Managing Serial Networks Using UUCP and PPP in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

How to Add PAP Support to the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine)

This procedure uses as examples the PPP configuration files that were introduced in How to Define Communications Over the Serial Line. The procedure configures the dial-out machine that belongs to user2, as shown in Figure 2–3.

  1. Log in to the dial-out machine as superuser.
  2. Modify the /etc/ppp/options file.

    The next /etc/ppp/options file contains options for PAP support, which are shown in bold.

    # cat /etc/ppp/options
    name user2
    name user2

    Sets user2 as the PAP name of the user on the local machine. If the login option is used, the PAP name must be the same as the user's UNIX user name in the password database.


    States that the dial-out machine must authenticate callers before establishing the link.

    Note - This dial-out machine demands authentication from its peers, even though most dial-out machines do not make this demand. Either way is acceptable.

    Demands PAP credentials from the peer.

  3. Create an /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file for the remote machine myserver.

    The next example shows how to add PAP support to the existing /etc/ppp/peers/myserver file that was created in How to Define the Connection With an Individual Peer.

    # cat /etc/ppp/peers/myserver
    idle 120
    user user2
    remotename myserver
    connect "chat -U 'mypassword' -f /etc/ppp/mychat"

    The new options in bold add PAP requirements for peer myserver.

    user user2

    Defines user2 as the user name of the local machine

    remotename myserver

    Defines myserver as a peer that requires authentication credentials from the local machine

See also

The following list provides references to related information.