis. However, in a horizontal bar chart, the y axis is the horizontal axis. The x axis is the axis against which the y-axis data is measured.

For example, a chart pagelet might have a y axis that displays the number of times that a pagelet has been accessed. This access count could be displayed against an x axis that shows the name of the pagelet accessed.

Chart Options

Chart Type

Select the type of chart to use to display the query results on the pagelet. Available chart formats are those supported by the PeopleCode Chart class.

See Charting Classes.

X-Axis Field

Select the field to use to derive x-axis values for the chart. Available values are determined by the output fields of the data source.

X-Axis Label

Select the field that you want to use to derive the labels for the x-axis values for the chart. Available values are determined by the output fields of the data source.

X Label Angle

Enter the angle at which you want the text of the x-axis labels to appear along the x axis on the pagelet.

Y Axis Data

Select to indicate whether the y-axis data is stored in rows or columns in the selected query. This enables Pagelet Wizard to read query data and generate the chart.

in Columns: Select if the y-axis data is stored in columns.

For example, you might have query data stored as shown here:

















Y Axis Data (continued)

in Rows: Select if the y-axis data to be used to generate the chart is stored in rows.

For example, you might have query data stored as shown below:





























Y-Axis Field

Select the field that you want to use to derive y-axis values for the chart. Available values are determined by the output fields of the data source.

If you set the Y Axis Data field to in Columns, you can select up to four y-axis fields to create a chart pagelet that displays data for multiple fields. For example, if you track sales figures for several departments over multiple years, you can assign each department its own y-axis value.


Select the color for the y-axis data. If you select multiple y-axis fields, selecting a different color for each field improves pagelet usability. This option is available only if the y-axis data is in stored columns.

Y-Axis Series

This field is available if the Y Axis Data field is set to Rows. Select the field to use to generate a color-coded series of y-axis data. Colors are automatically assigned, but you can override them by supplying custom XSL.

Advanced Options

3D Angle

If you select a 3D chart type, enter the angle at which you want the 3D data to be displayed.


Select the area of the pagelet for the chart legend to appear. Options are:

  • Bottom

  • Left

  • None

  • Right

  • Top


Enter the height of the chart in pixels.


Enter the width of the chart in pixels.

If you do not enter height or width values, the chart is automatically sized based on the pagelet position and size (narrow or wide).

See Understanding Pagelet Wizard Display Sizes.

Overlay Fields

Select up to three fields for which you want to display data using a line drawn over the background chart. Overlays apply to all chart types except 2D and 3D pie charts.

Pagelet Preview

Displays a preview of the pagelet based on most display option settings on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Custom Display Options

After selecting the Custom option on the Select Display Format page, select the Specify Display Options page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard. Select button 4.)

Custom Options

XSL Template

Select the XSL template to use to generate the custom format pagelet. Available XSL templates are defined on the Define XSL page. Only XSL templates defined for the selected data source are displayed.

See Defining Pagelet Wizard XSL Prototypes.


Click to generate custom XSL for the pagelet based on the selected XSL template. This XSL is displayed in the XSL text box and is applied to the XML in the XML text box to generate the pagelet preview.

Pagelet Preview

Displays a preview of the pagelet based on most display option settings on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Data Link Details

Access the Link Details page. (Click the Link Options icon on the Specify Display Options page.)

You can access this page for field or column names that appear on the Specify Display Options page if you select the table, rowset, list, and chart formats. Entering information on the Link Details page enables you to associate URLs with field values, which at runtime appear on the pagelet as active links that you click to access additional relevant information.

Pagelet Wizard builds the column data link in the follow way using link path, parameter, and suffix values:


Link Type

Select the type of link destination to define for the data. Options are:

Content Reference: Select to define data links to a content reference.

External URL: Select to define data links to an external URL.

Portal Name

Select the portal in which the content reference resides. This field appears when you select Content Reference as the link type.

Content Reference

Select the content reference to which the link points. This field appears when you select Content Reference as the link type.

Base URL

Enter the URL to which you want the link to point. This field appears when you select External URL as the link type. Options are:

Specified by Data: Select to have the system dynamically generate the link information based on the selected data field.

Fixed Text Entry: Select to hard-code the link information by entering a value.

Link Paths

Path Source

Select the method to use to determine the link destination. Options are:

Specified by Data: Select to have the system dynamically generate the link information based on the selected data field.

Fixed Text Entry: Select to hard-code the link information by entering a value.

Link Path

This field appears if you select Specified by Data as the path source. Select the data field to use to generate the link.

