about ATG Web Services, About ATG Web Services, About Web Services in the ATG Platform
acceptJSONInput, acceptJSONInput
accessing ATG Web Services from .NET clients, Accessing ATG Web Services from .NET Clients
accessing ATG Web Services from Java clients, Accessing ATG Web Services from Java Clients
ActionScript client library
REST Web Services, ActionScript Client Library
add-item tag, item-descriptor Child Tags
addItem operations, addItem
AddService, Adding Repository Items
data validation, Adding Repository Items
allowAccessForUnsecuredRepository, allowAccessForUnsecuredRepository
appendMultiValuesByDefault, appendMultiValuesByDefault
arg1 functional parameter, Positional Parameters
asynchronous requests, Identifying a Response
ATG client libraries
REST Web Services, ATG Client Libraries
ATG Web Services, ATG Web Services, Deploying Web Services
atg-rest-form-tag-priorities, Form Value Priority
atg-rest-null, Setting Properties to Null
atg-rest-output, Choosing Output Markup
atg-rest-property-filters, Filtering for One Request
atg-rest-return-form-handler-exceptions, Returning Form Handler Exceptions
atg-rest-return-form-handler-properties, Returning Form Handler Properties
atg-rest-show-rest-paths, Multiple Values in Output
atg-rest-transient, Transient Items
atg-rest-user-input, Identifying a Response
atg.adapter.integrations.ChangedPropertyBean, ChangedPropertyBean
atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepository, IntegrationRepository
atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryItem, IntegrationRepositoryItem
atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor, IntegrationRepositoryItemDescriptor
atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView , IntegrationRepositoryView
Atg.DotNet.WebService API, Using the Atg.DotNet.WebService API to Serialize and Deserialize RepositoryItems
Atg.DotNet.WebService.ComplexType, Complex Type Class
Atg.DotNet.WebService.NoSuchPropertyException, NoSuchPropertyException Class
Atg.DotNet.WebService.Property, Property Class
Atg.DotNet.WebService.RepositoryItem, RepositoryItem Class
Atg.DotNet.WebService.RepositoryItemRef, RepositoryItemRef Class
Atg.DotNet.WebService.RepositoryItemSerializationException, RepositoryItemSerializationException Class
atg.integrations.BaseCommand, Implementing the RPC API
atg.integrations.BaseCommandHandler, Implementing the RPC API
atg.integrations.Command interface, Command Interface
atg.integrations.CommandHandler interface, CommandHandler Interface
atg.integrations.CommandResults, CommandResult Class
atg.integrations.MapRPCDroplet, Executing Commands in Pages
atg.repository.databinding.MappingRepositoryItem, atg.repository.databinding.MappingRepositoryItem
atg.repository.RepositoryService, RepositoryService Class
atg.repository.xml.AddService, Adding Repository Items
atg.repository.xml.GetService, Getting Repository Items
atg.repository.xml.RemoveService, Removing Repository Items
atg.repository.xml.UpdateService, Updating Repository Items
atg.repository.xml.XMLSchemaManager, Managing Schemas and Mapping Files
client stubs for .NET, Client Stubs, Using the Atg.DotNet.WebService API to Serialize and Deserialize RepositoryItems
deserializing RepositoryItems, Web Services that Access RepositoryItems
installing, Installing ATGWS.dll
serializing RepositoryItems, Web Services that Access RepositoryItems
calling Web Services using, Calling ATG Web Services from a Java Client


client stubs for .NET, Client Stubs
client stubs for Java clients (see static Web Service calls)
command operations
addItem, addItem
executeQuery, executeQuery
getItem, getItem
Integration Repository, Command Operations
removeItem, removeItem
updateItem, updateItem
CommandHandlers, CommandHandler Interface
CommandResults, CommandResult Class
commands, Command Interface
executing, Command Interface
executing in pages, Executing Commands in Pages
invoking, Command Interface
component properties
getting, Getting Component Properties
in REST Web Services, Working with Component Properties
setting, Setting Component Properties
REST path for, REST Web Services URLs
of the REST Web Services server, Configuring the REST Server
Content-Type, Setting the Content-Type Value
control parameters, Control Parameters
CookieContainer, Sharing Sessions, Writing a CookieContainer Class, Session Sharing
.Net client example, Sample Web Service Calls
Java client example, Creating a Call Using a Client Stub (Static), Creating a Call Using the Dynamic Invocation Interface (Dynamic)
curl command-line utility, Client Software
custom Web Services, Creating Custom Web Services


