ATGWS.dll is a library that includes a stub class for each Oracle ATG Web Commerce Web Service. It also provides the Atg.DotNet.WebService API used for serializing and deserializing RepositoryItems. All users who want to access Oracle ATG Web Commerce Web Services from a .NET client should install ATGWS.dll. You need two versions of ATGWS.dll on your system. One version lives in you Global Assembly Cache (GAC) so ASP.NET is able to access it when compiling the Web Service call. Another version should exist in a location that VS.NET recognizes.

The instructions provided here direct you to use GACutil, a utility provided by .NET, although you can use any utility that can install ATGWS.dll to the Assembly folder in your windows directory. While the library does not need to live on the same machine as .NET, .NET needs to be able to access it.

To install ATGWS.dll:

Keep in mind that each time you install a new version of ATGWS.dll, it coexists with older versions. The latest version of ATGWS.dll will instruct the .NET client to use it. There’s no need to uninstall ATGWS.dll when you want to install a new version. Remember when you do install new versions, you need to update references in VS.NET to the old version of ATGWS.dll. If you’d like to remove all versions of ATGWS.dll, use this command in a command prompt:

<DotNetdir> gacutil/u <ATG10dir>/DAS/os_specific_files/i486-unknown-

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