Parameter Value

This field appears if you select Fixed Text Entry as the path source. Enter a parameter value.

Link Parameters

Name Source

Select the method to use to determine the link destination. Options are:

Specified by Data: Select to have the system dynamically generate the link information based on the selected data field.

Fixed Text Entry: Select to hard-code the link information by entering a value.

Parameter Name

Enter a value that corresponds to the value in the Parameter Value field.

Parameter Value

If you have selected Specified by Data as the name source, select a data field.

If you selected Fixed Text Entry as the name source, enter a parameter value.

Link Suffix

Select the method to use to determine the link destination. Options are:

Specified by Data: Select to have the system dynamically generate the link information based on the selected data field.

Fixed Text Entry: Select to hard-code the link information by entering a value.

If you selected Specified by Data as the link suffix, select a data field.

If you selected Fixed Text Entry as the link suffix, enter a parameter value.

Link Behavior

Options are:

Display in portal: Select if you want the content accessed by the data link to be displayed within the portal.

Open in a new window: Select if you want the content accessed by the data link to be displayed in a new window.

Reset to Default

Click to clear the values on this page and remove the link.

PeopleTools Portal Technologies XSL Templates

PeopleTools Portal Technologies delivers seven XSL templates that enable you to transform content from internet news sources that use industry-standard formats such as RSS and ATOM. When you select the URL data source and the custom display format, the following additional templates appear in the drop-down list box in Step 5 of Pagelet Wizard.

These include:

Select the appropriate XSL template from the list and click the Generate button. The formatted news articles appear in the pagelet preview on the right side.

Click to jump to parent topicStep 6: Specifying Pagelet Publishing Options

This section provides an overview of caching options and discusses how to specify pagelet publication options. This is step 6 in the Pagelet Wizard pagelet creation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Caching Options

Enabling caching improves performance because after the pagelet is stored in the cache memory, the next time the pagelet is accessed, the information is retrieved and displayed from cache memory instead of requiring a trip to the server. Three caching options exist:

Content Reference Attributes

If you enable caching, Pagelet Wizard adds the following attribute information to the pagelet content reference:

After the pagelet is saved and registered, you can use Pagelet Wizard to alter caching options in the same way that you can alter other registration information. However, altering caching option values requires that you reregister the pagelet.

See Administering Content References.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Enable Caching

Select to enable caching for the homepage or template pagelet. Selecting this option displays the Caching Options group box.

Caching Type

Private: Select to enable user-based caching.

Public: Select to enable application-based caching.

Role: Select to enable role-based caching.

Minutes to Cache

Enter the number of minutes that the pagelet remains available in the cache. If you do not enter a value, a default value of 30 minutes is used.

WSRP Portlet

Select this option if you intend this pagelet to be produced by PeopleTools as a WSRP portlet.

Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is a standard that defines the way in which remote web services should plug into the pages of a portal. WSRP standards enable you to easily embed a remote web service into a portal. The portal then displays interactive content and services that are dynamically updated from the remote servers.

When creating WSRP portlets in Pagelet Wizard, consider the following aspects of WSRP portlet publishing:

  • Pagelet rendering.

    If the pagelet contains links, the links may transfer to the PeopleSoft portal or stay in-line within the portlet, or consuming portal. If the links point to the PeopleSoft portal, then access to the PeopleSoft system by the browser is necessary. Therefore, in many cases, remote portals consuming WSRP portlets must employ single sign-in between the consuming portal and the PeopleSoft portal for them to be fully functional.

  • Pagelet personalization.

    Edit mode as defined by WSRP standards is equivalent to personalization mode in PeopleSoft portals. If the Pagelet being WSRP produced can be personalized (as in, it has user-specified parameters), then the produced WSRP portlet will support edit mode. When the portlet is in edit mode, invalid entries on the personalization page invoke error messages by way of WSRP.

  • WSRP production.

    Selecting the WSRP Portlet option on the Specify Publishing Options page causes the pagelet to be registered for WSRP production.

    See Understanding Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP), Using WSRP to Consume and Produce Remote Portlets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Specify Pagelet Publishing Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Specify Publishing Options


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard

Click the Next button on the Specify Display Options page, or click the icon for step 6.

Specify the type of pagelet that you want to publish. Provide registration, caching, and security details, and register the pagelet.

Pagelet Creation Confirmed


Click the Finish button on the Specify Publishing Options page.

Confirm that the creation of the pagelet is complete.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Pagelet Publication Options

Access the Specify Publishing Options page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Pagelet Wizard; then click the icon for step 6.)