data binding
repository to XML (see repository to XML data binding)
data validation, Adding Repository Items, Updating Repository Items
date format
REST, Date Format in Returned Data
date format in REST input, Date Format in Input
default-acl, Quick Setup for Testing
defaultOutputCustomizer, Choosing Output Markup, defaultOutputCustomizer
definition files
Integration Repository, Defining an Integration Repository, Integration Repository Definition File
derived properties
updating, updateItem
derived-properties tag, item-descriptor Child Tags
deserializing content on the client side, Creating a Serializer and Deserializer, Using the Atg.DotNet.WebService API to Serialize and Deserialize RepositoryItems
dot Net clients (see .NET clients)
Integration Repository, item-descriptor Child Tags
repository to XML mapping files, Mapping Files
dynamic Web Service calls, Creating a Call Using the Dynamic Invocation Interface (Dynamic)
distinction from static calls, Calling ATG Web Services from a Java Client
limitations, Calling ATG Web Services from a Java Client
Dynamo Administration UI
Web Service creation wizard, Web Service Creation Wizard, Using the JMS Message Web Service Wizard
Web Service registry, Managing Web Services
Web Service security manager, Creating and Editing Security Configurations


enableFormatDateOutput, enableFormatDateOutput for JSON, enableFormatDateOutput for XML
errors, Errors and Exceptions
exceptions, Errors and Exceptions
returning for form handlers, Returning Form Handler Exceptions
executeQuery operations, executeQuery
expand attribute, Suppressing Property Expansion for Specific Properties
external users
logging into REST Web Services server, Logging In as an External User


filter depth
specifying default, Specifying the Filter Depth
specifying for one request, Filtering for One Request
filtering templates, Filtering Templates
filteringConfiguration.xml, Default Filtering
form handlers
form value priority, Form Value Priority
invoking with the REST Web Services, Invoking Form Handlers
returning exceptions, Returning Form Handler Exceptions
returning properties, Returning Form Handler Properties
submitting form values, Submitting Form Values
form values
priority, Form Value Priority
functional parameters, Functional Parameters
positional, Positional Parameters


generateXMLSchema utility, XML Schemas
get-item tag, item-descriptor Child Tags
getItem operations, getItem
GetService, Getting Repository Items


status codes, HTTP Status Codes
HTTP methods
for REST Web Services, HTTP Methods
HTTP requests, HTTP Requests


input values
REST Web Services, Input Values
Installing ATGWS.dll, Installing ATGWS.dll
Integration Data repository, Persistent Caching
cleaning up, Cleaning up the Persistent Cache
Integration Repository, Using the Integration Repository
APIs, Integration Repository APIs
architecture, Architecture
command operations, Command Operations
definition files, Defining an Integration Repository, Integration Repository Definition File
DTD, item-descriptor Child Tags
examples, Configuration Examples
operations, Architecture
persistent cache, Persistent Caching
queries, IntegrationRepositoryView
setting up, Setting Up an Integration Repository
IntegrationRepository component, Defining an Integration Repository, IntegrationRepository
IntegrationRepositoryView, Architecture
internal users
logging into REST Web Services server, Logging In as an Internal User
item-descriptor tag, item-descriptor tag


logging in
as internal user, Logging In as an Internal User
external users, Logging In as an External User
to the REST Web Services server, Logging In
logging out
of the REST Web Services server, Logging Out


mapping files
DTD, Mapping Files
example, Mapping Files
repository to XML data binding, Mapping Files
MappingRepositoryItem, atg.repository.databinding.MappingRepositoryItem
maxDepthAllowed, maxDepthAllowed
message body parameters, Message Body Parameters
Content-Type, Setting the Content-Type Value
MessageImporter component, Structure of a JMS Web Service
invoking with the REST Web Services, Invoking Component Methods
multiple values
in REST Web Services output, Multiple Values in Output
JSON input for, Multiple Values in Input
replacing in a repository item property, Multiple Values in Input


