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Updated: July 2014

jserverrc (4)


jserverrc - Initialization File for Japanese Language Multiclient Server (jserver)




jserverrc is used to set the environment for using a Japanese language multiclient server. It is read when jserver is started. The following items are set:

  1. Dictionary Read at Startup

    readfile dictionary_filename

    Specifies the dictionary file name to be read when the server is started. The specified dictionary will be read when the server is started and the server will wait until the subprocess has completed. This allows saving the time that would be required to read the dictionary when each client starts. Add a colon (:) to the front of the file name to make jserver read the file when wnnds is being used.

  2. Maximum Number of Fixed Environments

    max_sticky_env maximum_number_of_fixed_environments

    Sets the maximum number of environments that can be set. A "fixed environment" is one whose startup settings are recorded even after the environment is ended. This enables faster startup times because environment settings can be skipped for following startups. The default is 10.

  3. Directory Where Server Administers Dictionaries

    jserver_dir text_string

    Specifies the path of the directory where the server will administer dictionaries. The user's frequency file and dictionaries will be kept in the specified directory. The default is /usr/local/lib/dic/ . @LIBDIR and @LANG notation can be used.


    Default environment file directory path name (/usr/lib/wnn ).


    Language determined when jserver is created. "ja_JP" for jserver.

  4. Kana-Kanji Conversion Parameters

    def_param number_0. . .number_16

    Specify Kana-Kanji conversion parameters and pseudo-part of speech frequency. Defaults are given in parentheses.


    N for N (long) phrase analysis (5)


    Maximum number of short phrases in a long phrase (10)


    Main word frequency parameter (2)


    Short phrase length parameter (45)


    Main word length parameter (0)


    Bit parameter to indicate immediate previous usage (80)


    Dictionary parameter (5)


    Short phrase evaluation parameter (1)


    Long phrase length parameter (20)


    Number of short phrases parameter (0)


    Pseudo-part of speech "number" frequency (400)


    Pseudo-part of speech "Kana" frequency (–100)


    Pseudo-part of speech "English number" frequency (400)


    Pseudo-part of speech "symbol" frequency (80)


    Pseudo-part of speech "closing parentheses" frequency (200)


    Pseudo-part of speech "auxillary word" frequency (2)


    Pseudo-part of speech "opening parentheses" frequency (200)

    Specify integers for the above parameters.

    The following parameters are tuned automatically:

    • Main word frequency parameter

    • Short phrase length parameter

    • Main word length parameter

    • Bit parameter to indicate immediate previous usage

    • Short phrase evaluation parameter

    • Long phrase length parameter

    • Number of short phrases parameter

  5. Upper Limits of Kana-Kanji Conversion Parameters

    max_param number_0. . .number_16

    Specifies the upper limits of the Kana-Kanji conversion parameters. The meaning and order of items are the same as for def_param specifications. The default value will be set if the upper limit of autotuned parameters is smaller than the default value. The default value will be set for parameters that are not autotuned if the upper limit and the default differ. If an upper limit is set more than once, the last setting will be used.

  6. Lower Limits of Kana-Kanji Conversion Parameters

    min_param number_0. . .number_16

    Specifies the lower limit of Kana-Kanji conversion parameters. The meaning and order of items is the same as for def_param specifications. The default value will be set if the lower limit of autotuned parameters is larger than the default value. The default value will be set for parameters that are not autotuned if the lower limit and the default differ. If a lower limit is set more than once, the last setting will be used.

  7. Character Code Specifications of Pseudo-part of Speech "English Number"

    set_giji_eisuu character_code. . .

    The specified character codes can be used in addition to English alphanumerics in pseudo-phrase conversion as the "English number" pseudo-part of speech.

    Character codes can be specified in hexadecimal, decimal, or octal notation. The following are possible.

    '  '(SPACE)
    0x20 \x20 32 040 \o40
    '  '
    '  '
    ' –'
    ' –'
  8. dictionary OnDisk function


    It will be described when dictionary OnDisk function is not in use, and dictionary OnDisk function will be in using when the item is not described.

    The memory usage can be reduced by using dictionary OnDisk function.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:


See also