When you access a pagelet definition on this page, the pagelet registration options (Homepage Pagelet, Template Pagelet, Embeddable Pagelet, or WSRP Portlet) are reflected only as they exist in the portal that you are currently signed in to. Select the registration option to publish the pagelet to the portal where you are currently signed in.

For example, if you access ABC123 pagelet, the Homepage Pagelet option is selected only if the portal where you are currently signed in contains a content reference for the ABC123 pagelet. If no content reference for this pagelet is in the current portal, even if a content reference for this pagelet is in another portal on the same database, the Homepage Pagelet option will be deselected. Select the Homepage Pagelet option to publish the pagelet to the current portal.

Homepage Pagelet

Select to publish the pagelet as a homepage pagelet that can be added to a WorkCenter page, homepage or dashboard page.


Select the portal registry folder in which you want to create the pagelet content reference. The pagelet also appears in this pagelet category on the Personalize Content page, which administrators and users access to manage pagelets on homepages and dashboards.

Advanced Options

Hide Pagelet Title Bar

Select to display the pagelet without a title bar.

Hide Pagelet Border

Select to display the pagelet without a border.

Requires Personalization

Select to specify that the pagelet requires end-user personalization. The pagelet displays a personalization button that accesses a personalization page. With this option selected, you are requiring that the end user access the personalization page to personalize and specify data source parameter values before it displays data. A message notifying the user of the personalization requirement appears on the pagelet. If this option is deselected, the pagelet displays data using the default data source parameter values provided.

Template Pagelet

Select to publish the pagelet as a pagelet that can be added to any template. Template pagelets can extract and leverage keys specified by the target transaction for the template. Publishing a pagelet as a template pagelet is useful when you use the PeopleTools Context Manager or WorkCenter pages to display the template pagelet.

When a pagelet is published as a template pagelet, any user-specified parameters are automatically available as parameters that can be passed in Context Manager. For the keys to pass correctly, the key name in Context Manager (the key name on the page) must be identical to the name of the parameter in the pagelet. If the names match, then any key values passed are used by the template pagelet in place of the default values. If the names are not an exact match, the default values appear. Because users cannot customize template pagelets, user-specified parameters can show only the default values or the values that come through Context Manager key passing.

See Configuring WorkCenter Pages.

Advanced Options

Behavior if Keys not Present

Select one of the following options to indicate how pagelet data is displayed if target transaction keys are not present to populate the pagelet’s parameters. Options are:

Use Specified Defaults: If target transaction keys are not present, the pagelet will display data using the defaults specified in Step 3: Specify Pagelet Data Source Parameters.

Display Message: If target transaction keys are not present, the pagelet does not display data but instead displays a message.

Hide Pagelet: If target transaction keys are not present, the pagelet does not appear.

WSRP Portlet

Select to make your pagelet available for use with external portals that support the WSRP standard.

See Specifying Pagelet Publication Options.

Embeddable Pagelet

Select this option to make your pagelet available as an embeddable pagelet that can be generated by the Pagelet Wizard API for rendering within an HTML area of a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture target page or using an iScript.

Pagelet Security

If you change any pagelet security options for a registered pagelet, you must reregister the pagelet.

Security Type

Select the type of security that you want to assign to the pagelet. Options are:

Public Access: Select to designate that all users can access the pagelet.

Select Security Access: Select to assign role-based or permission list-based security to the pagelet. The Selected Security scroll area appears.

Author Access

Select to provide the pagelet author with access to the pagelet regardless of any security restrictions assigned to the pagelet. This access is granted based on the author’s user ID.

Update Security

This button appears when Pagelet Wizard determines that an inconsistency exists between the security defined for the pagelet on this page and the security on one or more of the content references defined for the pagelet. When you click this button, the content reference security is updated for all of the content references for Homepage Pagelet, Template Pagelet, and WSRP Portlet options.

Selected Security


Select the type of security to assign to the pagelet. Specified security is applied to the content reference entries when the pagelets are registered. Options are:

Permission List: Select to assign permission list-based security to the pagelet. Select a permission list in the Name field.

Role: Select to assign role-based security to the pagelet. Select a role in the Name field.


Prompt to select or enter the name of the permission list or role to which to authorize access to the pagelet.



Click to move backwards one step in the pagelet creation process in Pagelet Wizard.


Click to complete the creation of the pagelet. The Pagelet Creation Confirmed page appears.

