Managing System Services in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014

Invoking svccfg Interactively or With a File

Invoking the svccfg command interactively as shown in the following example can be convenient when you want to perform several configuration operations.

$ svccfg
svc:> select pkg/server
svc:/application/pkg/server> list
svc:/application/pkg/server> add s11
svc:/application/pkg/server> select s11
svc:/application/pkg/server:s11> setprop pkg/inst_root=/export/ipsrepos/Solaris11
svc:/application/pkg/server:s11> setprop pkg/port=81
svc:/application/pkg/server:s11> unselect
svc:/application/pkg/server> add oss
svc:/application/pkg/server> select oss
svc:/application/pkg/server:oss> setprop pkg/inst_root=/export/ipsrepos/SolarisStudio
svc:/application/pkg/server:oss> setprop pkg/port=82
svc:/application/pkg/server:oss> unselect
svc:/application/pkg/server> list
svc:/application/pkg/server> refresh
svc:/application/pkg/server> select pkg/mirror:default
svc:/application/pkg/mirror:default> listprop config/crontab_period
config/crontab_period astring     "30 2 25 * *"
svc:/application/pkg/mirror:default> setprop config/crontab_period="00 3 25 * *"
svc:/application/pkg/mirror:default> refresh
svc:/application/pkg/mirror:default> exit

The same commands given at the interactive prompts in the preceding example could also be provided in a file and executed with a command such as the following command.

$ svccfg -f cfgpkgrepos