When you want to use a Web Service that accesses RepositoryItems, you can create a mechanism for translating foreign content into different formats:

Both a serializer and a deserializer will need to understand the RepositoryItem schema. When you create the XML schema and a mapping file, you’ll need some information about the Web Service itself. You can find that information in the sections that describe the Web Service:

Two Repository Web Services, getRepositoryItem and performRQLQuery, require a serializer and deserializer, but they can apply to any RepositoryItems you choose, which is different from the other Web Services that are only available to specific RepositorityItems and item descriptors.

The serializers and deserializers you create require a Repository schema, which you can create by following these steps:

  1. Create a Mapping file that determines which RepositoryItem properties will be captured by the Web Service and returned by the call. See Creating a Mapping File.

  2. Use the generateXMLSchema tool to convert the RepositoryItem class into a standard XML schema. See Generating an XML Schema.

  3. Insert a reference to the XML schema in your instance document, which is a document that represents an instance of the Web Service call. You complete this step when you configure the client stub; see Creating and Compiling a Client Stub for instructions.

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