XML Schema, Getting Repository Items
Nucleus component Web Services, Using the Wizard
Nucleus components
REST, ATG Platform REST Web Services
null values in REST input, Setting Properties to Null


object values for properties, Object Values in Input
nested multiple value objects, Nested Multiple Value Objects in Input
repository items, Architecture
output markup
REST Web Services, Choosing Output Markup


control, Control Parameters
functional, Functional Parameters
JSON markup, JSON Parameter Markup
message body, Message Body Parameters
URL query string markup, URL Query String Parameter Markup
XML markup, XML Parameter Markup
Patch Bay configuration for JMS Web Services, Patch Bay Configuration
persistent cache (see Integration Data repository)
positional parameters, Positional Parameters
POST method
handling as other methods, Handling POST Requests as Other Methods
property filtering for REST requests, Filtering Priority
returning for form handlers, Returning Form Handler Properties
property aliasing, Property Aliasing
property filtering, Property Filtering
propertyElementNameSeparator, PropertyElementNameSeparator


executeQuery operation, executeQuery
Integration Repository, IntegrationRepositoryView
query string
parameters, URL Parameters
query tag, item-descriptor Child Tags


Remote Procedure Calls, Remote Procedure Calls
APIs, RPC API Architecture
exception handling, Exception Handling
remove-item tag, item-descriptor Child Tags
removeItem operations, removeItem
RemoveService, Removing Repository Items
removing repository items, Removing Repository Items
REST path for, REST Web Services URLs
repository item properties
appending values, Multiple Values in Input
replacing multiple values, Multiple Values in Input
retrieving, Retrieving a Specific Property
repository items
adding, Adding a Repository Item
deleting, Deleting a Repository Item
generating from XML documents, Adding Repository Items
listing, Listing Repository Items
REST Web Services, Working with Repositories
retrieving, Retrieving a Repository Item
setting properties, Setting Repository Item Properties
transforming into XML documents, Getting Repository Items
transient, Transient Items
repository to XML data binding, Repository to XML Data Binding
mapping files, Mapping Files
XML Schemas, XML Schemas
repository to XML mapping files
DTD, Mapping Files
example, Mapping Files
repository Web Services, Using the Repository Web Service Wizard
limitations, Repository Web Service Limitations
Repository XML schema
generating, Generating an XML Schema
mapping file, Creating a Mapping File
deserializing, Creating a Serializer and Deserializer, Using the Atg.DotNet.WebService API to Serialize and Deserialize RepositoryItems
serializing, Creating a Serializer and Deserializer, Using the Atg.DotNet.WebService API to Serialize and Deserialize RepositoryItems
Web Service calls from Java clients, RepositoryItems, Web Services that Access RepositoryItems
XML schema for Web Service calls, Creating a Call Using a Client Stub (Static)
RepositoryService class, RepositoryService Class
Nucleus components, ATG Platform REST Web Services
REST module
Starting, Starting the REST module
REST property filtering
filtering priority, Filtering Priority
filtering templates, Filtering Templates
REST sessions
starting, Starting a Session Without Logging In
REST Web Services, Using REST Web Services
ATG client libraries, Client Software, ATG Client Libraries
client software, Client Software
configuring the server, Configuring the REST Server
control parameters, Control Parameters
functional parameters, Functional Parameters
identifying a response, Identifying a Response
input values, Input Values
invoking JSPs, Invoking Java Server Pages (JSPs)
output markup, Choosing Output Markup
property aliasing, Property Aliasing
property filtering, Property Filtering
repository items, Working with Repositories
returned data, Returned Data
security, Security for REST Web Services
return depth, Return Depth
return values
controlling property expansion, Suppressing Property Expansion
returnFormHandlerExceptionsByDefault, returnFormHandlerExceptionsByDefault
returnFormHandlerPropertiesByDefault, returnFormHandlerPropertiesByDefault
RPCs (see Remote Procedure Calls)
RQL queries, Performing RQL Queries


