The RestComponentHelper and RestRepositoryHelper classes might not support every type of request you want to issue to the server. If this is the case, you can issue a request using the createHttpRequest() method of the RestSession class. There are two versions of this method:

public RestResult createHttpRequest(String pURL, Map<String,Object> pParams, String pMethodType)
public RestResult createHttpRequest(String pURL, Map<String,Object> pParams, Object[] pArguments, String pMethodType)

The following table describes the arguments for each version of this method.




The URL to request, formatted as


The pURL argument must be an absolute URL, including the hostname (and port, if it is not 80). The RestSession class includes a convenience method called getHostString() which returns a string containing the scheme, host, and port number. The caller can then append the remainder of the URL and pass the resulting string as the first argument to this method.


A Map of parameters to submit along with the request.

This argument is the same as it would have been if you made the request using either of the helper classes. It contains parameters which can control certain aspects of the request.


An array of Objects which contain the method parameter values.

Use this argument only for method calls.

The value is the same as it would be if calling the executeMethod() method on the RestComponentHelper class.


The HTTP method for the request: GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.

The class contains constant values for these strings. In short, GET should be used when retrieving data, POST should be used when calling methods, PUT should be used when setting properties, and DELETE is used for deleting repository items. DELETE is not used when interacting with Nucleus components.

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