Managing System Services in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Showing Descriptions of Properties and Property Groups

The svccfg describe command displays a description of the property groups and properties of a service, including the current values of properties. With no operands, describe shows descriptions of all property groups and properties of the selected service or service instance. Use the -v option to show more information, including a description of the current value and a list of possible values. Use the -t option to show template information.

$ svccfg -s pkg/server describe network/restart_on
network/restart_on astring     none
    Determines whether to restart the service due to a dependency refresh, restart, or failure.
$ svccfg -s pkg/server describe -v network/restart_on
network/restart_on astring     none
    type: astring
    required: true
    Determines whether to restart the service due to a dependency refresh, restart, or failure.
    visibility: readwrite
    minimum number of values: 1
    maximum number of values: 1
  value: none
    value description: Never restart due to dependency refresh, restart, or failure.
  value constraints:
    value name: none
    value name: error
    value name: restart
    value name: refresh