Scenario Manager
receiving messages from JMS Web Services, Patch Bay Configuration
SchemaManager component, Managing Schemas and Mapping Files
REST Web Services, Security for REST Web Services
Serializing content on the client side, Creating a Serializer and Deserializer, Using the Atg.DotNet.WebService API to Serialize and Deserialize RepositoryItems
service endpoint interface, Service Endpoint Interface and Implementation Class
service interface class, Service Endpoint Interface and Implementation Class
session identifiers
for REST Web Services session, Handling Session Identifiers
session sharing
example, Creating a Call Using a Client Stub (Static), Creating a Call Using the Dynamic Invocation Interface (Dynamic), Sample Web Service Calls
sharing (.NET clients), Sharing Sessions, Session Sharing
showRestPaths, showRestPaths for JSON, showRestPaths for XML
startSession(), Starting a Session Without Logging In
static Web Service calls, Creating a Call Using a Client Stub (Static)
creating and compiling stubs, Creating a Call Using a Client Stub (Static)
creating and compiling the client, Creating a Call Using a Client Stub (Static)
distinction from dynamic calls, Calling ATG Web Services from a Java Client
WSDL, Creating a Call Using a Client Stub (Static)
status codes, HTTP, HTTP Status Codes
stubs (see client stubs) (see client stubs for .NET)


filtering, Filtering Templates
time zone
in REST dates, Date Format in Returned Data


updateItem operations, updateItem
derived properties, updateItem
UpdateService, Updating Repository Items
data validation, Updating Repository Items
updating repository items
from XML documents, Updating Repository Items
URL parameters, URL Parameters
URL query string markup
for parameters, URL Query String Parameter Markup
REST Web Services, REST Web Services URLs


validating data
AddService, Adding Repository Items
UpdateService, Updating Repository Items


Web Service security, Web Service Security
NucleusSecurityManager, Security Components
NucleusSecurityRepository, Security Components
Web Services
Administration UI, Web Service Creation Wizard, Using the JMS Message Web Service Wizard, Using the Repository Web Service Wizard
ATG Web Services, ATG Web Services, Deploying Web Services
before calling from .NET, Before You Begin Using a .NET Client
before calling from Java clients, Before You Begin Using a Java Client
calling from .NET clients, Accessing ATG Web Services from .NET Clients, Calling ATG Web Services from a .NET Client
calling from Java clients, Accessing ATG Web Services from Java Clients, Calling ATG Web Services from a Java Client, Creating a Call Using the Dynamic Invocation Interface (Dynamic)
client stubs for .NET, Client Stubs
custom Web Services, Creating Custom Web Services
deploying, Deploying Web Services
generating, Automatic Generation of Web Services
infrastructure, Creating and Using Web Services in the ATG Platform
JMS messages, Creating JMS Web Services
limitations, Limitations
managing, Managing Web Services
naming restrictions, Naming Restrictions
Nucleus component methods, Using the Wizard
overview, Overview of ATG Web Services Support
repository items, Using the Repository Web Service Wizard
REST, Using REST Web Services
runtime classes, Runtime Classes
security, Session and Security Support, Security, Sharing Sessions, Security, Session Sharing, Client Stubs
transactions, Transactions, Transactions
wizard, Web Service Creation Wizard, Using the JMS Message Web Service Wizard
web.xml files, web.xml File
WSDL documents, WSDL Document


XML documents
generating from repository items, Getting Repository Items
transforming into repository items, Adding Repository Items
updating repository items, Updating Repository Items
XML markup
for parameters, XML Parameter Markup
XML output, XML Output
XML SchemaManager component, Managing Schemas and Mapping Files
XML Schemas
for Web Services, Creating a Serializer and Deserializer
generation utility, XML Schemas
itemRef attribute, Item References
namespace, Getting Repository Items
references to other repository items, Item References
repository to XML data binding, XML Schemas

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