The item-descriptor tag has five possible child tags:

The operations defined by these tags are also described in the Command Operations section.

query Tag

This configures the behavior of the Integration Repository when the executeQuery method is called on the RepositoryView for items of this type.

query Tag Attributes

This is the Nucleus path to the Command implementation that will perform the query of the remote system.

If the default view class is not sufficient for querying items of this type, this subclass of atg.adapter.integrations.IntegrationRepositoryView will be used for queries instead.

This is the same as the SQL repository attribute of the same name. How many queries will be cached at a time?

The time in milliseconds that each query cache entry remains valid.

get-item Tag

This configures the behavior of the Integration Repository when getItem is called for repository items of this type.

get-item Tag Attributes

This is the Nucleus path to the Command implementation that will get the item from the remote system. Usually, the Command for getting is the same as the Command for querying.

If this attribute is set to true then a locally cached value will be used in cases that the Command fails. For example, if the remote system is unavailable, the locally cached item will be returned to the user. If the remote item has never been retrieved before, this attribute has no effect.

update-item Tag

This configures the behavior of the Integration Repository when updateItem is called for repository items of this type. It can optionally contain a derived-properties Tag as a child element. See updateItem and Derived Properties in the Command Operations section.

update-item Tag Attributes

This is the Nucleus path to the Command implementation that will update the item in the remote system.

If the mapping file that is defined on the item descriptor is insufficient for creating input to the update Command, a different mapping file can be configured here. One common use for this is to exclude read-only properties from the input.

This defines the behavior in response to a CommandTimeoutException thrown by the update item Command. If this is not set, then the repository’s defaultTimeoutResponse property will be used instead. The possible settings for this attribute are: ROLLBACK, INVALID, UNKNOWN, IGNORE. The default is ROLLBACK.

If this is set to true, then only properties that have changed will be passed to the update item Command. The external-id-property is always included.

If this is set to true, then the Integration Repository will look in the CommandResult for new property values. Any values that appear in the result will be set on the local value of the item.

If this is set to true, then if the only changed property on the item is the external ID property, no call to the update item Command will be made.

add-item Tag

This configures the behavior of the Integration Repository when addItem is called for repository items of this type.

add-item Tag Attributes

This is the Nucleus path to the Command implementation that will add the item to the remote system.

If the mapping file that is defined on the item descriptor is insufficient for creating input to the add Command, a different mapping file can be configured here. One common use for this is to exclude read-only properties from the input.

This defines the behavior in response to a CommandTimeoutException thrown by the add item Command. If this is not set, then the repository’s defaultTimeoutResponse property will be used instead. The possible settings for this attribute are: ROLLBACK, INVALID, UNKNOWN, IGNORE. The default is ROLLBACK.

If this is set to true, then the Integration Repository will look in the CommandResult for new property values. Any values that appear in the result will be set on the local value of the item.

remove-item Tag

This configures the behavior of the Integration Repository when removeItem is called for repository items of this type.

remove-item Tag Attributes

This is the Nucleus path to the Command implementation that will remove the item from the remote system.

This defines the behavior in response to a CommandTimeoutException thrown by the remove item Command. If this is not set, then the repository’s defaultTimeoutResponse property will be used instead. The possible settings for this attribute are: ROLLBACK, INVALID, UNKNOWN, IGNORE. The default is ROLLBACK.

derived-properties Tag

If your underlying local repository uses the derived properties feature of the SQL repository and you have set changed-properties-only="true" in the update-item element, then you should define a derived-properties element to specify how the derived properties are handled. The derived-properties element is a container for a list of derived properties mapped to some property that is used in the derivation. The derived-properties element can optionally be used as a child element of an update-item Tag. See updateItem and Derived Properties in the Command Operations section. See also SQL Repository Data Models: Derived Properties in the ATG Repository Guide for more information about derived properties.

The derived-properties element contains one or more property tags.

property Tag

The property tag in the Integration Repository definition file is a child element of a derived-properties element.

property Tag Attributes

A property tag in a derived-properties element uses the following attributes:


The name of a property that can be derived from the referenced-property.


The name of a derivation expression of a derived property specified by the name attribute.

If changed-properties-only="true" in the update-item element, then whenever the referenced-property is sent in the update command, the property specified by the name attribute will be as well. See updateItem and Derived Properties in the Command Operations section.

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