After you click the Finish button for a pagelet, the button no longer appears when you access the pagelet definition in Pagelet Wizard. Once a pagelet has been created, you can apply any modifications to the pagelet definition by clicking the Save button.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Pagelet Wizard Post-Transformation Processing

This section provides an overview of Pagelet Wizard post-transformation processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pagelet Wizard Post-Transformation Processing

Pagelet Wizard enables you to use delivered Pagelet Wizard builder transformation tasks in custom and passthru transformations.

Listed in the order in which they are run in post-transformation processing, the following transformation tasks are not automatically generated for custom and passthru transformations, but they can be added by means of embedded tags:

  1. Insert Message Catalog text.

  2. Format Date, Time, DateTime, Currency, and Number.

  3. Insert content-reference-based links.

  4. Insert content reference URLs as text.

  5. Generate charts.

  6. Insert pagelet headers and footers in specific locations.

These tasks are handled by the Post Transformation step, which is built into Pagelet Wizard.

The following diagram illustrates the point at which the Post Transformation step runs in the process flow for displaying a Pagelet Wizard pagelet.

Pagelet Wizard pagelet-display processing flow

The Post Transformation step runs after the completion of the Transformation step. Following the Post Transformation step, the Pagelet Wizard pagelet appears for the user. Pagelet Wizard uses embedded tags to identify the type of Post Transformation processing that occurs.

Tags that perform these post-transformation tasks can be placed in the HTML for HTML pagelets using the passthru transformation, or in the XSL for pagelets using a custom transformation. For all other transformations—such as chart, list, table, and so forth—Pagelet Wizard automatically generates the tags when necessary. These tags are primarily meant to be used by pagelet designers who want to create custom pagelets using functionality similar to what our delivered Pagelet Wizard builders provide.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Message Catalog Text

Use the following syntax to insert the text of a message catalog entry. Variables that are user-supplied are italicized.

Note. This processing step occurs only if the output of the Transformation step is XHTML-compliant.


Item to Insert


HTML After Processing

Message Catalog Text

<PSMSGTEXT MSGSET="message set" MSGNBR="message number" DEFAULT="defaulttext"/>

Message text.

Message Catalog Explain Text

<PSMSGEXPLAINTEXT MSGSET="message set" MSGNBR="message number" DEFAULT="defaulttext"/>

Message explanation text.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFormatting Date, Time, DateTime, Currency, and Number Elements

Use the following syntax to format Date, Time, DateTime, Currency, or Number elements. Variables that are user-supplied are set in italics.

Note. This processing step occurs only if the output of the Transformation step is XHTML-compliant.


Item to Insert


HTML After Processing


<PSFORMAT TYPE="DATE" [FORMAT="format string"][FORMAT_3 character language code="format string"]>DateToFormat</PSFORMAT>

Note. FORMAT has the same syntax as the DateTimeToLocalizedString() PeopleCode Function.

Formatted Date.

Language-specific Formatted Date.


<PSFORMAT TYPE="TIME" [SOURCETZ="Source Time Zone"][DESTTZ="Destination Time Zone"] [FORMAT="format string"]>TimeToFormat</PSFORMAT>

Note. SOURCETZ and DESTTZ have the same format as the DateTimeToTimeZone() PeopleCode function. FORMAT has the same syntax as the DateTimeToLocalizedString() PeopleCode Function.

Formatted Time.


<PSFORMAT TYPE="DATETIME" [SOURCETZ="Source Time Zone"][DESTTZ="Destination Time Zone"] [FORMAT="format string"]>DateTimeToFormat</PSFORMAT>

Note. SOURCETZ and DESTTZ have the same format as the DateTimeToTimeZone() PeopleCode function. FORMAT has the same syntax as the DateTimeToLocalizedString() PeopleCode Function.

Formatted DateTime.


<PSFORMAT TYPE="NUMBER" FORMAT="format string" [WIDTH="width"] [PRECISION="precision"]>NumberToFormat</PSFORMAT>

Note. FORMAT, WIDTH, and PRECISION have the same format as the NumberToDisplayString() PeopleCode Function.

Formatted Number.



Note. FORMAT, WIDTH, and PRECISION have the same format as the NumberToDisplayString() PeopleCode Function. CURRENCY_CODE can be one of the supported PeopleSoft currency codes, or if left blank, the default is the user's currency code. CURRENCY_DECORATION can have the value of SYMBOL (currency symbol appears before the number), CODE (currency code appears after the number), or BOTH (the default).

