Managing System Services in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Showing Properties in a Property Group Type

In addition to showing property values by property name or property group name, you can also show property values by property group type.

Example 2-10  Showing Property Groups and Their Types

The listpg subcommand of the svccfg command shows the name and type of each property group.

$ svccfg -s pkg/server listpg
pkg             application
pkg_bui         application
pkg_secure      application
fs              dependency
autofs          dependency
ntp             dependency
network         dependency
general         framework
manifestfiles   framework
start           method
stop            method
tm_common_name  template
$ svccfg -s pkg/server:s11 listpg
pkg        application
general    framework
restarter  framework              NONPERSISTENT

Non-persistent property groups generally hold an active program state. Values of properties in non-persistent property groups are cleared during system boot.

Specify a property group name to show the type of only that property group.

$ svccfg -s pkg/mirror listpg config
config  application
Example 2-11  Listing Properties of a Property Group Type

Use the -g option of the svcprop command to show properties in a specific property group type. Property group types include application, dependency, method, framework, and template.

$ svcprop -g method pkg/server:s11
start/exec astring %{pkg/pkg_root}/lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-server\ %m
start/timeout_seconds count 0
start/type astring method
stop/exec astring %{pkg/pkg_root}/lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-server\ %m %{restarter/contract}
stop/timeout_seconds count 30
stop/type astring method
$ svcprop -g method -p exec pkg/server:s11
start/exec astring %{pkg/pkg_root}/lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-server\ %m
stop/exec astring %{pkg/pkg_root}/lib/svc/method/svc-pkg-server\ %m %{restarter/contract}