A Checklist for 1099 Processing

Use the following checklist as a guideline for processing your 1099 returns.

Type Tasks Completed
Administrative Assemble IRS publication and forms for the current 1099 reporting year.

Visit My Oracle Support to review Year End details in the JD Edwards World 1099, W-2, and T4 Year End Updates for 2019 document. (Document ID XXXXXX.X)

Check the Update Center or browse the JD Edwards World knowledge documents for potential late-breaking news on current year 1099 processing.

Technical Back up 1099 processing files. See Appendix B, "Workfiles Generated During 1099 Processing" for the list of files. Backing up the files provides an audit trail for the previous years 1099s returns. Make sure you complete this task prior to the next checklist item.

Download the 2019 Year End 1099 Software Update from the Update Center (Patches and Updates) for your release level:

  • Release A9.2 - A92730933

  • Release A9.3 - A93730955

Follow any preinstallation instructions before you install the software update. For instructions about installing the current year software update, see the document: Software_Update_Installation_Instructions.pdf. For instructions to download the current year Software Update, access the Update Center on My Oracle Support from the Patches and Downloads tab.

Optional Update year-to-date (YTD) voucher amounts using the Update YTD Voucher Amount program (P04820).

Typically, you update YTD voucher amounts soon after you close the year as part of your annual close procedures. The results do not provide the same results that you report on IRS Form 1099 because the year-to-date process updates voucher amounts, regardless of whether the voucher has been paid in the current year. The Supplier Analysis report (P04602) uses results from the Update YTD Voucher Amount program to list suppliers with vouchers written during the calendar year.

Run this report to determine which suppliers might receive a 1099 for the current year. The W-9 Exception Report (P01301) also uses the YTD voucher amount for data selection purposes.

See Working with YTD Voucher Amounts in the JD Edwards Accounts Payable Guide.

Review User Defined Codes
  • Verify that UDC 04/TR, which JD Edwards World includes in the software, is set up with the 1099 codes that identify the forms and boxes that you use.
  • Verify that UDC 04/SA, which is included in the software, is set up with the proper states and state codes for processing Combined Federal and State Filing.

  • Verify that UDC 01/RA is set up with the 1099 related address code if you combine supplier payments or company records.

  • If you use the A/P Ledger Method, verify that UDC 01/07 includes the values for the 1099 codes for forms and boxes similar to UDC 04/TR. Use the two-character UDC value in the Category Code 07 field to identify those voucher pay items, which are used for 1099 processing.

  • If you use the G/L Method, verify that the UDC 04/PX (1099 PX AAI Additional Ranges) includes the values for any additional PX AAI ranges that you might need.

See Setting Up AAIs for the G/L Method.

Review Supplier Information
  • Set up or verify supplier information using the Supplier Master Information program (P01054), Who's Who (P0111), Address Book Revisions (P01051) and Address Book Control Revisions (P010513).

    See Understanding Supplier Setup Requirements for information about IRS requirements for supplier information.

  • If you have one-time payment suppliers, use the One Time Payment 1099 Info program (P0411AB9) to review the eligible vouchers and update the legal name and tax ID, if necessary

    See Setting Up Suppliers.

  • Use the 1099-Tax Information program (P0451401) to set the 2nd TIN flag for a supplier when you are notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) twice within three calendar years that you provided the IRS an incorrect name and tax identification number (TIN) combination for this supplier. The appropriate indicator is denoted on the 1099 paper forms and 1099 electronic file.

    See Setting Up Suppliers.

Review Company Information Set up or verify company information using the Address Book Revisions (P01051) and Company Numbers and Names (P00105) programs.

See Setting Up Companies for information about IRS requirements for company information.

Verify Data Using 1099 Reports Run the W-9 exception reports (P01301 and P014032) to verify the completeness and accuracy of your supplier and company address book information:
  • Review legal names for suppliers

  • Review mailing addresses for suppliers and companies

  • Review tax ID numbers for suppliers and companies

  • Review person and corporation codes for suppliers

  • Review tax relationships for supplier accounts that share the same tax ID number.

    See Reviewing W-9 Reports.