Formatted Number with currency symbol and/or currency code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDisabling WSRP Style Substitution

Use the following post-processing tag to disable WSRP style substitution. <PSNOWSRPSTYLESSUBST/> takes no parameters and signals that the style classes referenced in the pagelet are already WSRP compliant. Including this tag can have a slight positive improvement in performance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Content Reference-Based Links

Use the following syntax to insert content-reference-based links into a Pagelet Wizard pagelet. Variables that are user-supplied are set in italics.

Note. This processing step occurs only if the output of the Transformation step is XHTML compliant.


Item to Insert


HTML After Processing

Content Reference Link

<PSREGISTEREDLINK PORTAL="portal name" CREF="content reference name" target="target" APPEND="append">Text of Link</PSREGISTEREDLINK>

<A HREF="http…URL of content reference…[?/&]append" target="target">Text of Link</A>

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting a Content Reference URL as Text

Use the following syntax to insert a content reference URL as text into a Pagelet Wizard pagelet. Variables that are user-supplied are set in italics.

Note. This processing step occurs only if the output of the Transformation step is XHTML-compliant.


Item to Insert


HTML After Processing

Content Reference URL

<PSREGISTEREDURL PORTAL="portal name" CREF="content reference name" APPEND="append"/>

http…URL of content reference…[?/&]append

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Charts

Embedded charts are generated in the Post Transformation step.

For details about chart generation and its syntax, refer to the ChartXSLBuilder included in the EOPPB_PAGELET application class. You can access the ChartXSLBuilder application class code using PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Pagelet Headers and Footers in Specific Locations

Pagelet Wizard automatically inserts a pagelet's header in front of the output of the Transformation step, and it inserts the pagelet footer after the output of the Transformation step.

To alter this behavior, you must use special HTML comment tags. Here is the syntax of these tags:

Item to Insert


XSL Equivalent







Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Pagelet Wizard Pagelets

This section lists common elements used in the section and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

This section discusses common elements used in this section.

Filter Pagelets

If appropriate, use the options in the Filter Pagelets group box to narrow the range of pagelets displayed in the Pagelets scroll area.

Data Type

Select the data type of the pagelet that you want to appear in the Pagelets scroll area. Options are:

  • All Data Types.

  • Collaborative Workspace Links.

  • Content Management.

  • HTML.

  • Java.

  • Navigation Collection.

  • News Publications.

  • PS Query.

  • Rowset.

  • Search Record.

  • Shortcut Collection.

  • URL.

Published Type

Select the pagelet type assigned to the pagelet that you want to appear in the Pagelets scroll area. Options are:

  • All Pagelets.

  • Embeddable Pagelet.

  • Homepage Pagelet.

  • Non-published Pagelet.

  • Template Pagelet.

  • WSRP.

Portal Name

The portal name that you select here does not filter results, but rather serves to inform you which pagelets displayed in the Pagelet scroll area have been published in the selected portal. Pagelets are automatically published to the portal where the pagelet author is signed in when creating the pagelet.

Pagelet Keyword

Enter keywords to narrow the range of pagelets that appear in the Pagelets scroll area. Pagelet elements that are used as keywords include pagelet ID, title, and description.


Click to perform a pagelet search using the criteria entered in the Filter Pagelets group box.


Click to clear the Pagelet Keyword field.


The Pagelets scroll area provides the following pagelet information.

Pagelet ID

Displays the pagelet ID. Click to access the pagelet definition in Pagelet Wizard.

Pagelet Title

Displays the pagelet title.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a homepage page.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a template pagelet.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a WSRP portlet.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as an embeddable pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Administer Pagelet Wizard Pagelets

Page Name

Definition Name



Delete Pagelets


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Delete Pagelets

Delete one or more pagelets.

Deleting a pagelet removes the pagelet definition from Pagelet Wizard, as well as deleting associated metadata and registry entries from the database and portal registry.

Copy Pagelets


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Copy Pagelets

Create a new pagelet that is a clone of an existing pagelet. The new pagelet has a unique pagelet ID.

The pagelet copy inherits all aspects of the original pagelet, with the exception of registration information.

Export/Import Pagelets


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Export/Import Pagelets

Exporting and importing a pagelet generates the Data Mover script text to export and import Pagelet Wizard defined pagelets.

Review Pagelets


PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Review Pagelets

Review the existing Pagelet Wizard-defined pagelets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting and Copying Pagelet Wizard Pagelets

This section discusses how to:

Deleting Pagelets

Access the Delete Pagelets page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Delete Pagelets.)

Deleting a pagelet removes the pagelet definition from Pagelet Wizard. In addition, associated metadata and registry entries are deleted from the database and portal registry.


Select the pagelets to delete.

Delete Selected Pagelets

Click to delete selected pagelets. The system prompts you to confirm the deletion.

The Published tab shows information about how the pagelet has been published.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a homepage page.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a template pagelet.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a WSRP portlet.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as an embeddable pagelet.

Copying Pagelets

Access the Copy Pagelets page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Copy Pagelets.)

The pagelet copy inherits all aspects of the original pagelet, with the exception of registration information.


Select the pagelet to copy.

New Pagelet ID

Enter a unique pagelet ID for the new pagelet that will be copied from the selected existing pagelet.

Note. Pagelet IDs can contain only the characters A–Z, a–z, and _. All other characters put into a pagelet ID will be removed by the system. If all characters are removed from the user-entered pagelet ID, then the Registry Object Prefix will be used instead. If, after removing illegal characters from the pagelet ID, the name is found to match an existing pagelet ID, then Pagelet Wizard will append numbers to the end of the pagelet ID to make the new pagelet ID unique.

Include Personalization Data

Select to copy any end-user personalizations defined for the existing pagelet along with the new pagelet.

Save New Pagelet

Click to create the cloned pagelet with the new pagelet ID. Once you create the copied pagelet, you must publish it before it can be used as a homepage pagelet or a template pagelet. You can access the new pagelet in Pagelet Wizard and publish the pagelet during Step 6 on the Specify Publishing Options page.

The Published tab shows information about how the pagelet has been published.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a homepage page.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a template pagelet.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a WSRP portlet.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as an embeddable pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Export and Import Scripts for Pagelet Wizard Pagelets

This section provides an overview of export and import scripts for Pagelet Wizard pagelets and discusses how to:

Understanding Export and Import Scripts for Pagelet Wizard Pagelets

You can use these export and import scripts to copy Pagelet Wizard pagelet definitions from one database to another.

When you export or import a pagelet, the imported pagelet is not automatically published. You must access the pagelet definition in Pagelet Wizard in the target portal in the target database and publish the pagelet on the Specify Publishing Options page in Step 6.

Alternatively, you can run the generated export and import Data Mover scripts (.DMS scripts) and copy the pagelet content reference by placing it into a PeopleSoft Application Designer project.

Note. These export and import scripts do not include the ability to export or import Pagelet Wizard setup data associated with the pagelet definitions being exported or imported.

Generating Export and Import Pagelet Scripts

Access the Export/Import Pagelets page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Export/Import Pagelets.)


Select the pagelets for which you want to generate export and import scripts.

Include Personalize Data

Select to include any end-user personalizations defined for the selected pagelets in the export and import.

Generate Scripts

Click to generate export and import scripts for the selected pagelets. The scripts appear on the Data Mover Scripts page.

Copy the generated scripts into PeopleSoft Data Mover to export the selected pagelet definitions from a source database and import them into a target database.

See Using PeopleSoft Data Mover.

Note. Other Pagelet Wizard-related Data Mover scripts are delivered with PeopleSoft Enterprise Components for users who need more customizable scripting for pagelet migration between databases. You can find these scripts delivered in the pshome scripts directory.

Generating Export and Import Scripts for Pagelet Wizard Setup Data

PeopleTools Portal Technologies delivers the following Data Mover scripts to export and import Pagelet Wizard setup data:

Use these scripts to copy the following types of Pagelet Wizard setup data from one database to another, for example, from a development database to a production database:

You can find these scripts delivered in the PS_HOME scripts directory.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Pagelet Wizard Pagelet Details

Access the Review Pagelets page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Pagelet Wizard, Review Pagelets.)

On any of the tabs for this component, you can click the Pagelet ID link to open Pagelet Wizard and the definition of the pagelet.

General Pagelet Information

Click the Pagelet ID link to open Pagelet Wizard and the definition of the pagelet.

Pagelet Type Information


Displays the category ID from step 1 of Pagelet Wizard.

Data Type

Displays the pagelet data type.

Display Format ID

Displays the format ID of the pagelet.

Pagelet Publishing Information


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a homepage page.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a template pagelet.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as a WSRP portlet.


If selected, indicates that the pagelet has been published as an embeddable pagelet.


Displays a check box if caching is enabled for this pagelet.


Displays the time the pagelet is held in the cache.

Pagelet Audit Information

This tab includes the timestamp and user ID of the person who created the pagelet as well as information about any updates to the pagelet.