  • Run the 1099 Company Setup Report (P04510RP) to review company information, combining companies, and mailing information.

    See Reviewing W-9 Reports.

1099 General Setup  
1099 A/P Ledger Method Setup Update category code 07 on supplier address book records:

Update voucher pay items for 1099 processing using the 1099 Reporting field (AC07) or the Flag for 1099 field (TNN):

1099 G/L Method Setup
  • Set up or verify 1099 AAI items (PXxxxx) using the Automatic Accounting Instructions program (P0012). See Setting Up AAIs for the G/L Method.
  • Update the Account Ledger file (F0911) by running Update BU.Obj.Sub to Journal Entry (P09806) if you made changes to your chart of accounts in the Account Master file (F0901). See Section 5.2, "Updating Information from the Account Master File".

  • Run the Audit File Close program (P04514CMP) to update the previous year's 1099 Audit File (F045144) records as processed. The program updates the Close Item field (G4FNLP) to 1 for any unprocessed Type 1 and Type 2 detail records. This prevents users from unintentionally clearing prior year transactions when executing the Create 1099 Audit File (P045144) program.

A/P Ledger Method Process
  • Build the 1099 A/P Workfile (F045143) using the Build A/P Workfile program (P04514FP). See Building the A/P Workfile (F045143)
  • If you need to reset the data in the 1099 A/P Workfile (F045143), you can clear the entire F045143 workfile using the Clear A/P Workfile program (P04CLRFP) or selectively remove data using the Partial Clear A/P Workfile program (P045162), and then rebuild the data using the Build A/P Workfile program (P04514FP).

G/L Method Process
  • Run Create 1099 Audit File (P045144) to build the current year's 1099 audit records. See Creating the 1099 Audit File (F045144)
  • Use the Audit File Review (P045142) program to view audit file records by supplier and voucher detail. You can review details by document number, company, record code, object/subsidiary and by calendar year. In addition, you can create Payment Adjustment records to offset current year processing records. See Reviewing the 1099 Audit File

  • Print the 1099 G/L Audit Register (P04514R2) to review the current year 1099 reportable amounts for each supplier. See Reviewing the 1099 Audit File

  • Print the 1099 Audit Report (P04514R1) to verify the specific detail records by supplier, G/L object account, or by document. See Creating the 1099 Audit File (F045144)

  • Build the 1099 G/L Workfile (F045141) using the Build G/L Workfile program (P04514). See Building the G/L Workfile (F045141)

  • If you need to reset the data in the 1099 G/L Workfile (F045141), you can clear the entire F045141 workfile using the Clear G/L Workfile program (P04CLRFP) or selectively remove data using the Partial Clear G/L Workfile program (P045161), and then rebuild the data using the Build G/L Workfile program (P04514).

Preview and correct 1099 workfile records
  • Print the Preview 1099 Media report (P04512FP) to ensure that the setup and data in the workfiles is correct. Also, use this report to compare against the print copies of the 1099 returns that you generate when you run the Write Media program (P04515). This program merges data from the F045143, F045141, and F045145 workfiles into the 1099 Combined Workfile (F04514). See Running the Preview 1099 Media Report
  • Verify error messages on the Preview 1099 Media report. Correct invalid or missing tax IDs or alternate/related address combining issues in the Address Book, properly update the 2nd TIN field in the 1099-Tax Information program, and run the 1099 Supplier/Company Refresh program (P045190) instead of rebuilding the workfiles. See Updating the 1099 Workfiles

  • Enter 1099 adjustments to:

    Correct 1099 amounts or type of return

    Add 1099 information for back-up withholding or for missing or legacy system reportable 1099 amounts.

    Delete transactions erroneously included in 1099 workfile

    See Updating the 1099 Workfiles

  • Finalize your reportable 1099 amounts prior to printing 1099 forms by running the Preview 1099 Media report again with the Minimum Amount processing option set to 1to verify your reportable 1099 amounts. Use this final report to compare and verify amounts and mailing information on the print copies of the 1099 returns.

    See Running the Preview 1099 Media Report

Generate 1099 Returns